Građanski rat

Građanski rat 2024


U bliskoj budućnosti radnja prati skupinu novinara koji kreću na putovanje kroz SAD usred sve intenzivnijeg građanskog rata koji je zahvatio cijelu zemlju. Tijekom svog putovanja nailaze na nekoliko po život opasnih izazova. Istovremeno, vlada se pretvara u distopijski režim, a radikalne skupine često sudjeluju u političkom nasilju.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 2016


Godine 2002. producentica kabelskih vijesti Kim Barker odluči prodrmati svoju rutinu preuzimanjem smionog novog zadatka u Kabulu, Afganistan. Izbačena iz svog udobnog američkog načina života, Barker se nađe usred ratne zone izvan kontrole. Srećom, upoznaje Tanyu Vanderpoel, kolegicu novinarku koja šokiranu novinarku uzima pod svoje okrilje. Usred militanata, gospodara rata i noćnih zabava, Barker otkriva ključ kako postati uspješan dopisnik.



Flag 2006


Saeko Shirasu is a 25-year-old war front-line photo-journalist who became a celebrity after taking a picture of civilians raising a makeshift UN flag in war-torn Uddiyana. The image then became an instant symbol for peace. However, just before the peace agreement is achieved, the flag was stolen by an armed extremist group in order to obstruct the truce. The UN peacekeepers decide to covertly send in a SDC (pronounced as "Seedac"—Special Development Command) unit to retrieve the flag. Because of her connection with the "Flag" photo, Saeko Shirasu was offered the job of following the SDC unit as a front line journalist. Among the SDC unit's equipment is the HAVWC (High Agility Versatile Weapon Carrier—pronounced "havoc") mecha armored vehicle.


Two Homelands

Two Homelands 2019


Kenji Amo is a 2nd generation Japanese-American. He was born in America, but went to school in Japan. He returned to America to study at UCLA. Now, Kenji Amo works as a reporter for a newspaper in the Little Tokyo area of Los Angeles. Charlie Tamiya also studied at UCLA with Kenji Amo. Charlie Tamiya has feeling for Nagiko who works with Kenji Amo at the same newspaper company. Knowing that, Kenji Amo holds complicated feelings. At this time, Nagiko's friend Emi Hatanaka asks Kenji Amo to marry her. He accepts her proposal, but the Pacific War begins. Circumstances surrounding Kenji Amo changes.


Brothers at War

Brothers at War 2020


A look back at a cruel conflict, the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71), which changed the political geography of Europe and sowed the seeds of a deep antagonism between France and Germany that culminated in two world wars. Excerpts from the diaries of the witnesses, photographs and painted panoramas tell the truth about a forgotten war.