Ledeno doba

Ledeno doba 2002


Zemlja prije dvadeset tisuća godina. I dok većina životinja napušta svoja staništa i kreće prema toplijim južnim krajevima bježeći pred valom hladnoće i novim ledenim dobom, životom razočarani mamut Manfred odlazi u suprotnom smjeru. Neočekivano mu se pridruži pričljivi ljenivac Sid koji je jednostavno prespavao odlazak svoje vrste. Jedva trpeći društvo brbljavog i nespretnog suputnika, Manfred u rijeci spasi ljudsko dijete iz ruku majke utopljenice čije su pleme napali sabljasti tigrovi predvođeni okrutnim Sotom. Odlučivši pronaći djetetovog oca, Manfred i Sid zapnu za oko Sotovom pomoćniku Diegu koji im lukavo ponudi pomoć ne bi li se tako iskupio za ranije događaje…


Ledeno doba 2: Zatopljenje

Ledeno doba 2: Zatopljenje 2006


Kada dolini u kojoj žive zaprijeti otapanje leda koji je okružuje, mamut Manny, ljenivac Sid i sabljasti tigar Diego počinju savjetovati ostale životinje da potraže novo skrovište, prije negoli isteknu tri dana tijekom kojih bi se voda mogla probiti u njihov dom. Bježeći, trojac susreće žensku mamuticu Ellie, koja je uvjerena kako je zapravo oposum, poput njene zaigrane braće. U međuvremenu, vjeverica Scrat i dalje svoj lješnjak pokušava sačuvati i usred najčudnijih okolnosti.


Lupi & Baduki

Lupi & Baduki 2024


Two very different friends – Lupi – a maned wolf, super confident and full of energy, and Baduki – a dreamy and introverted sloth – embark on adventures while learning about differences, friendship and the world. In fact, everyone in Vila Figueira has many differences between them… but that doesn’t stop them from being friends and having fun!


Meet the Sloths

Meet the Sloths 2013


Meet The Sloths follows a year in the life of five slow-moving residents of the Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, a sanctuary dedicated to saving orphaned or injured sloths. Filmmaker Lucy Cooke headed to the sanctuary to follow the stories of these loveable and unique creatures. And, apart from filming adorable videos – including one that’s got two million hits on YouTube – she has captured a unique insight into these very secretive animals. The stories demonstrate the difficulty in caring for sloths, and stories include: baby sloth twins fighting for survival, an injured and sexually frustrated ex-lothario sloth called, naturally, Randy and at the oldest living sloth in captivity that has lived to the ripe old age of 20-years-old. Over a year in their company Lucy watches as an unlikely soap opera of love, loss and lust develops and learns first hand that although slow on their feet, a sloths life is anything but slothful.