Dobri momci

Dobri momci 1990


Istinita priča o Henryju Hillu, napola irskom, napola sicilijanskom klincu iz Brooklyna kojeg gangsteri iz kvarta usvajaju u ranoj dobi i penje se u redove mafijaške obitelji pod vodstvom Jimmyja Conwaya.



Trokut 2009


Priča je usredotočena na putnike krstarenja po Atlantskom oceanu koji, nakon što ih pogode tajanstvene vremenske neprilike, prelaze na drugi brod na kojemu se suočavaju s još većim nevremenom na otvorenomu moru.


Operacija Grom

Operacija Grom 1965


Zločinačka organizacija nabavila je dvije nuklearne bombe i traži otkupninu u obliku dijamanata od 100 milijuna funti u sedam dana ili će upotrijebiti oružje. Tajna služba šalje Jamesa Bonda na Bahame kako bi još jednom spasio svijet.


Apollo 13

Apollo 13 1995


Film temeljen na onome što je trebalo biti treće spuštanje na Mjesec. Ovaj film prikazuje iskušenja i patnje posade Apolla 13, kontrole misije te obitelji nakon umalo pogubne nesreće koja je onesposobila svemirsko vozilo.



Plijen 2019


Kada uragan pogodi njezin rodni grad na Floridi, Haley (Kaya Scodelario) krene u potragu za svojim nestalim ocem (Barry Pepper), ne obazirući se na naredbe za evakuaciju. Pronalazi ga teško ozlijeđenog u prostoriji njihove obiteljske kuće, te njih dvoje ostaju zarobljeni u velikoj poplavi. Haley i njezin otac imaju sve manje vremena za bijeg dok oluja ne postane još jača, međutim ubrzo otkrivaju da im je povećanje razine vode najmanja briga...


Dozvola za ubojstvo

Dozvola za ubojstvo 1989


Kad narko-bos Franz Sanchez izvrši svoju brutalnu osvetu na Bondovog prijatelja Felixa Leitera, 007 podnosi ostavku iz britanske tajne službe i započinje žestoku osvetu protiv glavnog kriminalca. Bond neće biti zadovoljan dok Sanchez ne bude poražen, a za postizanje ovog cilja udružuje se s lijepim pilotom i Sanchezovom seksi djevojkom.


Neki to vole vruće

Neki to vole vruće 1959


Chicago 1929. Gangsteri, ulične pucnjave, ilegalne točionice. U jednoj takvoj točionici sviraju dvojica vječito siromašnih glazbenika, Joe i Jerry. Joe svira saksofon, Jerry kontrabas. Vlasnik je mafijaš Spats Colombo. Nakon racije u točionici, Jerry i Joe jedva pobjegnu, brže-bolje odu u glazbenu agenciju kako bi našli novi posao. Ali traže se samo dvije glazbenice za ženski orkestar koji putuje na Floridu. Razočarani izlete na snježnu vijavicu i sklone se u jednu garažu. Tamo sjede gangsteri koji su izdali Colomba prošle večeri. Colombo i njegovi ljudi ulete i pobiju sve prisutne, osim dvojice glazbenika koji uspiju pobjeći baš u trenutku kad ih je Colombo htio likvidirati. Joe dođe na ideju da se preodjenu u žene i prijave u ženski orkestar. Jerry se sad zove Daphne, a Joe je Josephine. Joe se odmah zagleda u prekrasnu pjevačicu u orkestru, Sugar Kane, ali ne smije joj pokazati da su muškarci.



Moonlight 2016


Drama koja prikazuje tri faze života glavnog lika: djetinjstvo, pubertet i mladost te ukazuje na poteškoće s kojima se suočava u potrazi za svojim identitetom i prihvaćanju svoje seksualnosti, uključujući i psihičko i emocionalno zlostavljanje koje trpi tijekom svojeg odrastanja.


Istinite laži

Istinite laži 1994


Harry je uvijek ženi govorio da je prodavač računala, no zapravo je tajni agent koji provodi vrijeme ganjajući teroriste i sabotirajući njihove spletke da zavladaju svijetom…


Građanin Kane

Građanin Kane 1941


Vijest da je u svom raskošnom dvorcu Xanadu na Floridi umro glasoviti tajkun Charles Foster Kane izuzetno uzburka američku javnost i medije. Doznavši da je pokojnik umro osamljen te da su mu posljednje riječi bile "ružin pupoljak", gospodin Rawlston, urednik jednih njujorških novina, na mjesto događaja smjesta pošalje skupinu svojih novinara sa zadatkom da doznaju što više pikantnih detalja o Kaneovu životu. Među njima je i Jerry Thompson, reporter koji odluči razgovarati s najbližim prijateljima i suradnicima čovjeka kojeg neki mediji posmrtno proglašavaju komunistom pa i fašistom. Thompson odluči razgovarati s Kaneovim menadžerom Bernsteinom, drugom suprugom Susan Alexander, s Kaneovim skrbnikom i bankarom Walterom Parksom Thatcherom, s najboljim prijateljem i kolegom Jedediahom Lelandom te postupno slaže sliku o pokojniku. A Kane je bio sve samo ne jednostavan čovjek...


Dozvola za Fockere

Dozvola za Fockere 2004


Četiri godine nakon što je medicinska sestra Greg (aka Gaylord) Focker uspjela izgubiti prtljagu, zapaliti vatru i slikati mačku tijekom vikenda u kući njegovih zetova, konačno je uspio zadobiti povjerenje svog svekrva i to je sve planovi za vjenčanje. Treba prevladati samo jednu malu prepreku: budući zetovi moraju provesti vikend zajedno kako bi se bolje upoznali, a prije svega kako bi Jack, otac mladenke, mogao proučiti Gregove roditelje. Čini se da sve ide dobro dok Jack ne otkrije da su Gregovi roditelji (odvjetnik i liječnik) previše liberalni: on pazi na kuću, a ona je stariji seksualni terapeut.


Donnie Brasco

Donnie Brasco 1997


Predstavljajući se kao stručnjak za dragulje Donnie Brasco, FBI-ev agent Joe Pistone infiltrira se u nasilnu mafijašku obitelj ubojice Leftyja Ruggiera i počne se identificirati s mafijaškim životom više nego sa svojim vlastitim.


Ralje 3

Ralje 3 1983


Michael Brody (Dennis Quaid) i Sean Brody (John Putch), sinovi bivšeg policijskog načelnika Martina Brodyja, rade u vodenom parku Morski svijet Floride koji vodi Calvin Bouchard (Louis Gossett Jr.). Sean se sprijatelji s Kelly Ann Bkowski (Lea Thompson), a Michaelova djevojka je glavna zoologinja koja radi s delfinima Cindy i Sandy. U toj laguni koju je čovjek izgradio oko 12 m ispod površine vode, Morski svijet otvara novi dio koji se zove Kraljevstvo u moru, a koji se sastoji od staklenih tunela s vlastitom kontrolnom sobom. Calvinov prijatelj Philip Fitz Royce dolazi kako bi štogod snimio. Kada ronioc Shelby Overman (Harry Grant) nestane, svi se zabrinu. Michael i Kathryn odu na ronjenje i pronađu mladunče velike bijele psine i odluče ga donijeti u park i izložiti. Ubrzo mladunče ugine. Kad Kathryn i Michael ispričaju Clavinu i Phillipu što se dogodilo, oni nastoje evakuirati park i plažu unutar parka kako bi zaštitili posjetitelje Morskog svijeta od morskog psa.


Silk Stalkings

Silk Stalkings 1991


Silk Stalkings is a crime drama television series. The series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.


The Egos

The Egos 2016


A bunch of unknown actors create a TV show about themselves. Taking on the inevitable collapse and defeat of their show in the summer of a new era.


Surfside 6

Surfside 6 1960


Surfside 6 was an ABC television series which aired from 1960 to 1962. The show centered on a Miami Beach detective agency set on a houseboat and featured Troy Donahue as Sandy Winfield II; Van Williams as Kenny Madison; and Lee Patterson as Dave Thorne. Diane McBain co-starred as socialite Daphne Dutton, whose yacht was berthed next to their houseboat. Margarita Sierra also had a supporting role as Cha Cha O'Brien, an entertainer who worked at The Boom Boom Room, a popular Miami Beach hangout at the Fontainebleau Hotel, directly across the street from Surfside 6. Surfside 6 was in fact a real address in Miami Beach, where an unrelated houseboat was moored at the time; it can also be seen in the sweeping aerial establishing shot of the Fontainebleu in 1964's Goldfinger.


Fresh Off the Boat

Fresh Off the Boat 2015


A '90s-set single-camera comedy about a hip-hop-loving Asian kid growing up in suburban Orlando, being raised by an immigrant father obsessed with all things American and an immigrant mother often bewildered by white culture.


The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls 1985


Four Southern Florida seniors share a house, their dreams, and a whole lot of cheesecake. Bright, promiscuous, clueless and hilarious, these lovely, mismatched ladies form the perfect circle of friends.


The Glades

The Glades 2010


This crime series follows Jim, a Chicago cop who gets kicked off the force after being shot and wrongfully accused by his ex-captain of having an affair with his wife. After receiving his payout, Jim decides to moves to a small Florida town to join the state police.


Cougar Town

Cougar Town 2009


Jules Cobb is a mom in her forties facing the often humorous challenges, pitfalls and rewards of life's next chapter. Along for the journey is her son, her ex-husband, her husband/neighbor and her friends who together make up her dysfunctional, but supportive and caring extended family... even if they have a funny way of showing it sometimes.


Gentle Ben

Gentle Ben 1967


Gentle Ben is an American family series that aired on CBS from September 10, 1967 to April 27, 1969. The series follows the adventures, in the Florida Everglades, of a game warden, Tom Wedloe, his wife Ellen, his son Mark and Ben the grizzly bear.



Invasion 2005


In the aftermath of a hurricane the Florida Park Ranger and his family deal with strange occurrences, including luminescent creatures in the water. People in the town start to act different, who can you trust?



Flipper 1964


Flipper, from Ivan Tors Films in association with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Television, is an American television program first broadcast on NBC from September 19, 1964, until April 15, 1967. Flipper, a bottlenose dolphin, is the companion animal of Porter Ricks, Chief Warden at fictional Coral Key Park and Marine Preserve in southern Florida, and his two young sons, Sandy and Bud. The show has been dubbed an "aquatic Lassie", and a considerable amount of juvenile merchandise inspired by the show was produced during its first-run.


The Clear Horizon

The Clear Horizon 1960


The Clear Horizon is an American soap opera which ran on CBS Daytime from July 11, 1960 to March 10, 1961 and February 26 to June 11, 1962. The show was created and head written by Manya Starr.



Bloodline 2015


A dramatic thriller that explores the demons lurking beneath the surface of a contemporary American family. The Rayburns are hard-working pillars of their Florida Keys community. But when the black sheep son comes home for the 45th anniversary of his parents' hotel, he threatens to expose the Rayburns' dark secrets and shameful past, pushing his siblings to the limits of family loyalty.


The Finder

The Finder 2012


Walter Sherman, an Iraq War veteran, has the extraordinary ability to help people find the unfindable.



Everglades 1961


The Everglades is an American crime-adventure television series that aired in first-run syndication for one season from 1961–62 and in reruns. Ron Hayes starred as Constable Lincoln Vail, a law enforcement officer of the fictional Everglades County Patrol who traveled the Florida Everglades in an airboat, a vehicle which was often the focus of the program. Hayes, a northern California actor and stuntman, was an avid outdoorsman and conservationist. Gordon Casell appeared in five of the 38 half-hour episodes as Chief Anderson, Vail's superior. Steve Brodie made three appearances as Captain Andy Benson; Dan Chandler was twice cast as Vail's sidekick, airboat guide Pete Hammond. Future film star Burt Reynolds appeared twice in the role of Lew Johnson and once as Trask. Guest stars included R.G. Armstrong, Victor Buono, Roger C. Carmel, Paul Carr, Jack Cassidy, Lonny Chapman, John Doucette, Penny Edwards, Frank Ferguson, Luke Halpin, Douglas Kennedy, Robert Knapp, Paul Lambert, Tyler McVey, Mala Powers, Chris Robinson, Johnny Seven, Ray Teal, Bill Travers, and Dawn Wells. The show was produced by Ivan Tors and distributed by Ziv-United Artists.


Flamingo Road

Flamingo Road 1981


Flamingo Road is an American prime time soap opera that aired on NBC. It was first seen as a TV movie on May 12, 1980, and as a series on January 6, 1981, after a rebroadcast of the pilot on December 30, 1980. The show is based on the 1949 movie starring Joan Crawford, which is, in turn, based on the novel by Robert Wilder. Flamingo Road was created to compete against CBS's Dallas and Knots Landing, nighttime dramas that were inspired by the daily afternoon soap operas that had been a staple of TV for years. The character of Constance Weldon ranked at #16 on E!'s list of The 50 Most Wicked Women in Primetime.


On Becoming a God in Central Florida

On Becoming a God in Central Florida 2019


In the early 1990s, a recently widowed, impoverished Orlando water park employee schemes and cons her way up the ranks of the multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme which ruined her financially in the first place.


South Beach

South Beach 2006


Leaving their troubles in Brooklyn behind, best friends Matt and Vincent head to Miami for adventure, hoping to find Matt's old flame, up-and-coming fashion model Arielle. Diving into the glamorous local scene at the Hotel Soleil's hip club Nocturnal, they uncovers the dangerous and possibly seedy underbelly of South Beach.


Florida Man

Florida Man 2023


A disgraced cop in debt is forced to return to his home state of Florida for a shady mission only to get swept up in a wild — and deadly — treasure hunt.


Tropical Heat

Tropical Heat 1991


Tropical Heat is a Canadian action series The plot revolves around private investigator, ex-DEA agent Nick Slaughter who after arriving in the fictional resort town of Key Mariah, Florida and setting up a detective agency there, met up with local tourist agent Sylvie Girard to solve a variety of different cases.



Cane 2007


The lives and internal power struggles of a powerful and wealthy Cuban-American family running an immensely successful rum and sugar cane business in South Florida.