Ubojice cvjetnog mjeseca

Ubojice cvjetnog mjeseca 2023


Film prati seriju ubojstava unutar indijanskog plemena Osage u Oklahomi 1920-ih godina. Osage su postali najbogatiji narod na svijetu nakon što je na njihovom teritoriju pronađena nafta. Mnogi su ih zbog toga iskorištavali kako bi došli do novca, što je dovelo do niza ubojstava koja je The Guardian nazvao genocidom protiv američkih domorodaca. Ubojstva se smatraju prvim velikim slučajem koji je istraživao novoosnovani FBI.


Žena kralj

Žena kralj 2022


Izvanredna priča o Agojie, ratnicama koje su štitile afričko kraljevstvo Dahomey početkom 19. stoljeća vještinama i energijom koji još nikad nisu bili viđeni. Inspiriran istinitim događajima, film prati emotivno epsko putovanje zapovjednice Nanisce kako obučava sljedeću generaciju ratnica i priprema ih za bitku protiv neprijatelja koji je odlučio uništiti njihov način života. Za neke stvari vrijedi se boriti.


Oklada stoljeća

Oklada stoljeća 2015


Oklada stoljeća, istinita je priča o nekoliko izuzetno vještih investitora koji su u razdoblju od 2007. do 2010. iskoristili situaciju stalnoga rasta cijena ne­kretnina i stvaranja velikoga broja hipoteka te su bogatstvo stekli nepopularnim, proračunatim klađenjem na financijski raspad.


Američki gangster

Američki gangster 2007


Nakon smrti svog poslodavca i mentora, Bumpyja Johnsona, Frank Lucas osniva se kao glavni uvoznik heroina u okrugu Harlem na Manhattanu. Čini to kupnjom heroina izravno iz izvora u jugoistočnoj Aziji i dolazi do jedinstvenog načina uvoza droge u Sjedinjene Države. Djelomično se temelji na istinitoj priči.


Bostonski davitelj

Bostonski davitelj 2023


Temeljeno na istinitoj priči o bostonskom manijaku koji je ranih šezdesetih oduzeo živote više desetina žena. Reporterka Loretta McLaughlin pokreće istragu zajedno sa koleginicom Jean Cole, ali se dvojac nađe u zastoju zbog raširenog seksizma tog doba. Ipak, McLaughlin i Cole hrabro nastavljaju priču uz veliki rizik, stavljajući svoje živote na kocku u potrazi za istinom. Ubojica je harao godinu i pol, a onda je policija uhitila i optužila čovjeka po imenu Albert DeSalvo. No, i dalje postoje ozbiljne sumnje u njegovu krivnju.


Hotel Rwanda

Hotel Rwanda 2004


Ruanda početkom ljeta 1994. godine zemlja je u kojoj sukob među plemenima Hutu i Tutsi svakoga trenutka može prerasti u otvoreni rat. Dok se pripadnici plemena Hutu približavaju glavnom gradu Kigaliju, najavljujući skoro istrebljenje "žohara" Tutsija, emotivni Paul Rusesabagina, upravitelj luksuznog gradskog hotela Mille Collines, nastoji održati privid mirnog života. On je član plemena Hutu oženjen privlačnom Tatianom iz plemena Tutsi, otac troje djece i apolitičan čovjek koji vjeruje da podmićivanjem pravih ljudi poput arogantnog generala Augustina Bizimungua i nepouzdanog poslovnog ortaka Georgea Rutagande može zaštititi obitelj.



Argo 2012


1979 godine, revolucija u Iranu doseže vrhunac napadom na američku ambasadu. 52 Amerikanca postaju taoci opasnih i nemilosrdnih vođa pobune. Šestorica, su u potpunom kaosu i panici uspjeli izmaknuti i naći utočište kod kanadskog veleposlanika. CIA-ov stručnjak za "izvlačenje" Tony Mendez smišlja rizičan plan kako ih spasiti, opcija nije mnogo, a plan je apsolutno nevjerojatan!


U 3:10 za Yumu

U 3:10 za Yumu 2007


Legendarni razbojnik Ben Wade sa svojom bandom pljačka kočiju koja prevozi veliku količinu novca. Pritom pobiju sve putnike, osim čuvara Byrona McElroya, kojeg Wade upuca u trbuh. Ranjenog McElroya pronalazi siromašni rančer Dan Evans te ga u potrazi za doktorom vodi u Bisbee, Arizonu. Tamo se nalazi i Wade, ali ovaj puta bez svoje bande.



Blow 2001



Marley i ja

Marley i ja 2008


Nakon što su se vjenčali, John (Owen Wilson) i Jennifer Grogan (Jennifer Aniston) sele na Floridu s namjerom da tamo osnuju obitelj. Kako bi na neko vrijeme odgodio rođenje djece, John pokloni Jennifer štene labradora, koje izraste u velikog i nestašnog psa Marleya, koji Johu i Jennifer zadaje puno brige i posla. No njegove nepodopštine pruže Johnu gomilu materijala za novinsku kolumnu.


Gosp. Church

Gosp. Church 2016


Jedinstveno prijateljstvo razvija se kad djevojčica i njezina majka na samrti upoznaju kuhara - gospodina Churcha. Ono što započinje kao angažman koji bi trebao trajati samo šest mjeseci, a potrajat će petnaest godina.


BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman 2014


Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the '90s , 20 years later. He's a curmudgeon with a heart of...not quite gold...but something like gold. Copper?


Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife 2012


Drama following the lives of a group of midwives working in the poverty-stricken East End of London during the 1950s, based on the best-selling memoirs of Jennifer Worth.


Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation 1987


Follow the intergalactic adventures of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard and his loyal crew aboard the all-new USS Enterprise NCC-1701D, as they explore new worlds.



NOVA 1974


PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages explore the science behind the headlines. Along the way, NOVA demystifies science and technology, and highlights the people involved in scientific pursuits.


Adults Only!

Adults Only! 2020


Illuminating look into strictly adult occupations.


Anika Moa Unleashed

Anika Moa Unleashed 2018


Anika's on the loose again, ready to go deep and laugh hard with well-known Kiwis. Her infectious honesty opens the hearts of all she meets - and before they know it, they've shared their deepest secrets!


Die VIVA-Story - Zu geil für diese Welt!

Die VIVA-Story - Zu geil für diese Welt! 2023


Stars, pop culture and the attitude to life between the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9/11 are shown in this documentary on the 30th anniversary of the former music channel VIVA, which first shaped the zeitgeist - and was then overrun by it.


Mary Makes It Easy

Mary Makes It Easy 2023


Mary Berry's famous friends need culinary help. The Queen of the Kitchen joins a host of stars to show how fun and easy it can be to whip up a fantastic feast.


True Crime Presents

True Crime Presents 2025


A collection of true crime documentaries that cover a range of real-life offences and notorious offenders.


Wow! I Never Knew That

Wow! I Never Knew That 2011


Wow, I Never Knew That! is a whimsical, half-hour television series that is jam-packed with exciting tidbits and fascinating facts that uncover the truths and origins behind the stuff you’re already familiar with. From the items you use every day to the phrases you use in conversation to the habits you’re so accustomed to, you’ll be fascinated to learn how they’ve all really come about!


Exploring India's Treasures: Bettany Hughes

Exploring India's Treasures: Bettany Hughes 2023


The professor, seasoned adventurer, author and historian - alongside local experts and academics - guides viewers through her curated selection of the treasures of India.


Ultimate Wedding Planner

Ultimate Wedding Planner 2023


A whirlwind of love, chaos and creativity as aspiring planners showcase their skills at real weddings. For the brave couples, will it be wedded bliss or a nuptial nightmare?


Human Prey

Human Prey 2009


A police officer comes face to face with an angry bull. A ferocious grizzly bear brutally devastates a family hiking in Montana. An Australian diver suddenly finds himself inside the deadly jaws of a great white shark. Recounting bone-chilling attacks by some of the world’s most lethal predators, Human Prey presents harrowing true stories of people who were attacked by wild animals...and lived to tell the tale.


Britain's Best Beach Huts

Britain's Best Beach Huts 2023


From quirky coastal cubbyholes to half-a-million-pound hideaways, craftsman Jay Blades and interior design expert Laura Jackson go in search of Britain's best quintessential seaside staple.


Sleeping with My Murderer

Sleeping with My Murderer 2023


British true crime documentary series revealing ten tragically, ill-fated love stories.


New Zealand’s Best Homes with Phil Spencer

New Zealand’s Best Homes with Phil Spencer 2024


Join property expert Phil Spencer (Location, Location, Location) as he takes viewers on a tour of some of Aotearoa's most stunning homes and gives a glimpse into the lifestyles they have to offer.


The Unique Boutique

The Unique Boutique 2023


Inclusive fashionistas and designers dare to do what the high street doesn't, as they create fabulously bespoke and beautiful outfits for every body in their custom-built shop


Get The Name Right

Get The Name Right 2022


GET THE NAME RIGHT looks to set the record straight with an unauthorised Māori perspective of our place names told in an entertaining way whilst providing a platform to settle a few debates along the way.