Mačak u čizmama: Posljednja želja

Mačak u čizmama: Posljednja želja 2022


Mačak je spalio osam od njegovih devet života. Vraćanje tih života, Mačak u čizmama će otići na najveću potragu dosad – na epsko putovanje u Crnu šumu kako bi pronašao mitsku Zvijezdu želja i vratio svoje izgubljene živote. Sa samo jednim preostalim životom, Mačak će se morati poniziti i zatražiti pomoć od svoje bivše partnerice i neprijateljice; zanosne Kitty meke šape. Njihovoj potrazi pridružit će se i brbljavi i veseli Pas. Zajedno će naš herojski trio morati ostati korak ispred zlikovaca.


Čuvari galaksije: Blagdanski specijal

Čuvari galaksije: Blagdanski specijal 2022


U ovom filmu nalazimo Star-Lorda (Chris Pratt), koji se ne može uživjeti u blagdanski duh jer je izgubio svoju ljubav, Gamoru (Zoe Saldana). Ostatak Čuvara ga želi razveseliti, pa odlaze na Zemlju kako bi mu dali (ukrali) najbolji božićni poklon.



Grom 2008


Za superpsa GROMA, svaki je dan pun pustolovina, opasnosti i intriga – barem toliko dugo dok kamere snimaju. Kad zvijezda popularne televizijske serije pogreškom bude poslana iz svog holivudskog studija u New York, kreće na svoju najveću pustolovinu dotad – putovanje zemljom kroz pravi svijet da bi se vratio svojoj vlasnici i kolegici glumici, Penny. Oboružan samo tlapnjom da su svi njegovi nevjerojatni pothvati i moći stvarni te s pomoću dvoje neočekivanih suputnika – iscrpljene napuštene kućne mačke po imenu Mittens i hrčka opsjednutog televizijom po imenu Rhino – Grom otkriva da mu ne trebaju supermoći da bi bio heroj.


Pušteni s lanca

Pušteni s lanca 2023


Kad Reggieja, naivnog, nemilosrdno optimističnog border terijera, napusti na opakim gradskim ulicama njegov nevaljali vlasnik Doug, Reggie je siguran da ga njegov voljeni vlasnik nikada ne bi ostavio namjerno. Ali jednom kada se Reggie spoji s bostonskim terijerom koji brzo govori i psuje Bugom, lutalicom koji voli svoju slobodu i vjeruje da su vlasnici naivčine, Reggie konačno shvaća da je bio u toksičnoj vezi i počinje doživljavati Douga kao bezosjećajnog ljigavca kakav je. Odlučni u potrazi za osvetom, Reggie, Bug i Bugovi prijatelji zajedno kuju plan i upuste se u epsku avanturu kako bi pomogli Reggieju da pronađe put kući... i natjera Douga da plati odgrizajući stvar koji voli najviše.



Scooby-Doo 2002


Zasnovana na likovima iz Scooby-Doo serijala, koju je stvorila Hanna Barbera. Dvije godine nakon sukoba ega prisililo je Mystery Inc. da zatvori svoja vrata, Scooby-Doo i njegovi pametni prijatelji pojedinačno su pozvani na otok Spooky kako bi istražili niz paranormalnih incidenata u zabavnom parku. Vlasnik otoka Spooky Emile Mondavarious pokušava privesti mlade zajedno kako bi riješili misteriju prije nego što njegova natprirodna tajna uplaši gomilu djece s koledža koja ga često prate.


Avanture gospodina Peabodya i Shermana

Avanture gospodina Peabodya i Shermana 2014


Gospodin Peabody je poslovnjak, izumitelj, znanstvenik, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade, gurman, dvostruki osvajač olimpijske medalje, jednom riječju genijalac... koji je slučajno i pas. Koristeći svoje originalne izume gospodin Peabody i njegov prijatelj Sherman putuju kroz vrijeme kako bi iskusili najveće događaje u svjetskoj povijesti.


Scooby Doo!

Scooby Doo! 2020


U filmu ćemo saznati mnoge tajne i činjenice o omiljenoj ekipi koja već desetljećima rješava najsloženije misterije i zadatke. Kako su se Scooby i Shaggy sreli, kako se dvojac potom upoznao s mladim detektivima Fredom, Velmom i Daphne te kako su dospjeli do svog prvog slučaja. Danas, nakon stotinu riješenih slučajeva, Scooby i njegova ekipa suočavaju se sa svojom najvećom i najizazovnijom misterijom ikada: opakim planom da pas duh Cerberus zavlada svijetom! Dok se svi oni utrkuju kako bi zaustavili apokalipsu pasa, Scoobijevi prijatelji otkrivaju njegovu tajnu ostavštinu i epsku sudbinu koja je veća od bilo čega što su mogli zamisliti...


Scooby Doo Povratak na Otok zombija

Scooby Doo Povratak na Otok zombija 2019


Nakon što su otkazali svoje umirovljenje, ekipa Mystery Inc. odluči otići na odmor. Krećući prema vrlo poznatom odredištu, Scooby i prijatelji se još jednom moraju boriti protiv hrpe zombija koji su napali njihovo odmaralište.


Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?

Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 2019


The Mystery Inc. gang solve bigger mysteries while also encountering many memorable celebrities.


Adventure Time

Adventure Time 2010


Unlikely heroes Finn and Jake are buddies who traverse the mystical Land of Ooo. The best of friends, our heroes always find themselves in the middle of escapades. Finn and Jake depend on each other through thick and thin.


Dog with a Blog

Dog with a Blog 2012


Avery Jennings and Tyler James are step-siblings who are complete opposites. The family faces an even bigger adjustment when their new dog, Stan, can talk and also has a blog, unbeknownst to the family. Stan uses his blog to discuss the happenings in the Jennings-James household. Avery and Tyler later learn of Stan's talking ability and agree to keep it a secret from their parents.


What's New, Scooby-Doo?

What's New, Scooby-Doo? 2002


Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang are launched into the 21st century, with new mysteries to solve.


The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo

The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo 1985


Shaggy and Scooby-Doo and friends must return 13 ghosts which they inadvertently released to a magical chest. Together with Daphne and Scrappy-Doo, along with newcomer Flim-Flam, they travel the world facing the ghosts that must be returned to the chest.


Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! 1969


Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and the talking dog, Scooby-Doo, travel on the Mystery Machine van, in search of weird mysteries to solve.


A Pup Named Scooby-Doo

A Pup Named Scooby-Doo 1988


The world's favorite chicken-hearted canine, as a puppy? That's right! And the old gang is back with him. Shaggy, Daphne, Velma, and Freddy are all here as gangly kids — goofing off, solving kid-size mysteries, and having run-ins with ghouls, ghosts, and goblins.



Wishbone 1995


Wishbone is a children's television show. The show's title character is a Jack Russell Terrier of the same name. Wishbone lives with his owner Joe Talbot in the fictional modern town of Oakdale, Texas. He daydreams about being the lead character of stories from classic literature He was known as "the little dog with a big imagination". Only the viewers and the characters in his daydreams can hear Wishbone speak. The characters from his daydreams see Wishbone as whatever famous character he is currently portraying and not as a dog.


101 Dalmatian Street

101 Dalmatian Street 2019


Follow the adventures of eldest siblings Dolly and Dylan, their Mum Delilah and Dad Doug, and their 97 younger brothers and sisters as they embark on urban adventures and extreme sibling rivalry. Together, the pups explore growing up and finding their own spot inside the biggest, messiest, furriest blended family ever.


Downward Dog

Downward Dog 2017


Follow the day-to-day life of Nan as told by her increasingly lonely and philosophical dog, Martin. Just one session at obedience school makes them realize that even at their worst, they may be the best thing for each other. Based on a web series.


Watch My Chops

Watch My Chops 2003


Watch My Chops is an animated series about an intelligent talking dog, Corneil, and his "dog-sitter", Bernie Barges. The series was produced, written, and animated in France, and the English dubbing took place in London. The series was produced by Millimages and aired in the United States on Nicktoons, in the UK on CBBC from 2004-2007 and France on France 3 of december 2003. It starred Keith Wickham, Ben Small, Dian Perry, Dan Russell and Laurence Bouvard and more recently Mark Laidman. In the UK, the show is called Watch My Chops, named after Corneil's catchphrase; in France, it is known as Corneil et Bernie. In the United States, the shows was titled Corneil & Bernie. A DVD of the first season has been released.


100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd

100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd 1999


When the school bully is turned into a talking dog, he can only regain his human form by performing 100 good deeds—with the help of his new owner, the kid who was his last victim.



Loopdidoo 2006


LOOPDIDOO tells the adventures of an eager pup and his 5-year-old human, Petunia. Each day is a new slate for these two best pals, typically bringing much mischief along with fun times together. Sometimes they're joined by Loopdidoo's feline nemesis, Oodles, who keeps the doggy on his toes with his antics.


Bark! Bun Bun

Bark! Bun Bun 1980


Bunbun, an abandoned puppy meets the old Big, also a stray dog. Bunbun will learn to survive in an hostile and strange world.


Dog House

Dog House 1990


Digby is in the Dog House - literally - and none too thrilled about it. Why should he be? After all, he is a police detective, or was... until a car accident transported his brain, voice and personality into Spot the dog. Digby makes for one wisecracking, opinionated St. Bernard who has a unique perspective on humans.


Famous Dog Lassie

Famous Dog Lassie 1996


Famous Dog Lassie is a 1996 Japanese anime series produced by Nippon Animation as the 23rd entry of the World Masterpiece Theater staple. The anime is based on the 1940 novel Lassie Come-Home by Eric Knight and also the second animated Lassie series ever produced, since Lassie's Rescue Rangers.


McDuff, the Talking Dog

McDuff, the Talking Dog 1976


McDuff, The Talking Dog was a Saturday morning live action television program that aired on NBC in 1976. The show centered around the ghost of a 100-year-old sheepdog who used to live in the home now owned by a veterinarian, Dr. Calvin Campbell. McDuff could talk not only to the other animals, but also to Dr. Campbell. However, Dr. Campbell was the only person who could hear or see McDuff, which often led to wacky situations. Dr. Campbell’s neighbor, Amos Ferguson, was played by Gordon Jump, who would later go on to WKRP in Cincinnati fame.


Gaspard and Lisa

Gaspard and Lisa 2011


Gaspard and Lisa are two adventuresome friends from Paris who sometimes find themselves in trouble while they learn about the world around them.