Ključna riječ Japanese
Battle Royale 2000
Kontroverzni japanski film koji prikazuje distopijsku budućnost u kojoj japanska vlada, kao odgovor na porast nasilja među mladima, organizira godišnji događaj u kojem je klasa srednjoškolaca prisiljena međusobno se boriti na napuštenom otoku dok ne ostane samo jedan preživjeli. Opremljeni raznim oružjem i eksplozivnim ogrlicama, učenici se suočavaju s moralnim dilemama i borbom za preživljavanje u brutalnom okruženju.
好きっていいなよ。 2014
夢と狂気の王国 2013
ゴジラ×メガギラス G消滅作戦 2000
デスノート 2006
Konačno odbrojavanje 1980
Olujno nevrijeme nije ništa čudno i neuobičajeno na moru. Ali ovoga puta nakon nevremena kapetan i posada nuklearnog nosača aviona nekako su vraćeni u 1941. godinu tik prije japanskog napada na Pearl Harbour. Potpuno zbunjeni kapetan i posada ne znaju što i kako se dogodilo, ali znaju da su u prilici promijeniti tijek povijesti.
ピノキオ√964 1991
자유의 언덕 2014
The Obsolete Girl 2025
フィギュアなあなた 2013
Untangling Your Name 2025
Collision Course 1989
シロメ 2010
Being Japanese 2021
日野日出志の怪奇劇場 怪奇!死人少女 2004
Screen Play 1993
アジアの天使 2021
Bakemono 2019
Kyusei Sentai Wakuseiber 2021
Kyuusei Sentai Wakuseiber, alternatively spelled Wakusaver, is a Japanese Tokusatsu web-television series created by AV company GIGA in homage to Toei's Super Sentai series. The show airs exclusively on YouTube for all-ages, with its final episode, an extended cut of episode five with AV content, being exclusively on an adults-only DVD and digital download.
Old Enough! 1991
Children go on errands all by themselves for the very first time as a camera crew follows along in this beloved, long-running reality show from Japan.
Love You Just as You Are 2022
Akira is a 30-year-old salaryman married to novelist Sonoko. After five years of marriage things between them have cooled and now they barely speak. One evening Akira is suddenly struck with an unbearable headache and, after being taken to the hospital, is told his illness is life-threatening. At the same time, a strange change starts to take over Akira’s body. The Akira who walks out of the operating theater has transformed into a woman!
Overworked and exhausted, Umi gets a glow up in life and love when she leaves her job in TV production to work for an exciting cosmetics startup.
Hashiba Takeru is the leader of Global Operation Service (GOS), a secret spy organization housed within the Public Security Investigation Bureau which is tasked with eradicating criminals who are targeting Japan for various reasons.
Caligula 2018
"Caligula" is a psychological phenomenon in which you want do things that are prohibited. Featured here are numerous pitches rejected by multiple TV stations. However, there are some treasures buried among them. Proposals once buried in the darkness revived here!
ME:I take on various jobs to explore how their lives could be different if they hadn't debuted as idols.
Hitori Shizuka 2012
In a residential area, a man is murdered by another man, who broke into his apartment. Sergeant Kizaki, who is working near the area, hears a gunshot and runs towards the apartment. Detective Oomura already is at the scene of the crime.
Take Me 2024
The Incident Is Happening Around It 2022
Although there are many criminal articles, this drama does not solve any cases. Instead, a 15-minute comedy drama that focuses on the detectives' troubles and "small cases" that occur around the incident. Fuka Koshiba plays Ichika Mano, a detective who wants to do everything on her own and is not good at relying on others. Mano's buddy is Kazuto Udagawa (played by Masashi Kasamatsu). He is the exact opposite of Mano, rational and efficient, and has no hesitation in asking people for favors. A comedy drama with a new sensation, in which a pair of young detectives with such contradictory personalities unfolds while sometimes involving the people around them.
Getting Dirty in Japan 2023
Swedish outdoor enthusiast and reporter Janni Olsson leads her team on various outdoor adventures across Japan.
Juuko Tokusou Dinnovator 2021
Juuko Tokusou Dinnovator, is a Japanese Tokusatsu web-television series created by AV company GIGA in homage to Toei's Metal HeroesIcon-crosswiki.png series. The show airs exclusively on YouTube for all-ages, with its final episode being exclusively on an adults-only DVD and digital download.
Maeda Atsuko Yappari Tsuri ga Suki! 2023
Actress Maeda Atsuko challenge hairtail and horse mackerel in Tokyo Bay in summer.
Documentary WAVE 2011
This is a program that looks at the "now" of the world while at the same time considering the future of Japanese people. In the first year, they aired "Chinese in Paris," which looked into the suffering of Chinese refugees, "Private Manning's War," which looked into the reality of the American war, and "Steve Jobs' Children," which followed the students who listened to Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford University.