Twelve Monkeys

Twelve Monkeys 1995


Anns a’ bhliadhna 2035, tha an ciontach Seumas Cole gu deònach saor-thoileach a chuir air ais ann an tìm gus faighinn a-mach cò às a thàinig bhìoras marbhtach a chuir às do cha mhòr sluagh na talmhainn gu lèir agus a thug air an fheadhainn a thàinig beò a dhol a-steach do choimhearsnachdan fon talamh. Ach nuair a thèid Cole a chuir gu mearachdach gu 1990 an àite 1996, tha e air a chur an grèim agus glaiste ann an ospadal inntinn. An sin bidh e a’ coinneachadh ris an eòlaiche-inntinn Dr Kathryn Railly, agus an euslainteach Jeffrey Goines, mac eòlaiche bhìoras ainmeil, a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith aig an iuchair don bhuidheann dìomhair dìomhair, Arm nan 12 Monkeys, a thathas a ’smaoineachadh a tha an urra ris a’ ghalair mharbhtach a leigeil ma sgaoil.



Gold 2022




Baccano! 2007


During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. Takes place in the same universe as Durarara (2010).


Nowhere Man

Nowhere Man 1995


Thomas Veil is a documentary photographer who, in the course of one evening, seemingly has his whole existence erased...


Population 11

Population 11 2024


When American Andy pulls into a tiny Australian outback town to visit his father, he’s alarmed to discover that Hugo has vanished. He soon finds himself in increasing danger in a town full of secrets, where everyone is a suspect.


Strangers from Hell

Strangers from Hell 2019


Unpleasant events disturb the life of an aspiring crime fiction writer when he becomes a resident of an apartment building teeming with shady neighbors.


The Synanon Fix: Did the Cure Become a Cult?

The Synanon Fix: Did the Cure Become a Cult? 2024


Explore the rise and fall of the Synanon organization — through the eyes of the members who lived it — from its early days as a groundbreaking drug rehabilitation program to its later descent into what many consider a cult.



Karaoke 1996


Daniel Feeld, writer of the film Karaoke, starts to believe that his characters are coming alive.