
Pokojni 2006


Dok policija pokušava zaustaviti sve moćniju irsku mafiju, shvaćaju da je pred njima izbor – poslati tajnog agenta u mafiju ili dopustiti da im mafija proklizi krost prste. Billy Costigan je mladi policajac koji se želi dokazati. Collin Sullivan je ulični kriminalac koji se uspješno infiltrirao u redove policije kako bi mogao svaki njihov potez javljati šefu mafije Franku Costellu. Kada Costigan dobije zadatak infiltrirati Costellove snažno čuvane krugove, Sullivan se nađe u situaciji da mora pomoći Billyju prije nego stvari izmaknu kontroli. Dok ulozi stalno rastu, njih dvojica moraju nadmudrivati jedan drugoga i učiniti sve što mogu kako bi razotkrili drugoga, prije nego sami budu otkriveni.



Batman 1989


Gotham City je mračan i opasan grad, u kojem jedinu zaštitu predstavlja ionako korumpirana policija pa sva nastojanja policijskog načelnika i gradonačelnika da ga učine sigurnijim padaju u vodu, sve do pojavljivanja mračnog viteza. Batman (Michael Keaton) je maskirani borac protiv kriminala kojemu nitko ne zna pravi identitet, koji će nagrađivana novinarka Vicki Vale (Kim Basinger) pod svaku cijenu pokušati otkriti. Naizgled težak posao još će više otežati serija nemilosrdnih zločina iza kojih stoji psihotični i nepredvidljivi Joker (Jack Nicholson), koji grad želi pretvoriti u svoje mračno igralište. Jedini koji može spasiti situaciju jest Batman.


Birds of Prey i emancipacija famozne Harley Quinn

Birds of Prey i emancipacija famozne Harley Quinn 2020


Radnja se odvija oko grupe heroina i negativki DC-jevog univerzuma, a glavna zvijezda je Margot Robbie kao famozna Harley Quinn koju smo već imali prilike gledati u filmu Suicide Squad. Nakon razdvajanja s Džokerom, Harley Quinn pridružuje se superherojima Black Canary, Huntressu i Renee Montoya kako bi spasili mladu djevojku od zlog krimi bossa …Harley Quinn predvodi svoju jaku žensku ekipu koju čine: Jurnee Smollett-Bell kao Black Canary, Mary Elizabeth Winstead kao Huntress, Rosie Pere kao Renee Montoya i mlada debitantica Ella Jay Basco kao Cassandra Cain.


Donnie Brasco

Donnie Brasco 1997


Predstavljajući se kao stručnjak za dragulje Donnie Brasco, FBI-ev agent Joe Pistone infiltrira se u nasilnu mafijašku obitelj ubojice Leftyja Ruggiera i počne se identificirati s mafijaškim životom više nego sa svojim vlastitim.



Sleepless 2017


Vincent Downs lasvegaški je policajac koji, zahvaljujući korumpiranom kolegi, bude uvečen u mrežu laži i izdaje. Nakon što pljačka koju je prisiljen izvesti pođe po krivu, skupina okrutnih kriminalaca odluči izravnati račune tako što otmu njegovog sina. Vincent sada ima samo jednu noć da pronađe otmičare, spasi sina i pri tom izbjegne pažnju unutarnje kontrole.



Krojač 2022


Leonard je engleski krojač koji radi za poznatu londonsku tvrtku "Savile Row". No, nakon osobne tragedije, odlazi u Chicago, gdje otvara malu trgovinu u sumnjivom kvartu. Ovdje izrađuje prekrasna odijela za jedine ljude koji imaju novca da ih priušte - obitelj opasnih gangstera.


Povijest nasilja

Povijest nasilja 2005


U uspavanome gradiću Millowbrook u Indiani, mirni čovjek Tom Stall , vlasnik popularne mjesne zalogajnice, uživa u obiteljskom životu sa svojom suprugom Edie i njihovo dvoje djece. No, život mu se preokreće naglavce kada nevjerojatnom vještinom i hladnokrvnošću ubije dvojicu nasilnika koji su u pokušaju pljačke životom zaprijetili Tomovoj zaposlenici.


Američki varalice

Američki varalice 2013


"American Hustle" priča priču o briljantnom prevarantu Irvingu Rosenfeldu (Bale) koji je skupa sa svojom jednako briljantnom britanskom partnericom i ljubavnicom Sydney Prosser (Adams) prisiljen raditi za divljeg rastrojenog agenta FBI-a Richieja DiMasa (Cooper). DiMaso ih oboje gura u podzemni svijet Jerseyja prepunog mafije koji je opasan koliko i zavodljiv. Renner glumi Carmena Polita, strastvenog, promjenljivog političara New Jerseyja uhvaćenog između prevaranata i Federalaca. Irvingova nepredvidljiva supruga Rosalyn (Lawrence) mogla bi biti karika koja nedostaje da se cijeli njihov svijet u potpunosti sruši.


Plan za mirovinu

Plan za mirovinu 2023


Bježeći od bijesnog zločinačkog šefa, Ashley i njezina mala kći prisiljene su potražiti pomoć od njezina oca kojeg nije vidjela jako dugo. Čini se kao obična starija skitnica s plaže, ali učinkovitost kojom se uvijek iznova s ​​lakoćom rješava do zuba naoružanih progonitelja govori o jednom - tata u prošlosti nije bio tako jednostavan.


Sinovi ecstasyja

Sinovi ecstasyja 2025


Britanski financijaš i sin mafijaša bore se za kontrolu nad trgovinom ecstasyjem 1990-ih.



Meksikanac 2001


Da se ne zna što je opasnije bez osigurača, ljubav ili pištolji, pokazat će nam ovaj odličan avanturistički triler smješten u nepredvidljivu vrelinu Meksika. Jerry Welbach (Brad Pitt) upravo je suočen s dva ultimatuma. Njegov mafijaški šef namijenio mu je odlazak u Meksiko, gdje bi trebao doći u posjed dragocjenoga antiknog pištolja znanog kao "The Mexican". Time bi se iskupio za svoje prethodne greške, a ako ne uspije, snosit će ozbiljne posljedice. Drugi ultimatum nameće mu njegova djevojka Samantha (Julia Roberts), koja želi da Jerry pod svaku cijenu prekine sve veze sa svojim šefom. Zaključujući kako mu se više isplati razljutiti djevojku, ali ostati živ, Jerry odlazi preko granice, gdje lako nalazi pištolj, ali problemi počinju kod transporta. Pištolj, navodno, sa sobom nosi prokletstvo, u što je Jerryju nakon serije problema sve lakše povjerovati.


The Sopranos

The Sopranos 1999


The story of New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads. Those difficulties are often highlighted through his ongoing professional relationship with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi. The show features Tony's family members and Mafia associates in prominent roles and story arcs, most notably his wife Carmela and his cousin and protégé Christopher Moltisanti.


Gangs of London

Gangs of London 2020


When the head of a criminal organisation, Finn Wallace is assassinated, the sudden power vacuum his death creates threatens the fragile peace between the intricate web of gangs operating on the streets of the city. Now it’s up to the grieving, volatile and impulsive Sean Wallace to restore control and find those responsible for killing his father.


Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire 2010


Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who runs things -- legally and otherwise -- is the town's treasurer, Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, who is equal parts politician and gangster.


P. E. Teacher

P. E. Teacher 2014


Retired mobster tries to get back in business by making friends with the kid of his ex-boss. To do so, he must became PE teacher in kid's school.


Godfather of Harlem

Godfather of Harlem 2019


Loosely based on infamous crime boss Bumpy Johnson, who in the early 1960s returned from ten years in prison to find the neighborhood he once ruled in shambles. With the streets controlled by the Italian mob, Bumpy attempts to regain his piece of Harlem.



Corleone 2007


The story of Salvatore Riina, a mafioso boss from Corleone, Sicily.



Penoza 2010


Carmen, the daughter of a notorious Amsterdam drug lord, reluctantly takes charge of the family's smuggling business in order to clear her husband's debts.



Kingpin 2003


Kingpin is an American crime drama television series which debuted on the NBC network in the U.S. and CTV in Canada on February 2, 2003 and lasted 6 episodes. NBC's answer to The Sopranos and also influenced by The Godfather, Macbeth and Traffik, the story was about a Mexican drug trafficker named Miguel Cadena and his family life. It was to be followed by a television series, but low ratings canceled those plans. Commercials for the mini-series on NBC featured the song "Más" by the Mexican band Kinky.


Johnny Bago

Johnny Bago 1993


Johnny Bago is a short-lived television series that aired in the summer of 1993. It stars Peter Dobson as ex-con Johnny Tenuti who, after being set up a second time, travels across America in a Winnebago under the name Johnny Bago to escape mobsters, cops and his former wife/parole officer.


Crime Story

Crime Story 1986


The hard-boiled saga of hair-trigger cop Lieutenant Mike Torello and his obsessive pursuit of ruthless gangster Ray Luca.


Get Shorty

Get Shorty 2017


Miles Daly works as muscle for a murderous crime ring in Nevada and attempts to change professions and become a movie producer, laundering money through a Hollywood film with the help of washed-up filmmaker Rick Moreweather. Based on Elmore Leonard’s 1990 New York Times bestselling novel.


Mafia Only Kills in Summer

Mafia Only Kills in Summer 2016


Palermo, 1979. The Giammarresi are a normal family — father, mother, a ten year old son and a daughter of sixteen — struggling with the problems of everyday life. Seemingly ordinary problems, oh, and the Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian Mafia. Inspired by Pierfrancesco “Pif” Diliberto's film.


El Tigre Veron

El Tigre Veron 2019


Miguel "The Tiger" Verón, a union leader from meat sector, has to risk everything against his employers and enemies from justice.


Like a Dragon: Yakuza

Like a Dragon: Yakuza 2024


Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive into the yakuza-controlled underworld of 1995 Kamurocho. Meanwhile, in 2005, their friendship is deteriorated, as tensions between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance are at a boiling point.


Cain's Hundred

Cain's Hundred 1961


A former underworld lawyer goes to work for the Federal Government, determined to bring 100 top criminals to justice.


The Making of The Mob

The Making of The Mob 2015


A docudrama series chronicling some of America's most notorious mobsters, each season dealing with a different city/region.


Was It Love?

Was It Love? 2020


After 14 years devoid of romance, a struggling movie producer and single mom faces the unexpected arrival of 4 men into her life—an author, an actor, a CEO, and a younger man—who might just revive her dormant desire for love.


Feed the Beast

Feed the Beast 2016


For two friends on the brink of losing everything, a dusty pipe dream of opening up an upscale restaurant in their hometown of the Bronx is all they have left to turn their lives around. Together, they take on the insanity of the New York restaurant world, and navigate its underbelly of petty criminals, corrupt officials and violent mobsters.



Brotherhood 2006


A working-class Irish family rules a city built on loyalty and corruption. The Caffee brothers, Tommy, a rising politician desperate for reelection, and Michael, a hardened criminal returning from seven years on the run and eager to reclaim his turf, fight for survival on opposite sides of the law. In their ruthless quest for power, the entire Caffee family is driven to lies, betrayal and infidelity -- threatening to tear them and the city of Providence, RI apart.


Mob City

Mob City 2013


The true story of a decades-long conflict between the Los Angeles Police Department, under the determined leadership of Police Chief William Parker, and ruthless criminal elements led by Mickey Cohen, a one-time boxer who rose to the top of L.A.'s criminal world. The series is a fast-paced crime drama set in Los Angeles during the 1940s and '50s. It's a world of glamorous movie stars, powerful studio heads, returning war heroes, a powerful and corrupt police force and an even more dangerous criminal network determined to make L.A. its West Coast base.