Sally Forrest Le fils de Sinbad The Kissing Bandit Match d'amour My Blue Heaven La Pluie qui chante Are You With It? Monsieur Belvédère au collège Scene of the Crime Flame of Youth La Cinquième Victime La Vallée de la vengeance Code Two Le Château de la terreur Le Mystère de la plage perdue Excuse My Dust Jeu, set et match The Strip Faire face Avant de t'aimer Ride The High Iron Bannerline Dancing in the Dark Le Mystérieux Docteur Korvo Howard Hughes: His Women and His Movies Want Ad Wedding Cher Oncle Bill Studio One General Electric Theater Rawhide The Millionaire Lux Video Theatre Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Climax! The Dinah Shore Chevy Show Suspense Rawhide The Ed Sullivan Show Climax! Climax!