
xXx 2002


Xander Cage je XXX, bivši pobjednik X-Gamesa i profesionalni sportaš u ekstremnim sportovima, koji preživljava prodajući videozapise svojih nevjerojatnih podviga, koji adrenalin šalju diljem cuperoa. Ali nakon bezbrojnih susreta sa zakonom, njegov svijet uskoro je krenuo u još ekstremniji kurs ... Jer Xander ne zna da ga je "špijunirao" Augustus Gibbons, veteran iz Agencije za nacionalnu sigurnost koji je pronašao sebe u očajnoj situaciji u dalekom Pragu, gdje je njegovu tajnu operaciju ubila banda gangstera sa stilom koji je svoj, a koji sebe nazivaju Anarhijom 99, vodio brutalni bivši zapovjednik ruske vojske Yorgi.


Željezni div

Željezni div 1999


Priča o devetogodišnjem Hogarthu koji spasi golemog robota koji je došao na Zemlju iz svemira i sprijatelji se s njim. Hogarth pokušava zaštititi dobroćudnog i nezasitno znatiželjnog diva od nametljivoga vladina agenta i vojske.


Rocky IV

Rocky IV 1985


Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren), njegova supruga i menadžerica Ludmilla (Brigitte Nielsen) dolaze iz Rusije u SAD preuzeti krunu svjetskog prvaka od Rockyja Balboe (Sylvester Stallone). No Rocky se ne želi boriti. Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) se odluči boriti s Dragom i on ga u ringu prebije na smrt. Kako bi osvetio prijatelja, Rocky se pristane boriti s Dragom u Moskvi. I dok se Ivan priprema s pomoću visoke tehnologije, Rocky odlazi u Sibir gdje pokušava vratiti formu cijepajući drva i trčeći. Film je osvojio njemačku nagradu Golden Screen, a glumac Dolph Lundgren nagradu Marshall Trophy 1985. godine.


Oblik vode

Oblik vode 2017


Sally Hawkins tumači lik žene zaposlene u vladinom laboratoriju maksimalne sigurnosti, koja žudi s nekim stvoriti odnos. No, to se sve promijeni kada otkrije da se u laboratoriju čuva neobično biće, koje ima nevjerojatne ljudske karakteristike. Njih dvoje stvore neobičnu povezanost, unatoč protivljenju nemilosrdnih čuvara.



Šakal 1997


Kada međunarodni ubojica izmakne svim naporima FBI-a, oni se obrate zatvorenom borcu IRA-e kako bi spriječili ubojicu u sljedećem poslu.


Gospodar rata

Gospodar rata 2005


New York, osamdesetih godina. Yuri Orlov, sin židovskih doseljenika iz Ukrajine, ogorčen je siromaštvom svojih bližnjih te odluči postati trgovac oružjem. U zamisli ga slijedi i Vitaly, njegov mlađi brat. Posao im cvate i kulminira pri završetku Hladnoga rata, kada braća počnu pregovarati s ruskim generalom da kupi njihovu robu. Bogataš Yuri uspijeva zavesti ljepoticu koju zna iz viđenja i oženi se. Međutim, Yuriju je policija za petama no, usprkos činjenici da sve upućuje na njegovu krivicu, lov na njega ispast će iznimno složen problem...


Most špijuna

Most špijuna 2015


Tijekom hladnog rata američkog odvjetnika Jamesa Donovana angažiraju da na sudu brani uhićenog sovjetskog špijuna, a zatim da pomogne CIA-i u zamjeni špijuna za pilota američkog špijunskog aviona U2.


Lov na Crveni oktobar

Lov na Crveni oktobar 1990


Razorna opasnost izranja iz dubine mora, a sudbina i budućnost ljudskoga roda u rukama su jednoga čovjeka. Ponekad, izdaja vlastite zemlje može spasiti čitav svijet. Sovjetski Savez stvorio je smrtonosno oružje koje bi moglo označiti početak novog svjetskog poretka. Tehnološki usavršena nuklearna podmornica novi je adut sovjetskog arsenala, no kapetan podmornice, Marko Ramius, odluči prebjeći kako bi spriječio rat svjetskih velesila. Američka mornarica uvjerena je da ih podmornica koja putuje prema njima planira napasti, no CIA-in analitičar Jack Ryan pokušava uvjeriti američke snage da se ne radi o prijetnji američkoj sigurnosti. S druge strane, Sovjeti nipošto nisu spremni prepustiti svoje posljednje ratno čudo Amerikancima pa nastoje uništiti 'Crveni listopad' po svaku cijenu.


Atomska plavuša

Atomska plavuša 2017


Lorraine Broughton, špijunka MI6-a, poslana je u Berlin kako bi razotkrila špijunski lanac odgovoran za smrt jednog tajnog agenta, koji joj čini se i nije tako nepoznat.



Anna 2019


Anna je žrtva nasilja u obitelji i odlučuje pobjeći od tog života. U toj potrazi se uplete u svijet špijunaže, gdje je obučavaju da postane profesionalna ubojica. Pod nadzorom iskusne agentice Olge, Anna mora balansirati između svog tajnog života i javne slike modela. Kako vrijeme prolazi, Anna se nađe u zamršenoj mreži izdaje i obmana. CIA joj ponudi priliku da postane dvostruki agent, ali njezin glavni cilj ostaje isti - preživjeti i izgraditi si novi život.


Šifra U.N.C.L.E.

Šifra U.N.C.L.E. 2015


U ranim šezdesetima, CIA-in agent Napoleon Solo i KGB-ov operativac Illya Kuryakin sudjeluju u združenoj misiji protiv misteriozne kriminalne organizacije koja pokušava pribaviti nuklearno oružje. Kvalitetna akcija i britki humor ovoga filma osvojit će vas na prvu!


Cijena straha

Cijena straha 2002


1973. izraelska vojska izgubila je borca nuklearnom raketom, ispaljenom od strane neprijateljskih snaga. Raketa više nije pronađena. Dvadeset devet godina kasnije, jedan stari Arap nađe ga pola sahranjenog i napuštenog u Golani i prodaje ga plaćeniku s vezama s neonacističkim potencijalima. Istodobno, u Rusiji dolazi do nove promjene predsjednika, a novi čelnik, jedva poznat, ne budi puno povjerenje za CIA ... Nova i uzbudljiva avantura za CIA-ovog agenta Jacka Ryana (kojeg sada igra Ben Afflecka i prethodno su ga oživjeli Alec Baldwin i Harrison Ford). Film je imao polemiku baveći se problemom terorizma na apokaliptični način kad je sjećanje na 11. septembar bilo još svježe. Štoviše, u romanu Tom Clancyja teroristi su bili muslimanski fanatici, no producenti su ih u adaptaciji filma odlučili "zamijeniti" neonacističkim teroristima.


Ratne igre

Ratne igre 1983


David Lightman je srednjoškolac koji ne voli učiti i ima loše ocjene. Ali zato ima svoj način kako da ih falsificira. On je pravi kompjutorski genij i za njega je šala ući u školski informatički program i jedinice pretvoriti barem u trojke. Zahvaljujući toj sposobnosti privući će i školsku kolegicu Jennifer. Istodobno u Kristalnoj palači najveći američki vojni i informatički stručnjaci s ponosom pokazuju kompjutor WAPR koji je tako pametan da može predvidjeti sve mogućnosti u budućem eventualnom svjetskom ratu i poduzeti ono što treba da bi postigao pobjedu. Programirao ga je glasoviti prof. Falken, a temelj WAPR-ovog znanja je to što ga je profesor "naučio" kako da neprekidno uči iz vlastitih pogrešaka. WAPR uvijek igra do pobjede i nikada ne odustaje. Pokušavajući odabrati igru koju će igrati, Dave ulazi u sustav WAPR, a iz ponude igara - od križića-kružića do globalnog nuklearnog rata - on bira ovu posljednju.



Tetris 2023


Temeljen na stvarnim događajima, film govori o videoigri Tetris koju je sredinom 1980-ih razvio sovjetski programer Aleksej Pajitnov. Amerikanac, Henk Rogers, i ruski stručnjak sklapaju nevjerojatno prijateljstvo dok pokušavaju izbjeći KGB i prokrijumčariti najpoznatiju videoigru na svijetu iz Sovjetskog Saveza.


Crveno usijanje

Crveno usijanje 1988


Viktor (Ed O'Ross), ruski narko diler napušta Rusiju i bježi u Chicago ali ga tamo uhapse. Rusi šalju njihova najboljeg i najačeg policajca Ivana Danka (Arnold Schwarzenegger) kako bi ga vratio u Rusiju no Viktor uspijeva pobjeći. Ivan se mora udružiti s Američkim policajcem Artom Ridzikom (James Belushi) kako bi uhvatili Viktora...


Život drugih

Život drugih 2006


Istočni Berlin, sredina osamdesetih godina. Georg Dreyman poznati je istočnonjemački pisac i dramatičar, oženjen poznatom kazališnom glumicom Christom-Mariom. Jednoga dana poznati agent Stasija, Wiesler, dobiva naredbu da špijunira spomenuti par zbog najave da su protudržavni agenti.


The Americans

The Americans 2013


Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent.


For All Mankind

For All Mankind 2019


Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families.


The Company

The Company 2007


The Company tells the thrilling story of Cold War CIA agents imprisoned in double lives, fighting an amoral, elusive, formidable enemy – and each other – in an internecine battle within the Company itself.


Summer of Rockets

Summer of Rockets 2019


Samuel, a Russian-born Jewish inventor who specialises in the development of hearing aids, is tasked with a secret mission by MI5 to use his technological expertise to contribute to western Cold War efforts. Following the tensions of the space race and the first hydrogen bomb test, Samuel's efforts factor in to the emergence of the modern world.


Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors 1958


Behind Closed Doors is an American drama series set during the Cold War hosted by and occasionally starring Bruce Gordon in the role of Commander Matson. The series, which aired on NBC from October 2, 1958, to April 9, 1959, focuses, among other themes, on how the former Soviet Union stole American missile secrets and proposes steps to prevent further espionage. Behind Closed Doors is based on the files and experiences of Rear Admiral Ellis M. Zacharias, who offers comments at the end of each segment. Behind Closed Doors, a Screen Gems production, replaced Jackie Cooper's sitcom The People's Choice, followed the NBC quiz show, Twenty-One, and preceded the The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show. Its competition was The Pat Boone Chevy Show on ABC and Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater western anthology series on CBS.


Project Blue Book

Project Blue Book 2019


A chronicle of the true top secret U.S. Air Force-sponsored investigations into UFO-related phenomena in the 1950s and ’60s, known as “Project Blue Book”.



Löwengrube 1989


"Löwengrube – Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit" is a German television series first aired between 1989 and 1992, created by Willy Purucker and directed by Rainer Wolffhardt. It is set in Munich and follows the lives of Ludwig Grandauer and his son Karl, both policemen, covering the years from 1897 to 1954. The TV show is based on Purucker's radio play series Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit (‘The Grandauers and their time’). The series’ main title "Löwengrube", meaning ‘Lions’ Den’, refers to the address of the Munich Police Headquarters inaugurated in 1913.


Granite Flats

Granite Flats 2013


It's the 1960s. The height of the Cold War. The rural town of Granite Flats, Colorado, suddenly becomes a hotbed for mystery and intrigue. Almost a year after Hershel Jenkins was released from jail, mystery is still a permanent resident in Granite Flats, Colorado. From small concerns plaguing the citizens of the small town to ongoing FBI investigations, Arthur, Timmy, and Madeline are eager to put their developing detective skills to the test. Their sleuthing goes further than ever before, and they may be biting off more than they can chew. And as it turns out, sleuthing is a family affair. The parents of all three miniature detectives have dipped their toes in the water. Chief Sanders works side by side with the FBI to find a citizen who is disloyal to the country, Beth is embroiled in the center of experimental work at the hospital, and the Doctors Andrews are the masterminds behind the shady experiments. This season, everyone has got a secret and nobody is ready to admit it.


Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War

Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War 2024


With firsthand accounts and access to prominent figures around the world, this comprehensive docuseries explores the Cold War and its aftermath.



Deutschland 2015


A gripping coming-of-age story set against the real culture wars and political events of Germany in the 1980s. The drama follows Martin Rauch as the 24 year-old East Germany native is pulled from the world as he knows it and sent to the West as an undercover spy for the Stasi foreign service. Hiding in plain sight in the West German army, he must gather the secrets of NATO military strategy. Everything is new, nothing is quite what it seems and everyone he encounters is harboring secrets, both political and personal.


Line of Separation

Line of Separation 2015


After the fall of the Third Reich, the small town of Tannbach is cruelly divided between East and West regimes and the town’s inhabitants suffer the consequences. A gripping historical drama exploring the devastating effects decades of conflict had on communities from the end of the Second War War to the fall of the Berlin Wall.



GDR 2024


1989-1990. General Secretary of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachyov begins global transformations in the USSR. He passionately wants to become a star in world politics and for this he is ready to go as far as he can to meet the West. But the perestroika planned by Gorbachyov leads to fatal, irreversible consequences. Intelligence officer Alexander Nechaev finds himself at the center of an operation organized by the intelligence services of several countries. During the months spent in Berlin at the moment of the breakdown of the entire post-war world order, Nechaev changed a lot. He no longer knows who is a friend and who is a traitor, but continues to defend the honor and interests of his Motherland...


The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff 2020


At the height of the Cold War, newly formed NASA selects seven of the military’s best test pilots to become astronauts. Competing to be the first in space, these men achieve the extraordinary, inspiring the world to turn towards a new horizon of ambition and hope.


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 1979


George Smiley, the aging master spy of the Cold War and once heir apparent to Control, is brought back out of retirement to flush out a top level mole within the Circus. Smiley must travel back through his life and murky workings of the Circus to unravel the net spun by his nemesis Karla 'The Sandman' of the KGB and reveal the identity of the mole before he disappears.


Shadow Lines

Shadow Lines 2019


During the 1950s, Helsinki was the focal point of the Cold War, as global powers and their intelligence agencies coalesced in the small neutral country that stood between the East and the West. Shadow Lines is an international spy thriller that follows a secret intelligence team whose mission is to defend the independence of Finland no matter the cost.


Biff Baker U.S.A.

Biff Baker U.S.A. 1952


Biff Baker, U.S.A. is an American crime drama television series that aired on CBS from November 6, 1952, to March 26, 1953 starring Alan Hale, Jr. as Cold War spy Biff Baker.


Five Fingers

Five Fingers 1959


Five Fingers is an NBC adventure/drama series set in Europe during the Cold War loosely based on the 1952 film 5 Fingers, starring James Mason and Danielle Darrieux. It ran from October 3, 1959, to January 9, 1960. David Hedison starred as 32-year-old Victor Sebastian, an American counterintelligence officer with the code name "Five Fingers". Luciana Paluzzi played Simone Genet, Sebastian's secretary and romantic interest. Paul Burke played Robertson, Sebastian's contact man. Five Fingers itself was based on the book Operation Cicero by L.C. Moyzisch and on the memoirs of Elyesa Bazna. Bazna was something of an antihero in real life; the television series transformed the character from a World War II-era mercenary Albanian into a Cold War era heroic American. Sebastian posed as a Communist to gain information on party activities. His public cover was that of a theatrical booking agent for clubs and cafes throughout Europe.


Hell Below

Hell Below 2016


Hell Below is an event-based series charting the stealth game of sub sea warfare, tracking the dramatic narrative from contact to attack of the greatest submarine patrols of World War II. From the rise of the Wolfpack to the drive for victory in the Pacific, we profile the strategic masterminds and the rapid evolution of technology and tactics, as the threat of undersea warfare brings every sailor's worst nightmare to life. Expert analysis and stock footage are woven with narrative driven re-enactments filmed on authentic Second World War era submarines to place the characters at the heart of the action.