Turhan Bey Possessed by the Night Intrigues en orient La tombe de la momie Crazy House The Amazing Mr. X Les Mille et Une Nuits Ali Baba et les Quarante Voleurs The Gay Falcon Footsteps in the Dark La Passion du docteur Hohner Shadows on the Stairs Parole, Inc. Dead End Kids Go To War The Mad Ghoul Hollywood Chinese The Stendhal Syndrome or My Dinner with Turhan Bey Les Fils du dragon Destination Unknown Sudan White Savage NUIT AU PARADIS Drums of the Congo Danger in the Pacific Adventures of Casanova The Skateboard Kid II Song of India Prisoners of the Casbah Frisco Sal Out of the Blue Raiders of the Desert Burma Convoy Bombay Clipper Bowery to Broadway Unseen Enemy Junior G-Men of the Air Virtual Combat The Falcon Takes Over The Adventures of Smilin' Jack Universal Horror Johnny Walker Twenty Years After La Femme gorille The Opera Ghost: A Phantom Unmasked Healer Stolen Identity Seaquest - Police des mers VR.5 Babylon 5 Le Visiteur Babylon 5 Arabesque