Deset zapovijedi

Deset zapovijedi 1956


Opis života starozavjetnog proroka Mojsija, od rođenja, kad se kao djetešce našao u pletenoj košarici na rijeci Nil, gdje ga je pronašla i odgojila faraonova kći, preko života u izobilju kao miljenika faraona i princeze Nefretiri, a potom i nakon otkrivanja istine o njegovu "niskom" hebrejskom porijeklu i života kao skromnog obiteljskog pastira u pustinji, do čovjeka kojem se ukazao Bog i koji postaje osloboditelj potlačenog izraelskog naroda iz ruku novog faraona Ramzesa, nekoć njegova polubrata.


Ben Hur

Ben Hur 1959


Židovski princ Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) dobar je gospodar svojim robovima, ponosan čovjek dostojan titule koju obnaša na početku novog tisućljeća. Naznaka teških vremena za njega i njegovu obitelj dolazi povećavanjem broja rimskih vojnika u regiji. Nove snage dolaze u Jeruzalem pod vodstvom Massale (Stephen Boyd), Ben-Hurovog starog prijatelja prijatelja iz djetinjstva.



Uskrsnuće 2016


Kako bi opovrgnuli glasine o uskrsnuću židovskog propovjednika, umorni rimski tribun i njegov mladi pomoćnik krenu u potragu za nestalim tijelom tog raspetog čovjeka.


Sabbath School Study Hour

Sabbath School Study Hour 2004


You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.



Unorthodox 2020


A Hasidic Jewish woman in Brooklyn flees to Berlin from an arranged marriage and is taken in by a group of musicians -- until her past comes calling.


A History of Antisemitism

A History of Antisemitism 2022


A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from antiquity to the present day.


Jerusalem: The Making of a Holy City

Jerusalem: The Making of a Holy City 2011


Author and historian Simon Sebag Montefiore presents a three-part series that illuminates the history of the sacred, and peerlessly beautiful city - Jerusalem.


Monuments Sacrés

Monuments Sacrés 2018


Hindu or Buddhist temples, synagogues, churches or mosques: religions have inspired architectural marvels. Four episodes to discover jewels of Muslim sacred art, masterpieces of Christian architecture, captivating Hindu and Buddhist buildings or even the most beautiful synagogues, witnesses of the history of the Jewish people.


A Believer's Guide to...

A Believer's Guide to... 2023


Life's pivotal moments - from becoming parents to losing a loved one. In times of challenge, crisis and change, how believers find strength and community through their faith.