Ulica noćnih mora

Ulica noćnih mora 2021


Mračna priča prati ambicioznog putujućeg mentalista koji ima talent manipulacije ljudima kroz nekoliko dobro odabranih riječi. U vjeri da će sam postići svjetski uspjeh, upušta se u vezu s dr. Lilith Ritter, psihijatricom koja je još opasnija od njega. Stvari tada postaju sve čudnije.


Igre gladi: Balada pjevica i zmija

Igre gladi: Balada pjevica i zmija 2023


Ovo su desete Igre gladi, smještene 64 godine prije prvog filma. Lucy Gray Baird predstavlja siromašni Okrug 12, a 18-godišnji Coriolanus Snow je njezin mentor. Izgledi su protiv njega, Lucy ne predviđaju pobjedu, ali nakon što prkosnom pjesmom tijekom ceremonije žetve uspije zaokupiti pažnju cijelog Panema, Snow pomisli da bi možda mogao okrenuti šanse u njihovu korist. Ujedinjujući svoju teatralnost i novootkrivenu političku mudrost, Snow i Lucy utrkuju se s vremenom kako bi preživjeli i otkrili tko je pjevica, a tko zmija.


The Mechanic

The Mechanic 2011


Arthur Bishop je "mehaničar" - elitni ubojica sa striktnim kodom i jedinstvenim talentom za čistim eleminiranjem meta. To je posao koji zahtjeva profesionalni perfekcionizam i potpuno odtranjenje od emocija, a on je najbolji u svom poslu. Ali kada ubiju njegovog bliskog prijatelja ili mentora Harryja, Bishop je sve samo ne emocionalno distanciran. Njegov sljedeći zadatak se sam nameće - pronaći i eliminirati krivce... ali tek se tu stvari počinju komplicirati.


Elitni ubojice

Elitni ubojice 2011


Umirovljeni član britanskih elitnih postrojbi prisiljen je ponovno krenuti u akciju kad zarobe njegovog mentora. Ima samo jednu misiju, ubiti trojicu ubojica čije poteze vuče njihov prepredeni vođa. Film je temeljen na istinitoj priči.


Creed: Legenda je rođena

Creed: Legenda je rođena 2015


Bivši svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji Rocky Balboa postao je trener i mentor Adonisu Johnsonu, sinu svog starog prijatelja i nekadašnjeg suparnika Apollo Creeda.


Upoznajte Billa

Upoznajte Billa 2007


Bill je bankovni službenik kojega frustrira ženina nevjera, tast koji upravlja bankom i njegovi neuspješni pokušaji da promijeni karijeru. Kada ga nagovore da postane mentor klincu po nadimku Kid, stvari se mijenjaju.


Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law

Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law 1971


Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law is an American legal drama, jointly created by David Victor and former law professor Jerry McNeely, that starred actor Arthur Hill. The series was broadcast on ABC from 1971 to 1974. A two-hour pilot movie had aired as a 1971 ABC Movie of the Week entry prior to the series run.


Legal High

Legal High 2019


A money-hungry lawyer and a righteous rookie become an unlikely courtroom duo in this remake of the Japanese series of the same name.


Hibana: Spark

Hibana: Spark 2016


Tokunaga, a comedian who is down on his luck, has a shock encounter with Kamiya, an older comedian when he visits a fireworks event in Atami on a job. Tokunaga is deeply touched by Kamiya and asks if he can become his apprentice. Kamiya is a genius type of comedian who is full of human kindness. He accepts Tokunaga’s proposition on the condition that he will write his biography.


The Art of More

The Art of More 2015


A working-class social climber finagles his way into the world of New York City auction houses by using the smuggling skills he learned as a soldier in Iraq.


Senpai, This Can't Be Love!

Senpai, This Can't Be Love! 2022


Yanase has worked as a 3D CG designer all across the world. Now back in Japan, Yanase is training a newbie by the name of Kaneda Yuki. There's only one issue: Kaneda is super unfriendly towards Yanase, leaving Yanase frustrated and disappointed. With a new project where they will have to work side by side, how can these two overcome their different personalities?


Holy Land

Holy Land 2012


Holy Land tells the story of Kang Yoo (Dong Ho), a young boy who can't get along with people at home or school. He starts learning the basics of boxing from a book, and one day he runs into some thugs and defends himself with his new boxing skills and since then he is called the "Hunter of Thugs". He runs into Sang Ho (Sung Woong) by chance and Sang Ho becomes his mentor. All the while Kang Yoo pushes himself to find out who he really is.


The Face UK

The Face UK 2013


Naomi Campbell and two other supermodel mentors will choose four hopeful models to mentor and guide as members of their exclusive team. Over eight weeks the three teams will have to compete in a series of real life fashion industry challenges. In the end only one supermodel mentor will triumph and see one of their handpicked girls become The Face.