Od devet do pet

Od devet do pet 1980


Nakon što ju je muž ostavio zbog svoje tajnice, kućanica Judy Bernly (Jane Fonda) i sama postaje tajnica u golemoj korporaciji. U sve tajne posla uvodi je voditeljica ureda, temperamentna Violet Newstead (Lily Tomlin), koja je posebno upozorava na odnos sa šovinističkim šefom Franklinom Hartom Jr.-om (Dabney Coleman) i njegovom desnom rukom Roz Keith (Elizabeth Wilson). Glavna tema svih uredskih tračeva jesu Franklinovi neuspješni pokušaji zavođenja sretno udane tajnice Doralee Rhodes (Dolly Parton). Kada šef nepravedno zaobiđe Violet i promociju dodijeli nekome drugom, tri se prijateljice odluče utješiti u baru, što započinje večer ženskog druženja i maštanja o Franklinovoj smrti.



Grev 2021



Tokusatsu GaGaGa

Tokusatsu GaGaGa 2019


The series is based on the manga Tokusatsu Gagaga, a comedy manga by Tanba Niwa. Tokusatsu Gagaga series follows Kano Nakamura, an office lady played by Fuka Koshiba, who is secretly a tokusatsu otaku, a toku-ota. She lives her life by the code of tokusatsu heroes and often envisions herself as one as a means to make it through her daily struggles.


Land Girls

Land Girls 2009


The lives, loves and highs and lows of four members of the Women's Land Army working at the Hoxley Estate during World War II.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.



Bestsellers 2011


From the creative team behind Anyone But Me, a comedy series about five modern professional women balancing life, career and book club.



マルホの女 2014


Kashiwagi Natsuko, who has stayed in the US for a long time, is a new investigator of Adjust Research, an insurance investigation firm. She possesses scientific genius and vast personal wealth, but has a tendency to feel out of place in Japanese society which is overly logical. On the other hand, Tono Aki is a veteran investigator in the same company. Born in the old part of Tokyo and a former delinquent, she is rather stingy because she lived in poverty when she was growing up. However, she has superb memory and animal instincts. Natsuko and Aki make an odd combination as they confront ingenious crimes associated with insurance money and expose the truth.