Recept za sreću

Recept za sreću 2014


Talentirani kuhar bez dlake na jeziku odluči okrenuti novi list i otvara kamion s brzom hranom. U tom pothvatu pridruži mu se najbolji prijatelj i otuđeni sin koji vidi ovo kao priliku da, kroz ljubav prema kuhanju, ponovo izgradi odnos s ocem.



Juhu-hu 2007


Remy živi u Parizu i ima dovoljno znanja i strasti da postane profesionalni kuhar. No, problem je u tome što je Remy - štakor! Za razliku od ostatka njegove štakorske obitelji, Remy ne želi jesti otpatke iz kanalizacije i uličnih kanti za smeće, nego umjesto toga bira fancy restorane, inspiriran Gusteauom, legendarnim pariškim kuharom. Jedne noći Remy odluči iskušati svoje vještine u Gusteauovoj kuhinji. No, budući da je bio neoprezan, otkrio ga je čistač Linguini, nespretni mladić koji radi u njegovoj kuhinji.Njih dvojica sklapaju dogovor u kojem će Remy poput lutkara navoditi Linguinijeve ruke, skrivajući se pritom ispod njegove kape. Slasna jela koja zajedno spravljaju Gusteauov restoran dovode u centar pažnje pariških istreniranih nepaca, ali postavlja se pitanje - bi li restoran poslovao s jednakim uspjehom kada bi svi znali da se iza poslastica krije jedan štakor?


Život Buba

Život Buba 1998


Mali mrav Flik, u svom mravinjaku živi kao nespretni izumitelj, kog ostali ne vole. Jednog dana slučajno baci hranu, koju su fanatično skupljali za skakavce, koji im svake godine pojedu ‘žrtvu’. Dolaskom skakavaca, u mravinjaku zavlada opsta nervoza, šta li će skakavci učiniti zbog nedostatka žrtve? Skakavci im pruže drugu priliku da se iskupe, i zato Flik dobija novu misiju. Flik mora u potragu za hrabrim ratnicima koji bi mu pomogli da poraze zle skakavce koji prete njegovom domu. Kada umesto ratnika sretne trupu cirkuskih buba, jedino oružje koje imaju na raspolaganju jeste iskreno prijateljstvo i neizmerna snaga mašte..


Sausage Party

Sausage Party 2016


Frank je hrenovka koja sanja o tome da će ju jednoga dana netko kupiti te da će na taj način napustiti supermarket i otići u velika prostranstva koja se kriju van dućana. Međutim, nakon što pogreškom završi odvojen od ostatka svog paketa, Frank će se upustiti na epsko putovanje s jednog kraja supermarketa na drugi tijekom kojeg će otkriti zastrašujuću (i prilično mračnu) istinu o vlastitom postojanju.



Meni 2022


Mladi par putuje na udaljeni otok kako bi večerali u ekskluzivnom restoranu u kojem je kuhar pripremio raskošan jelovnik, uz nekoliko šokantnih iznenađenja.


Oblačno s ćuftama

Oblačno s ćuftama 2009


Pratimo priču o izumitelju Flintu Lockwoodu i oštroumnoj meteorologinji Sam Sparks i njihovom nastojanju da istraže zašto u njihovom gradu s neba ne pada kiša već hrana. Istovremeno, Flintov stari "prijatelj" Brent nastavlja ga maltretirati kao što je to činio kad su bili klinci, a Shelbourne se želi dočepati Flintovog posljednjeg izuma koji bi trebao svakome učiniti život ljepšim.


Oblačno s ćuftama 2

Oblačno s ćuftama 2 2013


Nakon katastrofalne oluje hranom u prvom filmu, Flint i njegovi prijatelji prisiljeni su napustiti svoj grad. Flint prihvaća poziv svoga idola Chestera V da se pridruži kompaniji „The Live Crop“ koja je dobila zadatak čišćenja otoka i u kojoj najbolji izumitelji na svijetu kreiraju tehnologiju za boljitak čovječanstva. Kada Flint otkrije da njegova mašina i dalje radi i sada kreira mutantske hrano-zvijeri poput živih kiselih krastavaca, gladnih tacodila, škampopanza i jabučastih pitona on i njegovi prijatelji moraju se vratiti kako bi spasili svijet.


Gladijatori našeg doba

Gladijatori našeg doba 2019


Uz pomoć znanstvenika i vrhunskih sportaša, UFC borac kreće u potragu za najboljom prehranom za ljudsku izvedbu i zdravlje.



Garfield 2024


Nakon što se njegov divni, lagodni i siti život s Jonom i Odiejem potpuno promijeni dolaskom Garfieldovog oca Vica, Garfield će morati na avanturu koja će ga naučiti nečemu neočekivanom…



Asher 2018


Asher (Ron Perlman) je profesionalni ubojica koji je većinu života primao zapovijedi od Avija (Richard Dreyfuss). Živi samački život, prijatelji su mu fina vina i dobra hrana. Kad Avi preda tri ugovora Asheru radi osvete, plaćeni ubojica uzima posao, ali gubi svijest radi svojih zdravstvenih problema i slučajno ostvaruje kontakt sa Sophie (Famke Janssen), učiteljicom baleta koja je uzrujana zbog svoje majke Dore (Jacqueline Bisset), koja gubi bitku s demencijom. Asher i Sophie se upuštaju u vezu. Asher je prisiljen raditi s Uzijem na grupnom ubojstvu. a kada to krene po zlu, veteran uskoro postaje označen za smrt.


Great British Menu

Great British Menu 2006


Britain's top chefs compete for the chance to cook a four-course banquet for a high-profile figure.


2 Days and 1 Night

2 Days and 1 Night 2007


2 Days & 1 Night is a South Korean reality-variety show with the motto "real wild road variety." Its main concept is to recommend various places of interest that viewers can visit in South Korea.


Next Level Chef

Next Level Chef 2022


The next evolution in cooking competitions, as Gordon Ramsay has designed a one-of-a-kind culinary gauntlet, set on an iconic stage over three stories high, each floor contains a stunningly different kitchen. From the glistening top floor to the challenging bottom of the basement, the ingredients match the environment, because Ramsay believes the true test of great chefs is not only what they can do in the best of circumstances, but what kind of magic they can create in the worst!


House of Knives

House of Knives 2025


Chefs battle with cooking, strategy, and survival skills for the throne. Weekly rulers emerge through cultural challenges, while eliminations and new entries keep six players in play. The winner takes home $100K.


Edward Lee's Country Cook

Edward Lee's Country Cook 2025


Edward Lee and his three friends set out on a culinary journey to find the taste of their grandmother's cooking! They travel around the country, taste seasonal winter ingredients, and reinterpret the recipes of country grandmothers. Will Edward Lee's country cooking be recognized by K-grandmas?


MasterChef Thailand

MasterChef Thailand 2017


Thai version of the competitive cooking reality show, based on the original British series of MasterChef, open to amateur and home chefs.


The Kitchen

The Kitchen 2014


Spend a fun and food-filled morning in The Kitchen with hosts Sunny Anderson, Katie Lee, Jeff Mauro, Marcela Valladolid, and Geoffrey Zakarian. From simple supper ideas, food trend discussions, and family meal tips to trivia games and viewer questions, they'll cover all things fun in food.


Spring Baking Championship

Spring Baking Championship 2015


Eight bakers compete, preparing delicious springtime desserts for the chance to win the grand prize of $50,000.


Pamela's Cooking with Love

Pamela's Cooking with Love 2025


Pamela’s Cooking With Love follows Pamela Anderson as she invites some of today’s most sought-after and buzz-worthy chefs to join her on a stunning rural property on Vancouver Island, where together they’ll prepare delicious plant-based meals to share with family and friends at dinner parties beautifully styled by Pamela.


The Food That Built America

The Food That Built America 2019


The fascinating stories of the families behind the food that built America, those who used brains, muscle, blood, sweat and tears to get to America's heart through its stomach, those who invented new technologies and helped win wars.


Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 2007


Host Guy Fieri takes a cross-country road trip to visit some of America's classic "greasy spoon" restaurants — diners, drive-ins and dives — that have been doing it right for decades.


The Delicious Guys

The Delicious Guys 2015


Four comedians who are famous for their love of food visit restaurants all over Korea to try the popular menus.


Heo's Diner

Heo's Diner 2025


The story follows a character from the Joseon Dynasty who travel 400 years into the future to the modern era and unwittingly open a restaurant, leading to a series of comedic and chaotic events.


Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen 2005


Aspiring restaurateurs brave Ramsay and his fiery command of the kitchen as he puts the competitors through an intense culinary academy to prove they possess the right combination of ingredients to win a life-changing grand prize.


How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom

How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom 2021


Suddenly summoned to a fantasy world and betrothed to the princess, Kazuya Souma is crowned the new king. Unlike the royalty before him, he won’t be using swords and magic to rule; will administrative reform really get this kingdom back on track?


Oh My Ghost

Oh My Ghost 2015


Na Bong Sun may be a skilled sous chef, but she lacks the self-esteem to shine professionally and socially. Beyond her cooking talents, however, is an uncanny ability to communicate with ghosts. One day, her mystic senses go out of control when the seductive ghost of Shin Soon Ae possesses her. Imbued with a fiery new "personality," Bong Sun starts turning heads, including that of Kang Sun Woo, the hottest chef in town and Bong Sun's secret crush!