Generacija X

Generacija X 1998


Obitelj Vinyard živjela je mirnim životom u živopisnom predgrađu Los Angelesa, Venice Beachu, koje je nekad bilo nastanjeno isključivo pripadnicima američke bijele radničke klase. Nakon nekoliko godina sve se počelo mijenjati doseljavanjem stanovnika iz crnačkih četvrti što dovodi do rastuće napetosti i nasilja. Mladim bijelcima Venice Beacha idol je Derek Vinyard koji je nakon očeve smrti, a oca mu je ubila banda crnih dilera, postao karizmatični vođa lokalne neonacističke skupine skinheadsa. Njegova popularnost dostiže vrhunac kad jedne noći hladnokrvno ubije dvojicu mladih Afroamerikanca koji su mu pokušali ukrasti automobil. Derek je osuđen na tri godine zatvora, a za to vrijeme njegov mlađi brat Danny nastavlja njegovim stopama i potpada pod utjecaj lokalnog neonacističkog gurua Camerona. Dannyju nastoji pomoći nekadašnji Derekov mentor iz srednje škole, ravnatelj Sweeney. Pri tome mu pomaže i Derek koji izlazi iz zatvora sasvim promijenjene ideologije i novih pogleda na život...


Bratstvo lopova 2: Pantera

Bratstvo lopova 2: Pantera 2025


Legendarni Big Nick ponovno kreće u lov – ovaj put u opasni podzemni svijet Europe. Njegova meta? Donnie, koji se našao usred smrtonosnih intriga u svijetu kradljivaca dijamanata i nemilosrdne bande Pink Panther. Njihov cilj: najveća i najdrskija pljačka u povijesti – dijamantna burza svjetskog kalibra. S adrenalinskim potjerama, dvostrukim izdajama i nepredvidivim obratima, Big Nick se mora suočiti ne samo s kriminalcima, već i s vlastitim granicama kako bi zaustavio ovu smrtonosnu operaciju.


Braća Menendez

Braća Menendez 2024


Lyle i Erik Menendez, koji služe doživotnu kaznu zbog ubojstva roditelja, progovaraju u ovom dokumentarcu koji istražuje šokantni zločin i suđenja koja su uslijedila.


Mjesto zločina

Mjesto zločina 2023


Nesretna vlasnica umjetničke galerije Patrice, ubojica Reggie i njegov šef Gordon upletu se u opasnu avanturu pranja novca. Stvari poprimaju neočekivani preokret kada Reggie postane zvijezda u usponu avangardnog slikarstva. Ovako se nadahnuti zločin pretvara u pravu umjetnost.


Crni lotus

Crni lotus 2023


Bivši pripadnik specijalnih snaga Matteo Donner bori se s osjećajem krivnje nakon smrti svog najboljeg prijatelja tijekom zajedničke misije. Nakon lutanja po svijetu, vraća se u Amsterdam, gdje biva uvučen u obračun gradskih bandi. Donner mora spasiti otetu kćer svog mrtvog druga.


Razuzdana zlatna mladež

Razuzdana zlatna mladež 2024


Skupina bogatih tinejdžera čini zločine koji iz sitnih nepodopština prerastu u opasne zavjere s kaotičnim posljedicama, no ne po njih.


Crimewatch Live

Crimewatch Live 2009


Crimewatch hits the streets of Britain to appeal for help with unsolved cases.


Bet Your Life

Bet Your Life 2025


A down-and-out sports betting writer is roped into teaming up with the ghost of a bossy business tycoon demanding to crack his own murder case.


Batang Quiapo

Batang Quiapo 2023


A young man rises to be one of the biggest outlaws in the neighborhood while he navigates his way in life to survive in Quiapo. Hoping to earn the affection of his parents, his feat draws him closer to the truth about his identity.


Veckan med Camilla och Leif GW

Veckan med Camilla och Leif GW 2024


Camilla Kvartoft and Leif GW Persson take on the hottest questions and the forgotten cases, with sharp analyses, initiated conversations and exclusive guests.



FBI 2018


The New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep their city and the country safe.


The Crime I Can't Forget

The Crime I Can't Forget 2025


Every detective has a case that's never left them. Clue by clue, officers remember cases that shaped their career and revealed what it takes to be a criminal - and a detective.


Top Boy

Top Boy 2019


Two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty street of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler.



Barry 2018


A listless hitman is enthralled by theatre acting and becomes eager to leave his old life behind in pursuit of a new career.


Welcome to the Family

Welcome to the Family 2025


A struggling single mom rallies her quirky family to outsmart a mafia boss after her estranged, wealthy father dies, leaving them with massive debt.


Accused: Did I Do It?

Accused: Did I Do It? 2025


“Accused: Did I Do It?” follows the stories of individuals who are facing charges for serious offenses such as first-degree murder, manslaughter, domestic terrorism, and aggravated assault. Every piece of evidence may lead to an answer, but the truth is never quite clear until the final moment of reveal.


Joe Pickett

Joe Pickett 2021


A game warden and his family navigate the changing political and socio-economic climate in a small rural town in Wyoming on the verge of economic collapse. Surrounded by rich history and vast wildlife, the township hides decades of schemes and secrets that are yet to be uncovered.


Per Elisa: An Italian Crime Story

Per Elisa: An Italian Crime Story 2023


Reconstruction of one of the most shocking crime news events in recent decades: the murders of Elisa Claps and Heather Barnett by Danilo Restivo. The story begins on 12 September 1993 and takes place over a period of about twenty years between Potenza and the English coast of Bournemouth.


True Crime Presents

True Crime Presents 2025


A collection of true crime documentaries that cover a range of real-life offences and notorious offenders.


Your Forma

Your Forma 2025


In 1992, a pandemic of viral encephalitis shook the world. The medical technology that saved humanity evolved into "Your Forma"—an invasive information device implanted into the brain. In this world where every sight, sound, and even emotion is recorded, investigating major crimes means diving into the collective data, a job reserved for special detectives called "Electronic Investigator." Echika Hieda, a prodigious "Electronic Investigator" assigned at an astonishingly young age, stands isolated by her exceptional talent. Her newly assigned partner is Harold, a blonde, blue-eyed humanoid "Amicus." Together, this unrivaled duo will expose every hidden secret.


City Hunter

City Hunter 1987


Ryo Saeba works the streets of Tokyo as the City Hunter. He's a "sweeper" and with his sidekick Kaori Makimura, he keeps the city clean. People hire the City Hunter to solve their dangerous problems, which he does with a Colt Python. When Ryo's not working on a case, he's working on getting the ladies, and Kaori must keep him in check with her trusty 10 kg hammer.


A Killer Uncaged

A Killer Uncaged 2020


In this crime docuseries spinoff, a convict is paroled 30 years after being sentenced to death for murder. Then he makes a stunning confession.


Hound's Hill

Hound's Hill 2025


A successful and renowned novelist — haunted by trauma and a mysterious blackmailer — returns to his hometown to reckon with his unresolved past.


In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time 2005


Five people, strangers to each other, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They witness a murder and from then on an endless tangle of adventures begins for them. Dalia, Zoumboulia, Spyros, Fotis, Angela... unite in a group, draw strength from each other and aim to deliver justice in an old and dark case... Through dangers and upheavals they will manage to reach in the truth of the case but also their own, personal truth.