Vaiana 2 2024
Nakon što je primila neočekivani poziv od svojih predaka navigatora, Vaiana kreće na putovanje dalekim morima Oceanije i u opasne, davno izgubljene vode, u avanturu kakvu nikada prije nije doživjela.
Nakon što je primila neočekivani poziv od svojih predaka navigatora, Vaiana kreće na putovanje dalekim morima Oceanije i u opasne, davno izgubljene vode, u avanturu kakvu nikada prije nije doživjela.
Čini se da se svijet bliži svom kraju uslijed neizbrisivih tragova ljudske prisutnosti. Mačak je usamljena životinja, ali nakon što mu je dom opustošen velikom poplavom, on pronalazi utočište na brodu na kojem se već nalaze razne životinje te se mora s njima udružiti kako bi preživio unatoč njihovim različitostima. Dok usamljeni brodić plovi kroz mistične preplavljene krajolike, svi njegovi putnici moraju uspješno navigirati kroz izazove i opasnosti koje slijede istovremeno se adaptirajući na ovaj novi svijet.
Godine 1868. svjetskim su morima zavladali strah i panika zbog učestalih potapanja brodova i brojnih ljudskih žrtava. Razlog im je bilo, navodno, golemo morsko čudovište neviđene snage i okrutnosti. Preživjeli su mornari opisivali strašne događaje pothranjujući bojazan da više niti jedan brod nije siguran od tajanstvene pošasti. Vlasti SAD-a stoga odluče pozvati najcjenjenijeg svjetskog stručnjaka za pitanja mora, francuskog profesora Pierrea Aronnaxa (P. Lukas) iz Pariškog nacionalnog muzeja. Ukrcavši se na američki ratni brod kako bi sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci tragao za opasnim čudovištem, profesoru Aronnaxu od velike će pomoći biti njegov sluga Conceille (P. Lorre) i stručnjak za harpune, mornar Ned Land (K. Douglas)...
Ekipu civilnih ronilaca koji rade na "Deepcoru," prototipu podvodnog staništa za potrebe vađenja nafte, protiv njihove volje uposli američka mornarica, u pokušaju da pronađe i spasi nastradalu nuklearnu podmornicu.
Posejdon, najveći prekooceanski brod, kreće na plovidbu 31. prosina. Nekoliko minuta poslije ponoći, kapetan Harrison (Leslie Nielsen), primjeti jedan od najvećih plimskih valova. To je posljednja slika koju će Harrison zajedno sa putnicima i članovima posade vidjeti u svom životu jer će upravo taj val prevrnuti njihov brod. Tek nekolicinu preživjelih: Mike Rogo (Ernest Borgnine), Linda (Stella Stevens), Acres (Roddy McDowall), Belle (Shelley Winters) i Manny (Jack Albertsonn) Rosen. Predvođeni karizmatičnim svećenikom Frankom Scottom (Gene Hackman) grupica preživjelih i zarobljenih u prevrenulom brodu nastoji pronaći put koji će ih dovesti na slobodu.
Spužva Bob pomaže svom šefu koji je lažno optužen za krađu krune kralja Neptuna. Hoće li ga uspjeti spasiti za samo šest dana i izvući iz strašnog grada iz kojeg se stvorenja rijetko vraćaju? Plankton je preuzeo kontrolu nad svim u gradu. Preostali su samo kralj Neptun i njegova kćer Mindy.
Sramežljiva srednjoškolka Ruby smatra da je život morskog krakena među ljudima dovoljno težak, ali kad dođe do strašnog mitskog sukoba, otkriva svoju moćnu lozu kraljice ratnice i mora prigrliti svoje nove moći kako bi zaštitila one koje najviše voli.
Priča je usredotočena na putnike krstarenja po Atlantskom oceanu koji, nakon što ih pogode tajanstvene vremenske neprilike, prelaze na drugi brod na kojemu se suočavaju s još većim nevremenom na otvorenomu moru.
Zemljine polarne kape potpuno su se otopile, a more je prekrilo čitavo kopno. Pomorac (Kevin Costner), koji plovi morskim prostranstvima na svom trimaranu, stigne do plutajućeg sela te se ponada da će moći zamijeniti zemlju, koja je postala vrijedna roba, za potrepštine bez kojih ne može. No neprijateljski raspoloženi stanovnici liše ga slobode zbog škrga i peraja na nogama, koje su neki ljudi razvili kako bi se prilagodili novim uvjetima. Baš u to vrijeme selo napadnu gusari, ali Pomorac uspije pobjeći i spasiti Helen (Jeanne Tripplehorn) i njenu kći. Zajedno s njima, on nastavlja potragu za mitskim kopnom, planinom Everest, nastanjenom ljudima.
Kada dijabolični gusar ukrade tajni recept za rakburgere, Spužva Bob i prijatelji odlaze na obalu vratiti nestalu formulu. Da bi uspjeli, moraju se udružiti s bivšim rivalom Planktonom i osloboditi svoje skrivene superheroje.
Svaki pingvin ima jedinstvenu pjesmu koju izvodi svojoj odabranici, no mali Mumble nema lijep glas, ali zato ima nešto što nema niti jedan pingvin – talent za tap ples. I dok njegova majka Norma Jean doživljava sinov hobi slatkim, tata Memphis misli da plesanje nije prikladno za jednog pingvina. Osim toga, roditelji znaju da bez posebnog pjeva pingvin nikada neće sebi naći partnericu i pravu ljubav. Od trenutka kada su se izlegli, Mumble i njegova prijateljica Gloria posebno su vezani jedno za drugo, no Glorija nikako ne uspijeva izaći na kraj s Mumbleovim „skakutanjem“. Glasove slatkim pingvinima posudili su David Vurdelja, Robert Ugrina, Ljubomir Kerekeš i drugi.
Avion se srušio u Tihi ocean. Potopljeni putnički avion visi na rubu ponora, a preživjeli se nađu zarobljeni u zračnom džepu. Zalihe zraka postupno nestaju, a među putnicima počinje borba za preživljavanje.
Smještena u 1820. godinu, radnja filma 'U srcu mora' prepričava slijed događaja u kojima se našao brod Essex i njegova posada nakon što su krenuli u potragu za velikim bijelim kitom. Nevjerojatnu pustolovinu kojoj je prošao, po prvi puta u pero mladome piscu diktira jedini preživjeli s toga puta četrdeset godina kasnije.
David Attenborough presents a documentary series exploring how animals meet the challenges of surviving in the most iconic habitats on earth.
With his straw hat and ragtag crew, young pirate Monkey D. Luffy goes on an epic voyage for treasure.
Across the globe, strange happenings, borne out of the oceans, are mystifying and imperiling the world’s population. A group of scientists undertakes a terrifying mission to the depths of the Arctic Ocean to confront a deadly intelligent life force bent on human extinction.
When a novelist realizes her terrifying stories are coming true, she returns to her hometown to face the demons from her past that inspire her writing.
There is nowhere more powerful and unforgiving yet more beautiful and compelling than the ocean. Join us and explore the greatest yet least known parts of our planet.
Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels from various coasts to the poles to examine watery denizens ranging from the gigantic blue whale to microscopic coral polyps.
After the great disaster of 2008, a war that destroyed the planet, the world is now largely ocean with the continents having sunk. Conan lives on a remote island with his grandpa and nature, never having seen another human being. But one day a mysterious girl, Lana, washes up on his beach. The two become quick friends, but she’s soon kidnapped and taken to Industria, a technological remainder from the world before. Conan leaves his island in pursuit, braving new lands and many hardships with new friends and enemies just beyond the horizon.
American version of the British dating reality competition in which ten singles come to stay in a villa for a few weeks and have to couple up with one another. Over the course of those weeks, they face the public vote and might be eliminated from the show. Other islanders join and try to break up the couples.
Long ago, all humans lived beneath the sea. However, some people preferred the surface and abandoned living underwater permanently. As a consequence, they were stripped of their god-given protection called "Ena" which allowed them to breathe underwater. Over time, the rift between the denizens of the sea and of the surface widened, although contact between the two peoples still existed. This show follows the story of Hikari Sakishima and Manaka Mukaido, along with their childhood friends Chisaki Hiradaira and Kaname Isaki, who are forced to leave the sea and attend a school on the surface. There, the group also meets Tsumugu Kihara, a fellow student and fisherman who loves the sea. Hikari and his friends' lives are bound to change as they have to deal with the deep-seated hatred and discrimination between the people of sea and of the surface, the storms in their personal lives, as well as an impending tempest which may spell doom for all who dwell on the surface.
South Pacific is a British nature documentary series from the BBC Natural History Unit, which began airing on BBC Two on 10 May 2009. The six-part series surveys the natural history of the islands of the South Pacific region, including many of the coral atolls and New Zealand. It was filmed entirely in high-definition. South Pacific was co-produced by the Discovery Channel and the series producer was Huw Cordey. It is narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch. Filming took place over 18 months in a variety of remote locations around the Pacific including: Anuta, Banks Islands, French Frigate Shoals, Papua New Guinea, Palmyra, Kingman Reef, Tuvalu, Palau, Caroline Islands, Tuamotus and Tanna Island in Vanuatu. On 6 May 2009, BBC Worldwide released a short clip of big wave surfer Dylan Longbottom surfing in slow motion, high-definition footage as a preview of the series, attracting extremely positive reactions on the video sharing website YouTube. The series was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on 15 June 2009. At the end of each fifty-minute episode, a ten-minute featurette takes a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of filming the series. The series was released by Discovery International in the USA under the title Wild Pacific, with narration provided by Mike Rowe.
On the shores of Cape Mercy, a skillful group of teen divers investigate a series of secrets and signs after one of their own mysteriously goes missing.
Years ago, the fearsome Pirate King, Gol D. Roger was executed leaving a huge pile of treasure and the famous "One Piece" behind. Whoever claims the "One Piece" will be named the new King of the Pirates. Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who consumed a "Devil Fruit," decides to follow in the footsteps of his idol, the pirate Shanks, and find the One Piece. It helps, of course, that his body has the properties of rubber and that he's surrounded by a bevy of skilled fighters and thieves to help him along the way. Luffy will do anything to get the One Piece and become King of the Pirates!
Sea Patrol is an Australian television drama set on board HMAS Hammersley, a fictional patrol boat of the Royal Australian Navy. The series focuses on the ship and the lives of its crew members.
Octopuses are like aliens on Earth: three hearts, blue blood and the ability to squeeze through a space the size of their eyeballs. But there is so much more to these weird and wonderful animals. Intelligent enough to use tools or transform their bodies to mimic other animals and even communicate with different species, the secrets of the octopus are more extraordinary than we ever imagined.
Discover the stories beneath the surface of the water in this stunning nature documentary series, which explores each of the Earth's five oceans.
The decade-long odyssey of surfing pioneer Garrett McNamara, who, after visiting Nazaré, Portugal in hopes of conquering a 100-foot wave, pushed the sport to ever-greater heights and alongside locals helped transform the small fishing village into the world’s preeminent big-wave surfing destination.
Manatsu Natsuumi is a first-year junior high school student born and raised on a small island. On the day she moves from the island, She meets Laura, a mermaid girl who has come to the earth alone in search of the legendary warrior, PreCure. Laura's hometown, Grand Ocean, is attacked by a witch who lives in the dark depths of the ocean, and all of their motivational power is taken away. It is said that if the motivational power of humans is also taken away, the world will be in deep trouble. Laura is captured by the witch's servant, and Manatsu transforms into Cure Summer to save her.
Hallo Robbie! is a German television series.
Curious little Kelp's been living his whole life as a narwhal... until he finds out he's actually a unicorn. Now he's got two worlds to explore!