Красный призрак

Красный призрак 2021


1. decembar 1941. godine. U blizini sela Vyazma (“Vyazemsky Cauldron”), mali odred sovjetskih vojnika učestvuje u borbi sa posebnom jedinicom Wehrmachta. Svaki vojnik Crvene armije spreman je da žrtvuje svoj život radi domovine. A među njima je bio i polu-čovek, polu-duh koji je inspirisao fašiste smrtonosnim, životinjskim strahom … Skoro ga niko nije vidio, ali iza njega su ostajale gomile leševa. U drevnoj Grčkoj njegovo ime bi najvjerovatnije bilo Ares, ali u godinama Velikog Domovinskog rata svi su ga poznavali kao “Crveni duh” …


Boško Buha

Boško Buha 1978


Djetinjstvo njegove generacije surovo je prekinuo rat, prisilivši njega i njegove vršnjake da prerano odrastu. Ipak, u predahu bitaka i iscrpljujućih marševa, živnula bi opet klica nagona za igrom i nestašlucima, dječija radoznalost, titraji prve ljubavi. Boreći se rame uz rame sa odraslima, ta djeca su se borila i za ostatke svoga djetinjstva.



Sutjeska 1973


Teritorij jugoslavenske republike Bosne i Hercegovine, 1943. godine. Nakon što se obznanilo da njemačke trupe pristižu u Jugoslaviju, na pomolu je velika bitka koja bi mogla odnijeti mnogo žrtava. Partizanski vođa Tito (R. Burton) svjestan je opasnosti u kojoj se nalaze on i njegovi ljudi: njih dvadeset tisuća, zajedno sa središnjom bolnicom, opkoljeni su u bosanskim vrletima od šestostrukog neprijatelja. Uslijedit će teške borbe, tijekom jednog proboja sam će Tito biti ranjen, a mnogo će hrabrih ljudi poginuti...


Generation War

Generation War 2013


Five young German friends promise to meet again after WW2 ends, but soon their naive wishes of peace and happiness will become a long and tragic nightmare.


The Written Off

The Written Off 1974


"The Written Off" is a famous Serbian TV miniseries, that was very popular in former Yugoslavia, originally airing in 1974. Due to its popularity, Radio Television of Serbia has shown reruns of the series ten times, the last re-run starting in 2012. The series has achieved something of a cult status among its audience and still attracts an estimated 3 million viewers with its last rerun. Idea of series derives from exploits of freedom fighters in Belgrade during World War II, and all the characters and events are fictitious.


The Turncoat

The Turncoat 2020


Summer 1944. Walter Proska is about to return to the Eastern Front when his train is blown up by partisans. Together with a scattered bunch of German soldiers, cut off from the front, he awaits certain death while the commands of his superior Willi Stehauf are becoming more and more senseless and inhuman.


Cat Under a Helmet

Cat Under a Helmet 1978


A tragicomic tale of lumberjack who joined the partisans during WW2. As a corporal, he successfully and courageously fulfilled the combat tasks with his partisan battalion. The commander sends him on a special assignment.


The Mission of Major Atherton

The Mission of Major Atherton 1970


This true story is made up of two episodes that show Operation Hydra. After the fall of the Uzice Republic and the success of the first enemy offensive, the British sent their mission and this series shows the events.