Ključna riječ Bomb Threat
Umri muški 3 1995
Nakon što je drugi dio serijala "Umri muški" režirao hollywoodski Finac Renny Harlin, u trećem dijelu režiju je preuzeo tvorac filma kojim je serija začeta, John McTiernan (Nomadi, Umri muški, Predator), uz Jamesa Camerona najuspješniji hollywoodski autor iznikao u osamdesetima.
Live Wire 1992
A Wednesday! 2008
The Big Caper 1957
உன்னைப்போல் ஒருவன் 2009
అమ్మ చెప్పింది 2006
Kuldrannake 2006
മുംബൈ ടാക്സി 2015
Sharqiya 2012
Die Bombe 1988
Traveler 2007
Jay, Tyler and Will are friends who have spent the last two years in grad school. A simple prank to rollerblade through one of New York City's most famous museums makes Jay and Tyler prime suspects in a terrorist bombing. They're unable to turn to authorities when they realize they can't prove Will even exists. In every photo from the past two years, he has managed to block his face. Who will believe them?