Kronike iz Narnije: Lav, vještica i ormar

Kronike iz Narnije: Lav, vještica i ormar 2005


Četvero djece roditelji iz Londona šalju na selo, starom profesoru, obiteljskom prijatelju. U njegovoj kući djeca otkrivaju tajanstveni ormar kroz koju ulaze u bajkovitu zemlju Narniju u kojoj žive fantastični ljudi, životinje i bića. No, ova mirna zemlja je pod vlašću zle vještice, zbog koje vlada vječna zima. Djeca moraju pomoći lavu Aslanu poraziti vješticu, razbiti čarolije i osloboditi stanovnike Narnije.



Povratnik 2015


U ekspediciji u neistražene dijelove američke divljine, legen­darnog istraživača Hugha Glassa brutalno je napao me­dvjed, a pripadnici njegovog tima, predvođeni Johnom Fitzgeraldom su ga tako teško povrijeđenog ostavili da umre u divljini. Vođen jakom vo­ljom kao jedinim oružjem, okružen surovom zimom i neprijateljskim plemeni­ma, Glass se bori za život, dok želja za osvetom nad dojučerašnjim prijateljima ne jenjava.



Snowpiercer 2013


Radnja filma odvija se u budućnosti, na Zemlji koja je zbog neuspjelog eksperimenta koji je trebao zaustaviti globalno zatopljenje okovana u snijeg i led. Jedini preživjeli nalaze se u vlaku, 'Snowpiercer', kojeg pokreće stroj po principu perpetuum mobilea. No ljudi u vlaku podijeljeni su po staležima, pa se najbogatiji voze u prvom vagonu sa svim povlasticama, a oni najsiromašniji u posljednjem. Sve dok se obespravljeni na začelju ne pobune!


Planet majmuna: Rat

Planet majmuna: Rat 2017


Cezar i njegovi majmuni prisiljeni su na smrtonosni sukob s vojskom ljudi koju vodi okrutni Pukovnik. Nakon što majmuni dožive teške gubitke, Cezar se hrva sa svojim mračnijim instinktima i kreće u vlastitu mitsku potragu za osvetom.


Život Buba

Život Buba 1998


Mali mrav Flik, u svom mravinjaku živi kao nespretni izumitelj, kog ostali ne vole. Jednog dana slučajno baci hranu, koju su fanatično skupljali za skakavce, koji im svake godine pojedu ‘žrtvu’. Dolaskom skakavaca, u mravinjaku zavlada opsta nervoza, šta li će skakavci učiniti zbog nedostatka žrtve? Skakavci im pruže drugu priliku da se iskupe, i zato Flik dobija novu misiju. Flik mora u potragu za hrabrim ratnicima koji bi mu pomogli da poraze zle skakavce koji prete njegovom domu. Kada umesto ratnika sretne trupu cirkuskih buba, jedino oružje koje imaju na raspolaganju jeste iskreno prijateljstvo i neizmerna snaga mašte..


Snježno kraljevstvo II

Snježno kraljevstvo II 2019


Zašto i kako je Elsa rođena s čarobnim moćima? Odgovor na ovo pitanje progoni junakinju Snježnog kraljevstva i prijeti njenom domu. Zajedno sa sestrom Anom, Kristofom i Olafom započinje opasno ali izvanredno putovanje. U prvom nastavku Snježnog kraljevstva Elsa se pribojavala jesu li njene moći prejake za ovaj svijet, a u novom nastavku filma nada se da su one dovoljne. Izvor:


Zvončica i tajna krila

Zvončica i tajna krila 2012


Vilama iz Vilinske doline strogo je zabranjen odlazak u Zimsku šumu. Ali kada tajanstvena sila odvuče Zvončicu preko granice u ovaj nepoznat svijet, ona otkrije tajnu koja će joj zauvijek promijeniti život. Susreće vilu mraza zvanu Zimčica, jedinu koja joj može pomoći otključati tajnu krila. Uz zabavu i smijeh, sklopit će čarobno prijateljstvo i doći do zapanjujućeg otkrića… one nisu samo prijateljice nego su i sestre!



Apartman 1960


C. C. Baxter zvan Bud je službenik newyorškog osiguravajućeg društva Consolidate Life, koje zapošljava više od 31.000 ljudi. Na radost šefova, Bud je vrlo susretljiv i redovito im iznajmljuje svoj stan za susrete s ljubavnicama. Skroman i dobronamjeran, nada se unapređenju, a njegov susjed dr. Dreyfuss misli da je Bud veliki zavodnik koji svake večeri mijenja drugu ženu.


Neprijatelj pred vratima

Neprijatelj pred vratima 2001


Smještena tijekom opsade Staljingrada za vrijeme 2. svjetskog rata, ovo je epska priča o ruskom snajperistu Vasiliju koji postaje legenda. On se suočava s konačnim izazovom kada Nijemci pošalju svog najelitnijeg snajperista da ga ubiju.



Fargo 1996


Prodavač rabljenih automobila Jerry Lundegaard upao je u velike dugove, pa je odlučio organizirati otmicu svoje žene kako bi od njezinog bogatog oca Wadea Gustafsona dobio visoku otkupninu. Jerry živi u Minneapolisu, u saveznoj državi Minnesoti, a za otmicu unajmi dvojicu glupih i okrutnih kriminalaca koji žive u gradu Fargu, u Sjevernoj Dakoti. Jedan od njih, Carl Showalter, uvijek priča, dok drugi, gluplji i opasniji Gaear Grimsrud, uvijek šuti. Jerry se s njima dogovori da će podijeliti novac od otkupnine. Oni vrlo nespretno izvedu otmicu. Dok se s Jerryjevom ženom voze u automobilu snijegom pokrivenim cestama Minnesote, zaustavi ih policajac. Od tog trenutka događaji će poprimiti neplanirani tijek. Otmičari za sobom ostavljaju mrtva tijela. Slučaj preuzima policajka Marge Gunderson, koju ni trudnoća ne može omesti... Izvor:



Ostavljeni 2023


Paul Hunham, učitelj u pripremnoj školi u Novoj Engleskoj, prisiljen je ostati na kampusu tijekom božićnih praznika kako bi se brinuo za nekolicinu učenika koji se ne mogu vratiti kući. Za nekoliko dana ostaje samo jedan učenik - 15-godišnji nasilnik po imenu Angus, pametni gnjavator čije loše ponašanje uvijek prijeti izbacivanjem. Paulu i Angusu pridružuje se školska kuharica Mary, koja je upravo izgubila sina u Vijetnamu.


Sam u kući 3

Sam u kući 3 1997


Kada banda zločinaca ukrade supertajni kompjuterski čip i skrije ga u igračku automobil, naletjet će na osmogodišnjeg Alexa Pruita koji je sam u kući jer ima vodene kozice. Grupa međunarodnih zločinaca ukrala je supertajni kompjuterski čip iz Ministarstva obrane SAD-a. Krađa prođe bez ikakvih problema, no zbog pogreške s prtljagom u zračnoj luci, čip koji je skriven u automobilu na daljinsko upravljanje završava u mirnom predgrađu Chicaga. Tragajući za svojim „vrućim ulovom“, zločinci i ne slute da njihovi problemi tek počinju. Autić i njegov sadržaj dospjeli su u ruke jedine osobe dovoljno bistre i hrabre da ih zaustavi – osmogodišnjeg Alexa Pruita koji je sam u kući jer boluje od vodenih kozica.



Fargo 2014


A close-knit anthology series dealing with stories involving malice, violence and murder based in and around Minnesota.


Amidst a Snowstorm of Love

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love 2024


As a professional billiards player, Yin Guo has become quite a notable athlete. After receiving an invitation to play in a tournament in Hel, Yin Guo eagerly accepts. Little does she know that meeting former professional billiards player, Lin Yiyang, in Hel will change her life forever.



Snowpiercer 2020


More than seven years after the world has become a frozen wasteland, the remnants of humanity inhabit a gigantic, perpetually-moving train that circles the globe as class warfare, social injustice and the politics of survival play out.


Le chalet

Le chalet 2015


Sarah, Lily, Francis and Antoine are all hard-core skiers and snowboarders, and they’re sharing a winter cottage to be as close as possible to the mountain. When Sarah invites her friend Catherine to move in with them for the winter, everyone except Lily is happy to welcome a new addition to the gang. But this new arrival quickly upsets the group dynamics and destabilizes each individual member. Our six friends will soon realize how much the upcoming ski season will be just like their many downhill runs: emotional, eventful and sometimes unbelievable.


The Mountain

The Mountain 2004


Boundary Mountain is an escapist playground for wealthy tourists and extreme sports enthusiasts, but to the Carver family, it's home. "The Mountain" chronicles the larger-than-life saga of the Carvers, whose colorful patriarch, David Carver, Sr., founded the town and its internationally famous ski resort after winning the land in a poker game. When this legendary man unexpectedly dies, his choice of an heir sends shockwaves throughout the community.


The Shining

The Shining 1997


A new caretaker moves with his family into the mysterious Overlook Hotel for the winter.



Nordik 2019


Amidst spectacular landscapes of snow and ice, Mylène Saint-Sauveur introduces us to the inspiring men and women whose culture and way of life were chiselled by the harsh climate of the coldest regions of the planet.


When the Weather Is Fine

When the Weather Is Fine 2020


Drained from her life in the city, a young cellist moves to a quiet small town, where she encounters an old friend who helps her heal and remake herself.


Storm of the Century

Storm of the Century 1999


When a blizzard hits an isolated island town it brings with it a mysterious stranger intent on terrorizing the people for a sinister purpose.


Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents

Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents 2013


In this spin off of 'Sun, Sex, and Suspicious Parents", parents secretly keep an eye on what their teenage kids get up to on their skiing holidays.


Uncontrollably Fond

Uncontrollably Fond 2016


The memory of their painful breakup still fresh in their minds, two former lovers reunite years later as a top actor and a documentary producer.


Frozen Planet

Frozen Planet 2011


David Attenborough travels to the end of the earth, taking viewers on an extraordinary journey across the polar regions of our planet.



Whistler 2006


Local snowboarding legend Beck McKaye returns home from the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics with a gold medal, only to be later found dead.


Frozen Roads

Frozen Roads 2018


Follow along to a sparkling Sweden, up in the North, where snow and ice is an every day thing for salvager's and snow clearer's, but not comfortable for big city dwellers during their temporary visits. Follow the heroes that transforms the northern vastness to travel-able areas.


Falling Before Fireworks

Falling Before Fireworks 2023


Si Qing, who works in a loan bank, leads a “vulgar” life in pursuit of a car, a house, and money. In order to recover a bad loan, she meets Jing Chen, a traditional craftsman, for the first time. The two of them, who do not like each other, are entwined in a “fighting each other” way. On the day of the winter solstice, Si Qing, forgotten by her parents and isolated by her colleagues, is in a state of inner turmoil and on the verge of an adult breakdown. Jing Chen’s bowl of eggs in sweet wine, a customary winter solstice treat, is mistaken by Siqing as the only warmth for her birthday so she impulsively proposes marriage. Jing Chen agrees to her request. However, marriage is only the beginning…


A Young Doctor's Notebook

A Young Doctor's Notebook 2012


A young doctor who has graduated at the top of his class from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry is thrust out into an isolated and impoverished country side as the village's only doctor. As he learns to adapt to his new lifestyle, he develops a morphine addiction to stay his sanity while realizing what being a doctor in the real world means.


Winter Night

Winter Night 2022


A love story revolving around Zheng Da Qian, an employee of an advertising company, and Mu Zi Li, an entrepreneurial boss. Zheng Da Qian is a northeastern girl with a bright personality. She is an employee of an advertising company. She also has a careless personality and extremely low emotional self-esteem. She seems to be very independent and strong when working. But in fact, there was a time that she was frustrated with her career and relationship, so she chose to return to her hometown in Northeast China, so that she can spend time alone to focus more on herself. Mu Zi Li is the boss of a start-up company. He seems to be easy-going and humorous on the outside. In fact, he has his own principles and stubborn personality. In order to protect his family, he chose to accept the current status quo that makes him feel depressed with his life. He never expected to meet Zheng Daqian, a northeastern girl who shared the same problem with him, which is emotional entanglements.


Honkai Impact 3rd Golden Courtyard: New Year Wishes in Winter

Honkai Impact 3rd Golden Courtyard: New Year Wishes in Winter 2023


On this wintry day, I'll stay with everyone at Golden Courtyard to do adorable things and create special memories, and then we'll embrace the new year in our unique way. Haha, does this sound ceremonious? After all, I want to create more such wonderful memories with every one of you, because I love you all ♪


That Winter, the Wind Blows

That Winter, the Wind Blows 2013


Circumstances condemn Oh Soo and Oh Young to loveless lives. After the untimely death of his first love, Oh Soo turns to an ambitionless life as a derelict gambler. The gorgeous Oh Young should be leading the perfect life as an heiress, but when her parents’ divorce crumbles the family, she faces the reality of living life alone—particularly in light of her increasingly impaired vision. When these two heavy souls cross paths, fate delivers a chance meeting that will change their lives forever.