Winston Miller The Man Who Came Back Kentucky Pride Le Cheval de fer In Youth, Beside the Lonely Sea Little Church Around the Corner Ask Dad Stella Dallas The Love Piker La Poursuite Infernale One Body Too Many They Made Me a Killer La Cité de la peur La Révolte des dieux rouges Les Conquérants De Carson City Tension at Table Rock Horizons lointains Massacre à Furnace Creek Escapade in Japan Song of Texas Man from Cheyenne Dick Tracy Terreur À l'Ouest Terreur À l'Ouest Le Dernier Bastion Home in Indiana April Love The Blazing Forest Carolina Moon The Longest Hundred Miles The Boy from Oklahoma Think It Over A Private's Affair Double Exposure Double Exposure Prairie Stranger Mardi Gras Du sang dans la sierra Le Vagabond des bois maudits Good Morning, Judge À l'ombre des potences The Medico of Painted Springs Heart of the Rio Grande The Royal Mounted Patrol The Vigilantes Are Coming The Painted Stallion The Aquarians Lucy Gallant Escapade in Japan Female Artillery Follow That Woman Hong Kong Indict and Convict Indict and Convict Tripoly Tripoly Danger Street Danger Street L'Appel de l'or