Spider-Man: Putovanje kroz Spider-svijet

Spider-Man: Putovanje kroz Spider-svijet 2023


Nakon ponovnog ujedinjenja s Gwen Stacy, Brooklynov prijateljski nastrojeni Spider-Man iz susjedstva katapultira se preko Multiverzuma, gdje susreće tim Spider-ljudi zaduženih za zaštitu njegovog postojanja. Ali kada se heroji sukobe oko toga kako se nositi s novom prijetnjom, Miles se nađe suprotstavljen drugim Spiderima i mora redefinirati što znači biti heroj kako bi mogao spasiti ljude koje najviše voli.


Mjesto tišine

Mjesto tišine 2018


Naš svijet su zauzeli naizgled neranjivi grabežljivci, koji - na najmanji mogući šum - odmah napadaju smrtonosnom silom. Sve se stoga odvija oko jednog bitnog pravila – kreći se pažljivo i nikada ne stvaraj nikakav zvuk, pa čak ni najmanji šum. Jedna je genijalna obitelj uspjela preživjeti u tišini, pažljivo prigušujući svaki mogući zvuk u svakodnevnom životu. U ovom nadnaravnom, napetom horor trileru uz Johna Krasinskog glumi i dobitnica nagrade Zlatni globus® Emily Blunt, Noah Jupe i Millicent Simmonds.


Izbavitelji 2

Izbavitelji 2 2018


U novom nastavku priče o superherojskoj obitelji mama Helen je u centru pažnje, a tata Bob je heroj kod kuće gdje se brine za djecu. Njihovu normalnu svakodnevicu poremeti dolazak opasnog i pametnog zlikovca kojeg jedino Izbavitelji mogu pobijediti. Uloge: Siniša Popović, Bojana Gregorić Vejzović, Branko Đurić, Marija Šegvić, Ksenija Marinković (Izvor: www.blitz-cinestar.hr)


Mjesto tišine 2

Mjesto tišine 2 2021


Mjesto tišine 2 se nastavlja na kraj prvog dijela. Nakon što im je uništen siguran doma, Evelyn i njezino troje djece kreću dalje u nepoznati svijet, u kojem čak i najmanji zvuk znači smrt. Pokušavaju pronaći druge preživjele i proširiti svoja nova saznanja o tome kako ubiti ta stvorenja.


Susjedi iz pakla

Susjedi iz pakla 2014


Novi roditelji Kelly i Mac otkriju da baš i nisu spremni na roditeljstvo kada završe u prljavom ratu s partijanerima iz bratstva u susjednoj kući.


Instant obitelj

Instant obitelj 2018


Kada Pete (Mark Wahlberg) i Ellie (Rose Byrne) odluče zasnovati obitelj, krenu istraživati mogućnosti posvajanja. U domu za posvajanje upoznaju buntovnu 15-godišnju djevojku (Isabela Moner) i njezinog mlađeg brata i sestru te preko noći postaju peteročlana obitelj. Izvor:www.blitz-cinestar.hr


Matilda: Mjuzikl

Matilda: Mjuzikl 2022


Neobična djevojčica oštra uma i bujne mašte odvažno naumi promijeniti svoju priču... a rezultati su čudesni. Upoznajte Matildu.


Prelomilo se u četrdesetima

Prelomilo se u četrdesetima 2012


Tvorac urnebesnih komedija Kncoked Up, The 40 Year Old Virgin i Bridesmaids donosi nam još jednu priču iz svakodnevnog života na velika platna. Naravno, nasmijat će vas do suza! Svojevrsni nastavak filma Zalomilo se (Knocked Up)! Paul Rudd i Leslie Mann su bračni par s dvoje djece, rade, bore se s bračnim problemima, poslom i svakodnevnim obvezama. Godine idu i bliže se četrdesete… kriza srednjih godina? Kako se nose s njom ne propustite pogledati, zabava je zagarantirana!



Odrastanje 2014


Nakon razvoda majka i otac i dalje zajednički vode svog mladog sina kroz mladost i adolescenciju do odrasle dobi.



Ezra 2024




Star(c)i 2023


Gunđavi sredovječni otac i njegova dvojica najboljih prijatelja osjećaju se kao ribe na suhom u hirovitom svijetu direktora milenijalaca i moćnih vrtićkih ravnateljica.


Hajde hajde

Hajde hajde 2021


Johnny i njegov mladi nećak stvaraju osjetljiv, ali i transformacijski odnos kada se neočekivano spoje u ovu delikatnu i duboko dirljivu priču o vezama između odraslih i djece, prošlosti i budućnosti.



Adolescence 2025


When a 13-year-old is accused of the murder of a classmate, his family, therapist and the detective in charge are all left asking: what really happened?



thirtysomething 1987


Thirtysomething is an American television drama about a group of baby boomers in their late thirties. It was created by Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick for MGM/UA Television Group and The Bedford Falls Company, and aired on ABC. It premiered in the U.S. on September 29, 1987. It lasted four seasons, with the last of its 85 episodes airing on May 28, 1991. The title of the show was designed as thirtysomething by Kathie Broyles, who combined the words of the original title, Thirty Something. In 1997, "The Go Between" and "Samurai Ad Man" were ranked #22 on TV Guide′s 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time. In 2002, Thirtysomething was ranked #19 on TV Guide′s 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time, and in 2013 TV Guide ranked it #10 in its list of The 60 Greatest Dramas of All Time.


Children Ruin Everything

Children Ruin Everything 2022


Astrid and James, who struggle to find a balance between being mom and dad to two kids and being who they were before offspring.


According to Jim

According to Jim 2001


According to Jim is an American sitcom television series starring Jim Belushi in the title role as a suburban father of three children. It originally ran on ABC from October 1, 2001 to June 2, 2009.


Man with a Plan

Man with a Plan 2016


A dad finds out that parenting is harder than he thought after his wife goes back to work and he's left at home to take care of the kids.



Breeders 2020


Exposing the parental-paradox that it is possible, in the very same moment, to love your child to the horizon of the universe, while being apoplectically angry enough to want to send them there.


The War at Home

The War at Home 2005


When Dave and Vicky were growing up, their parents had it easy. Back then, there were no “time-outs,” no one had any “boundaries,” and “parenting” wasn’t even a word. Parents had no idea what their kids were really up to and ignorance truly was bliss. Now Dave and Vicky have teenagers of their own, and anything their kids might even think about doing, Dave and Vicky have already done… at least twice.



Outnumbered 2007


Partly-improvised sitcom looking at the trials and tribulations of bringing up three young children - a regal five-year-old girl with a talent for interrogation, a seven-year-old boy who could fib for Britain and an 11-year-old who is gearing up for his scary first day at secondary school.



Beelzebub 2011


Violent delinquent Oga encounters a baby one day, which crawls onto his back and immediately forms an attachment to him. Though he doesn't know it yet, this baby is named Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV, or "Baby Beel" for short—the son of the Demon Lord!



Supernanny 2005


Jo Frost, a modern day, tough-love "Mary Poppins" is placed with families in need of guidance or care. She spends an extended period of time with a family, observing their issues and then, using a series of her own tried-and-true methods, offer solutions. Problems can range from discipline to sloppiness or anything in between.



Motherland 2017


Sitcom about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive and unromantic side of parenting.


HUGtto! PreCure

HUGtto! PreCure 2018


Hana Nono is an 8th-grade student who wants to be a stylish and mature big sister-like figure. She always puts on a lovely smile and loves to search for exciting things. One day, Hana meets a baby named Hug-tan and her guardian fairy named Harry who had fallen from the sky. At that exact moment, an evil organization called Dark Tomorrow suddenly appeared! They're trying to forcefully take Hug-tan's Mirai Crystal! In order to protect Hug-tan, Hana wishes to do something to help her, and her wish is granted, as she gains a Mirai Crystal and transforms into Cure Yell. The world is overflowed with Tomorrow Power, which is the power to create a brilliant tomorrow, which is crystalized into the Mirai Crystals. If it's stolen, everyone's future will not exist. To protect Hug-tan and everyone's future, Cure Yell will do her best!


Beautiful Loser

Beautiful Loser 2016


Julien, a 31 year old man who is everything else but grown-up. Without a job and without money has he just been more or less forced to move back home to his mom in his home town. Back there he happens to meet his first young love, Marie who works as a teacher at their old college. She reveals a secret, that well, sets a new point in his life. We get to follow this kindhearted irresponsible man that struggles through his daily life which never seems to go his way.


The Love You Give Me

The Love You Give Me 2023


Many years ago, a young woman named Min Hui fell for a young man named Xin Qi. They dreamed of spending the rest of their lives together and had even planned to marry. But things between them became complicated. Xin Qi suffered from a dangerous and potentially life-threatening heart condition. And a misunderstanding between them led them to split acrimoniously. Now, years later, they are reunited at a business event. Min Hui has risen to become an R&D director at a tech firm and Xin Qi has also made a name for himself in the business world. Deciding that “fate” has brought them back into contact for a reason, they start to talk. But Min Hui reveals that she has a son. What is more, a paternity test appears to show that the child is Xin Qi’s! Xin Qi reacts by taking on the role of the boy’s father – much to the child’s delight. But will this lead them back down the path to romance? Or has their love ship already sailed?


School Babysitters

School Babysitters 2018


After losing both parents in a fatal plane crash, teenager Ryuuichi Kashima must adjust to his new life as the guardian of his younger brother Kotarou. Although Ryuuichi is able to maintain a friendly and kindhearted demeanor, Kotarou is a reserved toddler still too young to understand the reality of the situation. At their parents' funeral, they are approached by Youko Morinomiya, the stern chairman of an elite academy, who decides to take them under her care. However, there is one condition Ryuuichi must fulfill in exchange for a roof over their heads and enrolment in the school—he must become the school's babysitter. In an effort to support the female teachers at the academy, a babysitter's club was established to look after their infant children; unfortunately, the club is severely short-staffed, so now not only is Ryuuichi responsible for his little brother, but also a handful of toddlers who possess dynamic personalities.


Sweetness & Lightning

Sweetness & Lightning 2016


Kohei is a single father and high school teacher who lives with his only daughter. A chance encounter brings him together with Kotori, one of his students. The three of them start to meet together to make meals. None of them know how to cook, but they all love delicious food!


Playing Nice

Playing Nice 2025


Set against a sweeping Cornish landscape, two couples discover that their toddlers were switched at birth in a hospital mix-up, and face a horrifying dilemma: do they keep the sons they have raised and loved, or reclaim their biological child?



Unknown 2024


Wei Qian has been the breadwinner of his family since he lost his parents at a young age. Besides providing for his biological little sister, Wei Li Li, he has also adopted Wei Zhi Yuan as his little brother. Wei Qian puts his life at risk and works illegally to support his siblings. Luckily, his childhood buddy, San Pang, gets him back on the right path. As life gradually falls into place, Xiao Yuan admits that he likes Wei Qian and forcibly kisses him. Overwhelmed with anger, Wei Qian sends Xiao Yuan abroad. Yet, Wei Qian feels as if something is missing. Both of them, who are not related by blood, are no more than brothers? Or will they cross that forbidden line and end up becoming lovers?


Teen Mom UK

Teen Mom UK 2016


We’ve followed the girls on their journey and now it’s time to see these five teen moms in the UK prove that age really is just a number when it comes to parenting. We’ll watch the tears, tantrums and independence of these incredible young women as they share their journey, showcasing the highs and lows of becoming a teen mom.



Kakushigoto 2020


Single father Kakushi Goto has a secret. He’s a top-selling artist of popular erotic manga, but his impressionable young daughter, Hime, can never find out! Now he’s having to bend over backwards just to keep her inquisitive little mind from discovering what he does for a living.