Kroz moj prozor 2022
Raquelina dugotrajna zatreskanost u susjeda preraste u nešto više nakon što on unatoč protivljenju svoje obitelji počne razvijati osjećaje prema njoj.
Raquelina dugotrajna zatreskanost u susjeda preraste u nešto više nakon što on unatoč protivljenju svoje obitelji počne razvijati osjećaje prema njoj.
Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan), koju su roditelji zoolozi odgojili u afričkoj divljini, misli da zna sve o 'preživljavanju najspremnijih'. No zakon džungle poprima posve novo značenje kada kod kuće školovana 15-godišnjakinja prvi put dođe u javnu srednju školu. Pokušavajući pronaći svoje mjesto među sportašima, matematičarima i drugim supkulturama, Cady se put ukrsti s najopasnijom vrstom – kraljicom pčela, odnosno cool i proračunatom Reginom George (Rachel McAdams), predvodnicom najmodernije školske klike, Plastičarki. Kad se Cady zaljubi u Reginina bivšeg dečka Aarona Samuelsa (Jonathan Bennett), to povrijedi kraljicu te ona planira uništiti Cadynu društvenu budućnost. Cady ubrzo sama pusti kandže kad započne urnebesan rat djevojaka pred kojim cijela škola potraži zaklon.
Kada grupa prijatelja otkrije kako prizivati duhove pomoću balzamirane ruke, oni se zaljube u novo otkriće, sve dok jedno od njih ne ode predaleko i oslobodi zastrašujuće nadnaravne sile.
Nakon što niz misterioznih smrti zadesi njihov mali grad, nekonvencionalna skupina prijatelja na čelu sa Sidney Prescott postanu meta maskiranog ubojice. Kako broj žrtava raste, Sidney i njezini prijatelji počnu razmišljati o „pravilima“ horor-filmovima dok istodobno otkrivaju da žive u stvarnom hororu.
Legija neiskusnih mladića pokušava postići rezultat s suprotnim spolom. Jim je kao i svaki drugi dječak njegovih godina, zdrav i vedar mladić koji se također čini djevicom, što je glavni razlog njegovog galopirajućeg očaja. Otkako su ga roditelji uhvatili kako gleda pornografske filmove, stvari su postale još gore. Kod kuće, njegov dobronamjerni otac izražava zastrašujuću revnost u svim pitanjima seksualnog obrazovanja svog sina; u školi, stvari nisu mnogo bolje: njegova iskustva s ljepoticom koja pripada programu razmjene imaju sva obilježja neuspjeha. Stoga se njezino posljednje utočište zove Michelle, članica benda koja se čini da se radi.
Ovo su desete Igre gladi, smještene 64 godine prije prvog filma. Lucy Gray Baird predstavlja siromašni Okrug 12, a 18-godišnji Coriolanus Snow je njezin mentor. Izgledi su protiv njega, Lucy ne predviđaju pobjedu, ali nakon što prkosnom pjesmom tijekom ceremonije žetve uspije zaokupiti pažnju cijelog Panema, Snow pomisli da bi možda mogao okrenuti šanse u njihovu korist. Ujedinjujući svoju teatralnost i novootkrivenu političku mudrost, Snow i Lucy utrkuju se s vremenom kako bi preživjeli i otkrili tko je pjevica, a tko zmija.
Stella i Will su tinejdžeri oboljeli od rijetke bolesti zvane cistična fibrioza koji se slučajno upoznaju jednog dana u bolnici i zaljubljuju. Emotivna priča prati njihovo upoznavanje, spojeve, borbu s bolešću... ali i borbu s činjenicom da cijelo vrijeme moraju biti udaljeni jedno od drugog oko 2 metra, zbog bolesti koju oboje imaju. Ako se Stella približi Willu, može pokupiti infekciju zbog koje će joj pluća otkazati i ona umrijeti.
Superheroj Shazam je cinični tinejdžer koji se trudi pronaći svoje mjesto u svijetu i ne zna ništa o takvim junacima, a kamoli kako biti jedan. U njegovom se životu sve vrti oko magične riječi koja ga transformira u njegov odrasli alter ego superheroja, Shazama.
Sramežljiva srednjoškolka Ruby smatra da je život morskog krakena među ljudima dovoljno težak, ali kad dođe do strašnog mitskog sukoba, otkriva svoju moćnu lozu kraljice ratnice i mora prigrliti svoje nove moći kako bi zaštitila one koje najviše voli.
Povezanost najboljih prijateljica Sophie i Agathe nađe se na kušnji kad završe u čarobnoj školi za buduće junake i zlikovce iz bajki.
Scott je mladi dečko koji se nalazi u gubitničkom košarkaškom timu. Očajnički želi osvojiti djevojku koja izlazi sa nasilnikom iz suparničkog tima. Svi će se Scottovi snovi ostvariti kada shvati da živi u obitelji vukodlaka i da se može transformirati u vuka kad god poželi. Scott će iskoristiti sve svoje moći kako bi postao popularan, doveo tim na prvo mjesto i osvojio djevojku snova.
Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.
Scott McCall, a high school student living in the town of Beacon Hills has his life drastically changed when he's bitten by a werewolf, becoming one himself. He must henceforth learn to balance his problematic new identity with his day-to-day teenage life. The following characters are instrumental to his struggle: Stiles, his best friend; Allison, his love interest who comes from a family of werewolf hunters; and Derek, a mysterious werewolf with a dark past. Throughout the series, he strives to keep his loved ones safe while maintaining normal relationships with them.
Daa! Daa! Daa! UFO Baby is a Japanese children's animated television series produced by J.C.Staff, Directed by Hiroaki Sakurai, and was aired on NHK-BS2 from March 28, 2000 to February 26, 2002.
Set in the present, the series offers a bold, subversive take on Archie, Betty, Veronica and their friends, exploring the surreality of small-town life, the darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome facade.
Aspiring singer Tori Vega navigates life while attending a performing arts high school called Hollywood Arts.
The story revolves around Shu Ouma, a high school boy who inadvertently obtains an ability called "The Power of the Kings" that enables him to draw out items called "Voids" from other people. He is then thrown into the conflict between a resistance group called Funeral Parlor which aims to restore Japan's independence from a quasi-governmental organization known as the GHQ. In the process, Shu has to deal with the burden his ability puts on his shoulders and the horrific mystery of his past.
Set off by a sweet chance encounter, 16-year-old Su Zaizai finds herself helplessly drawn to Zhang Lurang — her smart, charming yet distant schoolmate.
As new villains overrun Gotham City of the future, the aging Bruce Wayne hangs up the cape of the once invincible Batman. But when troubled teenager Terry McGinnis stumbles upon the Dark Knight's secret, a new alliance is forged. And a triumphant new Batman is born.
The story is set in the distant future. The land is ruined, and humanity establishes the mobile fort city Plantation. Pilots produced inside Plantation live in Mistilteinn, also know as the "birdcage." Children live there knowing nothing of the outside world or the freedom of the sky. Their lives consist of battling to carry out missions. Their enemies are mysterious giant lifeforms known as Kyouryuu, and the children pilot robots called Franxx to face off against them. For the children, riding the Franxx proves their existence. A boy named Hiro is called Code:016, and he was once known as a prodigy. However, he has fallen behind, and his existence seems unnecessary. Not piloting a Franxx is the same as ceasing to exist. One day, a mysterious girl known as "Zero Two" appears before him. Two horns grow out of her head.
The series accompanies a group of 16-year-olds on the journey of their life following their day to day in real time. Dependence on social media, how they face sex, love and ruptures, religion, the search of their identity and the need to fit in.
Romance is sweet and bitter — and life riddled with ups and downs — in multiple stories about people who live and work on bustling Jeju island.
Tomboy Tomo couldn't have picked a more awkward high school crush 'cause it’s on her childhood friend, Junichiro, but he only sees her as one of the guys. Despite her pretty looks and signals, nothing gets through to this meathead! Will Junichiro ever realize Tomo's into him and see her for the cutesy girl she actually is?!
Teenage best friends Zoe and Becca set out to build their own fake ID empire, but when business starts booming, their life of crime gets way too real.
Seventeen-year-old Mugi Awaya and Hanabi Yasuraoka appear to be the ideal couple. They are both pretty popular, and they seem to suit each other well. However, outsiders don't know of the secret they share. Both Mugi and Hanabi have hopeless crushes on someone else, and they are only dating each other to soothe their loneliness. Mugi is in love with Akane Minagawa, a young teacher who used to be his home tutor. Hanabi is also in love with a teacher, a young man who has been a family friend since she was little. In each other, they find a place where they can grieve for the ones they cannot have, and they share physical intimacy driven by loneliness. Will things stay like this for them forever?
Awkward teen Harriet has always wanted to fit in. Until she gets scouted by a top London model agent and learns that some people are meant to stand out.
Amidst the political conflict of Northern Ireland in the 1990s, five secondary school students square off with the universal challenges of being a teenager.
He’s surly, unorthodox, unapologetically blunt, and he’s about to change your life. Meet the new philosophy teacher, Merlí, who will help his students view the world in a whole new light, both in and out of the classroom.
A great student, avid gamer, and voracious fan-fic scribe, Kamala Khan has a special affinity for superheroes, particularly Captain Marvel. However, she struggles to fit in at home and at school — that is, until she gets superpowers like the heroes she’s always looked up to. Life is easier with superpowers, right?
A peek behind closed doors at the intricacies of modern relationships. Each episode features three different fictional stories and follows various characters to see what happened during their most intimate moments. No subject is too taboo. All the stories have one very important thing in common, though: someone inevitably gets undressed.