Ernest Whitman The Get-Away Third Finger, Left Hand The Prisoner of Shark Island King for a Day Among the Living Banjo 6,000 Enemies White Hunter They Gave Him a Gun Tell No Tales Pacific Liner ג'סי ג'יימס חלף עם הרוח Blonde Savage סוף שבוע אבוד The Sun Shines Bright The Green Pastures Stormy Weather The Pittsburgh Kid Goldilocks and the Jivin' Bears The Return of Frank James שביל סנטה פה Buck Benny Rides Again סיפורו של דייל ארנהרדט Castle on the Hudson Mystery Sea Raider Maryland Safari Congo Maisie Half-Pint Pygmy Cabin in the Sky Road to Zanzibar My Brother Talks to Horses Daughter of Shanghai Daughter of Shanghai The Beulah Show