12 gnjevnih ljudi

12 gnjevnih ljudi 1957


Drama o porotnicima koji se ne mogu dogovoriti oko krivnje mladog Portorikanca optuženog za ubojstvo oca. Mladi je Portorikanac optužen za ubojstvo svog oca. 12 porotnika se nakon završenog sudskog saslušanja povlači u sobu kako bi donijeli zajedničku odluku o njegovoj krivici. 11 porotnika smatra da je kriv, ali porotnik br. 8 hrabro se suprotstavlja i dozvoljava mogućnost da je mladić ipak nevin. Nakon mukotrpnih sati u kojima porotnici iznose svoje argumente omjer se mijenja u nevjerojatnih 11 naprema 1 u korist nevinosti optuženog.



Insider 2006


Detektiv se nadmeće s lopovom koji je uvijek korak ispred policije. Kada se u priču uključi nepredvidljiva pregovaračica, situacija izmakne kontroli.


Čuvarica svoje sestre

Čuvarica svoje sestre 2009


Cijela obitelj Fitzgerald bori se s teškom bolešću starije kćeri Kate (Sofia Vassilieva). Njezina mlađa sestra Anna (Abigail Breslin) je idealan donator te od najranijeg djetinjstva radi mnoge pretrage, transfuzije i operacije. No, Annu počnu mučiti i tinejdžerski problemi te donosi nepromišljenu odluku kojom unosi razdor i tugu u obitelj. Hoće li tim svojim odlukama zapečatiti sudbinu vlastite sestre?


Malo dobrih ljudi

Malo dobrih ljudi 1992


Mladi mornarički odvjetnik J. G. Daniel Kaffe, protiv svoje volje prihvaća obranu dvojice mladih vojnika iz baze u blizini Kube, optuženih za smrt kolege kojeg su podvrgli pretjerano oštru disciplinskom postupku. Dvojica vojnika tvrde da su djelovali prema zapovijedi svoga pretpostavljenog. Kaffeova kolegica, stroga i odlučna JoAnne Galloway, potiče Kaffea da počne ispitivati situaciju u vojnoj hijerarhiji. Njegova istraga stvorit će mu neprijatelje, a najoštriji će biti pukovnik Nathan R. Jessup...


Napojnica od 2 milijuna dolara

Napojnica od 2 milijuna dolara 1994


Konobarica dobije napojnicu koja će joj promijeniti život kada joj policajac koji nema sitniša obeća polovicu potencijalnog dobitka na lutriji.


Instant obitelj

Instant obitelj 2018


Kada Pete (Mark Wahlberg) i Ellie (Rose Byrne) odluče zasnovati obitelj, krenu istraživati mogućnosti posvajanja. U domu za posvajanje upoznaju buntovnu 15-godišnju djevojku (Isabela Moner) i njezinog mlađeg brata i sestru te preko noći postaju peteročlana obitelj. Izvor:www.blitz-cinestar.hr


Suđenje u Nürnbergu

Suđenje u Nürnbergu 1961


U Nürnbergu je 1948. godine Međunarodni sud na čelu s američkim pravnicima i časnicima održao seriju suđenja nacistima. Iako je nekim velikim nacističkim vođama već suđeno, a drugi su mrtvi ili se smatraju nestalima, neki slučajevi još uvijek nisu do kraja razjašnjeni. Trenutno se pokreće proces protiv četiriju njemačkih sudaca koji su, navodno, zloporabili svoj položaj organizirajući sustavno steriliziranje ljudi i dosuđujući smrtne kazne njima nepodobnima. Iako umirovljen, američki sudac Haywood (S. Tracy) prihvatio se ovoga posla svjestan najozbiljne zadaće koju ima pred sobom: dokazati koliko je netko odgovoran za svoje postupke ako je u vrijeme rata samo "izvršavao zapovijedi pretpostavljenih"...


Anatomija jednog ubojstva

Anatomija jednog ubojstva 1959


Paul Bigler (J. Stewart) bivši je javni tužilac koji se povukao u privatnu praksu. Sada je odvjetnik koji baš i nema mnogo posla, a višak slobodnog vremena koristi čestim odlascima u ribolov. Njegov dobar prijatelj i nekoć glasoviti odvjetnik McCarthy odao se piću i s nostalgijom se sjeća svojih slavnih dana. Jednoga dana Paula nazove Laure Manion i moli da preuzme obranu njezina supruga poručnika Maniona. On je u zatvoru zbog ubojstva nasilnika koji ju je silovao. Laura još uvijek na sebi nosi tragove silovateljevih udaraca, no optužba drži da silovanja nije ni bilo.


Dvostruka opasnost

Dvostruka opasnost 1999


Nakon što otkrije da je njezin muž inscenirao vlastitu smrt i njoj namjestio ubojstvo, nepravedno osuđena Libby dobiva uvjetni otpust i želi ga pronaći.


Zvjezdane staze VI: Neotkrivena zemlja

Zvjezdane staze VI: Neotkrivena zemlja 1991


Nakon godina ratovanja, Federacija i Klingonsko carstvo pripremaju se za mirovnu konferenciju, kada navodni napad Enterprise-a gotovo uništi jedan klingonski brod. Oba svijeta pripremaju se za mogući posljednji, pogubni susret.


Hot Bench

Hot Bench 2014


A panel of three judges hear court cases, argue the merits of the case amongst themselves, and render a verdict.


How to Get Away with Murder

How to Get Away with Murder 2014


A sexy, suspense-driven legal thriller about a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant, mysterious criminal defense professor. They become entangled in a murder plot and will shake the entire university and change the course of their lives.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 2022


With a genius-level IQ, Woo Young-woo learns to embrace her extraordinary self while forming a tight-knit community of friends and allies.


DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story 2022


This series examines the gruesome and horrific true crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and the systemic failures that enabled one of America’s most notorious serial killers to continue his murderous spree in plain sight for over a decade.


Dateline: Unforgettable

Dateline: Unforgettable 2021


A series of reports chosen by "Dateline" correspondents that answers the question they most often get asked — what their most memorable story is and why.



Fatmagul 2010


Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne? is a Turkish television drama series produced by Ay Yapım and broadcast on Kanal D. The series is based on Vedat Türkali's novel, Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne?, which was made into a film in 1986. The series is written by duo Ece Yörenç and Melek Gençoğlu. The soundtrack was done by Toygar Işıklı.


Black Heart White Soul

Black Heart White Soul 2014


A robbery case subtly interweaves the fate of three strangers: a barrister in a wheelchair Matt Ko Chit-hang, a Hong Kong girl May Tam Mei-ching, and District Crime Unit detective Funny Cheung Lap-fan. Implicated by her gangster boyfriend, Mei-ching is charged with attempted robbery and is found guilty. Although Chit-hang, as the lawyer representing Mei-ching, fails to exculpate her from the charge, the two fall in love with each other. Gradually, under Chit-hang's guidance, Mei-ching manages to turn over a new leaf after getting out of jail. Through his investigation, Lap-fan learns that, many years ago, he negligently shot and thereby paralyzed a civilian, who turns out to be Chit-hang...


Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler

Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler 2023


A true-crime series examining the most shocking murder investigations and toughest trials in Texas history - all told with Kelly's unique insight and unparalleled access. As Chief of Special Crimes in the busiest courthouse in the Lone Star state, Kelly Siegler battled to get killers into courtrooms to face their formidable defense attorneys. With her own firsthand accounts, alongside investigators and victims' families, Kelly reveals what really happened beyond the newspaper headlines to bring Texas-style justice.


The Prosecutor and His Cases

The Prosecutor and His Cases 2023


Prosecutor Shi Junfeng and his assistant, Chen Xue, have been assigned from the provincial prosecutor's office to a local court. Through their cases, they have ensured severe penalties for those involved.


Three Girls

Three Girls 2017


The story of three of the children who were victims in the 2012 grooming and sex trafficking case in Rochdale, for which nine men were convicted and sentenced. The drama explores how these girls were groomed, how they were ignored by the authorities directly responsible for protecting them, and how they eventually made themselves heard.


The High Court

The High Court 2017


Join Doug Benson as he presides over actual courtroom arguments. The catch? Judge Doug makes all his rulings while extremely high. After hearing both sides, Doug smokes up with a guest bailiff and deliberates. (And yes, this is legal. Somehow.)


American Justice

American Justice 1992


Hosted by Bill Kurtis, American Justice looks at groundbreaking criminal cases, presenting viewers with an inside look at the case through the eyes of those directly involved, ranging from law enforcement officers to the victims.


We the People with Gloria Allred

We the People with Gloria Allred 2011


We the People with Gloria Allred is an American nontraditional/dramatized court show that debuted in first-run syndication on September 12, 2011. The series is presented by famed celebrity lawyer/attorney Gloria Allred, who also serves as co-producer with series creator Byron Allen through his production company Entertainment Studios, LLC. John Cramer does the narration of the judge's final verdict.


The Case Against Adnan Syed

The Case Against Adnan Syed 2019


Explore the 1999 disappearance and murder of 18-year-old Baltimore County high school student Hae Min Lee, and the subsequent conviction of her ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, a case brought to global attention by the hugely popular Serial podcast.


The Sheriffs Are Coming

The Sheriffs Are Coming 2012


The Sheriffs Are Coming is a British Television fly on the wall documentary series, broadcast on BBC One, that follows the work of High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) from Frank G Whitworth, High Court Enforcement.