
Lucy 2014


Krhka djevojka Lucy oteta je kako bi postala ljudska mula, transporter vrećice nepoznatog sadržaja u svom trbuhu. No, naizgled nježna Lucy ubrzo se pretvara u svemoćnu ratnicu koja umjesto 10% koristi cijeli svoj mozak. Kako bi saznala što se s njom događa Lucy se obraća za pomoć profesoru Normanu (Morgan Freeman).


Put pobjednika

Put pobjednika 2015


Will Smith je zvijezda ovog dramatičnog trilera temeljenog na nevjerojatnoj istinitoj priči o borbi Davida protiv Golijata. Priča je to o američkom imigrantu dr. Bennetu Omaluu, briljantnom forenzičnom neuropatologu koji je prvi otkrio CTE, moždanu traumu povezanu s "footballom", kod profesionalnog igrača i koji se borio da se istina sazna. Omaluova emocionalna potraga dovodi ga u opasan sukob s jednom od najmoćnijih - i najpopularnijih - institucija u svijetu.


Beautiful Minds - Voyage into the Brain

Beautiful Minds - Voyage into the Brain 2006


Beautiful Minds: A Voyage Into The Brain, was a 2006 documentary on super-talented savants. Prof. Gerhard Roth of the University of Bremen in Germany, and Dr. Darold Treffert of the University of Wisconsin Medical School in USA introduced savants from different countries. They were Howard Potter, Orlando Serrell, Kim Peek, Matt Savage, Stephen Wiltshire, Temple Grandin, Alonzo Clemons, Christopher Taylor, and Rüdiger Gamm. It has been broadcast in more than 20 countries including Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Japan, Hong Kong, Canada, New Zealand, and USA. The documentary consisted of three episodes: Episode 1: Memory Masters Episode 2: The Einstein Effect Episode 3: The Big Difference It was produced in 2006 by colourFIELD tell-a-vision, a German company.


The Curious Mind

The Curious Mind 2018


Nigel Latta goes on a fascinating journey to explore the miracles of the human mind with the help of BabyX, one of the most advanced Artificial Intelligence models on the planet.