Harry Potter i Zatočenik Azkabana

Harry Potter i Zatočenik Azkabana 2004


Harry se raduje da će kraj ljeta započeti novi tečaj u Hogwartsu i što prije napustiti kuću svoje prezrene tetke i ujaka, Dursleys. Ono što Harry ne zna jest da će morati napustiti Privet Drive prerano i neočekivano nakon što je tetku Marge pretvorio u divovski balon. Noćni autobus i očaran, naravno, odvest će ga do konobe Leaky Cauldron, gdje ga ne čeka nitko drugi do Cornelius Fudge, ministar magije.


The Night Bus

The Night Bus 2015


An ordinary night bus has been kitted out with cameras for this series, witnessing the funny, surprising and sometimes moving interaction between passengers after dark. From late night revellers and tourists visiting the West End to shift-workers leaving home at first light, the series will provide an intimate portrait of London at night and the round-the-clock efforts made by drivers and support staff to keep the night bus working for London.