Dobri momci

Dobri momci 1990


Istinita priča o Henryju Hillu, napola irskom, napola sicilijanskom klincu iz Brooklyna kojeg gangsteri iz kvarta usvajaju u ranoj dobi i penje se u redove mafijaške obitelji pod vodstvom Jimmyja Conwaya.


Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Čovjek s niskim kvocijentom inteligencije postigao je velike stvari u svom životu i bio prisutan tijekom značajnih povijesnih događaja - u svakom slučaju, daleko nadmašujući ono što je itko zamišljao da može učiniti. No, unatoč svemu što je postigao, njegova jedina prava ljubav mu izmiče.


Peti rujan

Peti rujan 2024


Tijekom Ljetnih olimpijskih igara 1972. godine u Münchenu, američki sportski novinarski tim prisiljen je da se brzo prilagode od pokrivanja sporta na izvješćivanje o dramatičnoj situaciji s taocima u kojoj su sudjelovali izraelski atletičari. Mladi producent, koji neočekivano vodi prijenos uživo, suočava se s teškim odlukama jer vrijeme istječe, glasine se šire, a životi talaca vise na koncu.


Pripravnik: Priča o Trumpu

Pripravnik: Priča o Trumpu 2024


U New Yorku 1970-ih, ambiciozni nekretninski mogul Donald J. Trump nastoji izaći iz sjene svog moćnog oca. Na početcima svoje karijere upoznaje Roya Cohna, političkog fiksera koji mu postaje glavni mentor. Cohn uči Trumpa kako steći bogatstvo i moć putem prijevare, zastrašivanja i medijske manipulacije. Ostatak je više od povijesti. To je trenutna stvarnost.


X-Men: Dani buduće prošlosti

X-Men: Dani buduće prošlosti 2014


2023. g. cijela ljudska vrsta je na rubu uništenja. Sentineli, ogirinalno napravljeni da ubiju mutante sada love cijelo čovječanstvo. Preostali preživjeli ne mogu više mirno stajati i gledati uništavanje koje izvršavaju Sentineli. Kako bi spasili budućnost, Wolverine biva poslan natrag u prošlost, u godinu 1973. kako bi zaustavio rat prije nego li uopće i započne.


Američki varalice

Američki varalice 2013


"American Hustle" priča priču o briljantnom prevarantu Irvingu Rosenfeldu (Bale) koji je skupa sa svojom jednako briljantnom britanskom partnericom i ljubavnicom Sydney Prosser (Adams) prisiljen raditi za divljeg rastrojenog agenta FBI-a Richieja DiMasa (Cooper). DiMaso ih oboje gura u podzemni svijet Jerseyja prepunog mafije koji je opasan koliko i zavodljiv. Renner glumi Carmena Polita, strastvenog, promjenljivog političara New Jerseyja uhvaćenog između prevaranata i Federalaca. Irvingova nepredvidljiva supruga Rosalyn (Lawrence) mogla bi biti karika koja nedostaje da se cijeli njihov svijet u potpunosti sruši.



Priscilla 2023


Koja djevojka ne sanja o vezi sa slavnom osobom? Želja mlade Priscille se ispunila, a sudbina joj je pripremila susret sa samim Elvisom Presleyem. Sada su službeno glavni par Amerike, ali što se krije iza maske sretnog života s idolom cijele zemlje?



Milk 2008




Prizivanja 2013


Cijenjeni paranormalni istražitelji Ed i Lorraine Warren pozvani su da pomognu obitelji koju terorizira mračna prisutnost u njihovoj ladanjskoj kući. U najgorem slučaju u njihovim životima Warreni su prisiljeni suočiti se s moćnim demonom.


Crni telefon

Crni telefon 2022


Finneyja Shawa, sramežljivog, ali pametnog 13-godišnjeg dječaka, otima sadistički ubojica i zarobljuje ga u zvučno izoliranom podrumu u kojemu vrištanje nema nikakve koristi. Kada isključeni telefon na zidu počne zvoniti, Finney otkriva da može čuti glasove ubojičinih prijašnjih žrtava koje su odlučne u tome da se ono što se njima dogodilo ne dogodi i Finneyju.



X 2022


1979. godine u osamljenu seosku kuću u Teksasu stiže filmska ekipa kako bi snimila film za odrasle. Njihovi domaćini, povučeni stariji par, posebno se zanimaju za svoje mlade goste te ubrzo kreću u lov na pridošlice.



Cruella 2021


U želji da postane slavna dizajnerica Cruella stiže u London. Njen osjećaj za modu primjećuje barunica Von Hellman, inače modna legenda. Ali njihov odnos pokreće niz događaja i otkrića koja će dovesti do toga da Cruella oslobodi svoju opaku stranu i postane osvetoljubiva Zlica od Opaka.



Ostavljeni 2023


Paul Hunham, učitelj u pripremnoj školi u Novoj Engleskoj, prisiljen je ostati na kampusu tijekom božićnih praznika kako bi se brinuo za nekolicinu učenika koji se ne mogu vratiti kući. Za nekoliko dana ostaje samo jedan učenik - 15-godišnji nasilnik po imenu Angus, pametni gnjavator čije loše ponašanje uvijek prijeti izbacivanjem. Paulu i Angusu pridružuje se školska kuharica Mary, koja je upravo izgubila sina u Vijetnamu.


Prizivanja 2

Prizivanja 2 2016


Priča je bazirana na istinitim događajima koji su se u periodu od 1977. do 1979. dešavali u jednoj kući u engleskom gradu Brimsdownu. Radi se o jednom od najvažnijih dokumentiranih paranormalnih slučajeva u svijetu koji su pogodili obitelj Hodgson, a Ed Warren je ovaj slučaj naveo kao jedan od najstrašnijih iskustava tokom njegove karijere.


Dark Winds

Dark Winds 2022


This psychological thriller follows two Navajo police officers, Leaphorn and Chee, in the 1970s Southwest as their search for clues in a grisly double murder case forces them to challenge their own spiritual beliefs and come to terms with the trauma of their pasts.


That '70s Show

That '70s Show 1998


Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage in this hilarious retro-sitcom. For Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spend most of their time hanging out in Eric’s basement, life in the ‘70s isn’t always so groovy. But between trying to figure out the meaning of life, avoiding their parents, and dealing with out-of-control hormones, they’ve learned one thing for sure: they’ll always get by with a little help from their friends.





An agent in the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit develops profiling techniques as he pursues notorious serial killers and rapists.


Romanzo criminale

Romanzo criminale 2008


Follows a criminal gang in Rome that has a near monopoly of the city's heroin trade. Besides their internal feuding, the gang has to deal with the Camorra and Sicilian Mafia that both supply its heroin, the police led by Commissioner Scialoja and the Italian secret services.



Hunters 2020


A diverse band of Nazi Hunters living in 1977 New York City discover that hundreds of high ranking Nazi officials are living among us and conspiring to create a Fourth Reich in the U.S. The eclectic team of Hunters set out on a bloody quest to bring the Nazis to justice and thwart their new genocidal plans.


F is for Family

F is for Family 2015


Follow the Murphy family back to the 1970s, when kids roamed wild, beer flowed freely and nothing came between a man and his TV.


Eva Lasting

Eva Lasting 2023


A mysterious teen girl arrives at an all-boys school in 1970s Colombia, breaking stereotypes, rules... and a few hearts.


Daisy Jones & the Six

Daisy Jones & the Six 2023


In 1977, Daisy Jones & The Six were on top of the world. Fronted by two charismatic lead singers — Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne — the band had risen from obscurity to fame. And then, after a sold-out show at Chicago's Soldier Field, they called it quits. Now, decades later, the band members finally agree to reveal the truth.


Firefly Lane

Firefly Lane 2021


For decades, childhood best friends Kate and Tully have weathered life's storms together -- until a betrayal threatens to break them apart for good.


The Sons of Sam: A Descent Into Darkness

The Sons of Sam: A Descent Into Darkness 2021


The Son of Sam case grew into a lifelong obsession for journalist Maury Terry, who became convinced that the murders were linked to a Satanic cult.


I'll Be Gone in the Dark

I'll Be Gone in the Dark 2020


An exploration of the case of the Golden State Killer who terrorized California in the 1970s and 1980s, committing 50 sexual assaults and 10 murders, and true crime author Michelle McNamara's obsessive quest to find justice on behalf of his victims.



Halston 2021


His name built an empire. His style defined an era. American fashion designer Halston skyrockets to fame before his life starts to spin out of control.


The Serpent

The Serpent 2021


The remarkable story of how murderer Charles Sobhraj was captured. As the chief suspect in unsolved murders of young Western travellers across India, Thailand and Nepal’s ‘Hippie Trail’ in 1975 and 1976, Sobhraj had repeatedly slipped from the grasp of authorities worldwide to become Interpol's most wanted man, with arrest warrants on three different continents.


Fear City: New York vs The Mafia

Fear City: New York vs The Mafia 2020


New York City in the 1970s was ruled with a bloody fist by five mafia families, until a group of federal agents tried the unthinkable: taking them down.


Mrs. America

Mrs. America 2020


The true story of the movement to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, and the unexpected backlash led by a conservative woman named Phyllis Schlafly, aka “the sweetheart of the silent majority.”


The Deuce

The Deuce 2017


The story of the legalization and subsequent rise of the porn industry in New York’s Times Square from the early ’70s through the mid ’80s, exploring the rough-and-tumble world that existed there until the rise of HIV, the violence of the cocaine epidemic and the renewed real estate market ended the bawdy turbulence of the area.


The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War 2017


An immersive 360-degree narrative telling the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before been told on film. Featuring testimony from nearly 80 witnesses, including many Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as Vietnamese combatants and civilians from both the winning and losing sides.



Quarry 2016


The story of Mac Conway, a Marine who returns home to Memphis from Vietnam in 1972 and finds himself shunned by those he loves and demonized by the public. As he struggles to cope with his experiences at war, Conway is drawn into a network of killing and corruption that spans the length of the Mississippi River.


The Get Down

The Get Down 2016


In 1977 New York City, the talented and soulful youth of the South Bronx chase dreams and breakneck beats to transform music history.