कीवर्ड Miyamoto Musashi
宮本武蔵 1954
続宮本武蔵 一乗寺の決闘 1955
宮本武蔵 1961
宮本武蔵 巌流島の決斗 1965
宮本武蔵 1973
宮本武蔵 ―双剣に馳せる夢― 2009
真剣勝負 1971
宮本武蔵 般若坂の決斗 1962
宮本武蔵 二刀流開眼 1963
宮本武蔵 一乗寺の決斗 1964
武蔵-むさし- 2019
宮本武蔵 1944
巌流島 小次郎と武蔵 1992
Miyamoto Musashi 2014
Musashi Miyamoto left his village and ended up fighting in the battle of Sekigahara with his friend Matahachi, but Musashi Miyamoto lost Matahachi. He goes back to the village to inform Matahachi's family about what happened. At the village, he is persecuted by people there. Musashi Miyamoto becomes worn down physically and mentally. At this time, Soho Takuan appears in front of Musashi Miyamoto. He then rebuilds his life with his sword. Musashi begins to travel for warrior training. He meets many masters of the sword and grows as a person.