Ima li pilota u avionu?

Ima li pilota u avionu? 1980


Bivši vojni pilot Ted Striker nije letio od rata, kada je njegova pogrešna presuda dovela do desetkovanja njegove eskadrile. Sada ima problema s pićem (stalno promašuje usta), a njegova djevojka – stjuardesa Elaine Dickinson – ostavila ga je. U očajničkoj želji da mu se vrati, Ted je slijedi na njezin idući let… koji strahovito pođe po zlu kada se cijela kabinska posada otruje hranom usred leta! Uz pomoć Elaine, flegmatičnog doktora Rumacka (Leslie Nielsen) i njegova bivšeg neprijatelja Rexa Kramera u zračnoj kontroli, Ted će hrabro pokušati sretno prizemljiti avion. No ima li još ono potrebno?


Savršena formula

Savršena formula 2011


Pomoću misteriozne pilule koja omogućava korisniku pristup ka 100% iskoristivosti mozga, neuspjeli pisac postaje financijski čarobnjak no uz to dolaze i negativne posljedice.


Tigar i snijeg

Tigar i snijeg 2005


Attilio di Giovanni (R. Benigni) je pjesnik i profesor književnosti u Rimu, poetična duša koja pomalo živi u svom svijetu. Iako ga mnogo žena simpatizira, on je jako zaljubljen u Vittoriju (N. Braschi) koja ne obraća previše pažnje na njega. Svake noći on sanja da je ženi, makar bio odjeven samo u bokserice i potkošulju, uz klavirsku pratnju pjevača Toma Waitsa. Jednoga dana Vittoria otputuje u Irak sa svojim prijateljem, pjesnikom Fuadom (J. Reno), u zemlju u kojoj se upravo rasplamsao rat. Prilikom bombaškog napada Vittoria je ranjena i leži u komi. Saznavši to, Attilio odluči poći k njoj, iako nesvjestan opasnosti u koju se upušta...



Junior 1994


Embriolog dr. Alexander Hesse zvan Alex (A. Schwarzenegger) iz San Francisca intenzivno radi na novom revolucionarnom lijeku koji bi trebao spriječiti spontane pobačaje. Kad zajedno sa svojim suradnikom dr. Larryjem Arbogastom (D. DeVito) od vlade zatraži početak eksperimentalnog liječenja, gorko se razočara doznavši za ukidanje projekta i prepuštanje laboratorija britanskoj znanstvenici dr. Reddin (E. Thompson). Odlučivši napustiti SAD, dr. Hesse ipak popusti nagovaranjima dr. Arbogasta da u tajnosti nastave s pokusima pri čemu bi oplođenu jajnu stanicu ponio sam Alex. Ne znajući ni sam što ga sve čeka, Alex počne dobivati uobičajene znakove trudnoće budno pazeći da nitko ni ne posumnja što su on i Larry učinili, osobito ne njegov bivši šef Noah Banes (F. Langella)...



Ludnica 2004


Cunningham Hall, nekoć cijenjena psihijatrijska klinika, sada je propadajuća religija s previše pacijenata i premalo proračuna. Ali kad motivirani mladi student medicine po imenu Clark Stevens pristane da uđe u centar za mentalno zdravlje kao pripravnik kako bi stekao diplomu, ubrzo će shvatiti da je postao dio osoblja ludog azila. Clark se ubrzo počinje brinuti o uvjetima u kojima oboljeli žive, s užasnim halucinacijama i suicidnim sklonostima. No Clark također počinje ispitivati vlastitu razboritost kad počne vidjeti uznemirujuću figuru mladića, koji kao da ga želi upozoriti na nešto.



Safe 1995



Chicago Hope

Chicago Hope 1994


Chicago Hope is an American medical drama television series, created by David E. Kelley. It ran on CBS from September 18, 1994, to May 4, 2000. The series is set in a fictional private charity hospital in Chicago, Illinois. The show is set to return in the fall of 2013 on TVGN in reruns.



House 2004


Dr. Gregory House, a drug-addicted, unconventional, misanthropic medical genius, leads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton–Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey.


The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor 2017


Shaun Murphy, a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join a prestigious hospital's surgical unit. Unable to personally connect with those around him, Shaun uses his extraordinary medical gifts to save lives and challenge the skepticism of his colleagues.


The Knick

The Knick 2014


Set in downtown New York in 1900, 'The Knick' is centered on the Knickerbocker Hospital and its staff, notably Dr. John Thackery, the hospital's brilliant chief surgeon who pushes medicine's boundaries, pioneering new procedures despite a severe drug addiction.


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 1993


Dr. Michaela Quinn journeys to Colorado Springs to be the town's physician after her father's death in 1868.


Jewel in the Palace

Jewel in the Palace 2003


Orphaned Jang-geum becomes the first female physician in the Joseon Dynasty and her determination is tested when people around her start showing their true faces.


Miracle Doctor

Miracle Doctor 2019


Ali was born in a provincial town and was rejected by his father for adoption. Ali with savant syndrome, who grew up in orphanages, graduated from the faculty of medicine with a first degree.



Hekimoğlu 2019


Ates Hekimoglu is a successful doctor in his 40s. He is working as Infectious Diseases and Nephrology Specialist in the hospital where his friend Ipek is in charge.


Kasaba Doktoru

Kasaba Doktoru 2022


Medical drama series, local adaptation of the Korean scripted format “Dr. Romantic”, centering on a genius doctor with an accomplished career who somehow ends up leaving it all behind to be a neighborhood doctor in a small town where he meets some younger doctors and becomes a mentor to them.


Hur Jun, The Original Story

Hur Jun, The Original Story 2013


Drama depicts the dramatic life of historical figure Heo Joon, who wrote the oriental medical textbook "Donguibogam" and became physician for King Seonjo.


Man of the Sun, Lee Je-ma

Man of the Sun, Lee Je-ma 2002


This historical drama is about the life of the physician Lee Je Ma (1837-1900), who was the founder of Sasang Constitutional Medicine.


Cells at Work!

Cells at Work! 2018


This is a story about you. A tale about the inside of your body... According to a new study, the human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen-carrying red blood cells to the bacteria-fighting white blood cells, get to know the unsung heroes and the drama that unfolds inside of you! It's the oddly relatable and interesting story that is the life of cells!


Hur Jun

Hur Jun 1999


Hur Jun is a 2000 TV biographical drama broadcast by the South Korean TV channel MBC. It was aired by Taiwan Television in 2002 and Hong Kong's TVB in 2005, after the finale of "Dae Jang Geum". Because of the similarities between the two main characters of the show, "Hur Jun" has often been called the male version of "Dae Jang Geum". Also worth noting is the fact that the original title of the show was never used outside South Korea. In Taiwan, the title was re-worked to become "The Way of Medicine: The Epic Doctor Hur Jun". The first half of the title stuck, and was used by TVB when it aired "Hur Jun" in 2005.


Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective

Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective 2025


Ten’ikai General Hospital’s Supervisory Department of Diagnostic Pathology handles cases other physicians deem too difficult to treat. It’s also where bizarre mysteries surface, from unexplained illnesses to strange murders even the police can’t solve. At the center of it all is Takao Ameku, a brilliant doctor determined to reveal the shocking truth behind these anomalies.


Pure Genius

Pure Genius 2016


A young Silicon Valley tech-titan enlists a veteran surgeon with a controversial past in starting a hospital with a cutting-edge, new school approach to medicine.


The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent

The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent 2021


Sei, a 20-year-old office worker, is whisked away to a whole new world. Unfortunately for Sei, the ritual that summoned her—meant to produce a "Saint" who would banish the dark magic—brought two people over instead of one. And everyone prefers the second girl over Sei?! But this is just fine by Sei, who leaves the royal palace to set up shop making potions and cosmetics with her newfound magic. Business is booming, and this might not be such a bad life, after long as her supposed Sainthood doesn't come back to haunt her.


Merhaba Hayat

Merhaba Hayat 2012


Merhaba Hayat is a Turkish series broadcast on Fox. It is a licensed adaptation of Private Practice and jointly produced by Med Yapım Productions. Ended February 13, 2013.


Cells at Work! CODE BLACK

Cells at Work! CODE BLACK 2021


Alcohol, smoking, and stress—in the body subjected to these irritants, the cells responsible for maintaining life seem to fight a war that never ends. Due to a severe shortage of workers, Red Blood Cell AA2153 has to quickly learn to deliver oxygen and collect carbon dioxide, even in dangerous conditions. Meanwhile, White Blood Cell U-1196 has to do her part by dealing with germs and viruses during life-threatening situations. In the midst of these crises, they have to work together to keep the body healthy, despite not knowing if their sacrifices will be worthwhile. Cells at Work! Code Black takes a different approach by showing the grittier side of the jobs our cells perform.