
Konklava 2024


Kad papa iznenada premine, članovi Kardinalskog zbora okupljaju se u Vatikanu kako bi izabrali nasljednika i oblikovali budućnost Crkve. Unutar zatvorenih vrata Sikstinske kapele, kardinali iz cijelog svijeta bore se za najmoćniju poziciju unutar Crkve, kroz ritual koji se prakticira stoljećima. Kardinal Lawrence zadužen je za ovu ključnu konklavu. Među kandidatima se ističu kardinali Bellini, Trembley, Tedesco i Adeyemi, koji bi mogao postati prvi afrički papa u povijesti. Svatko od njih krije vlastite ambicije, ali i tajne koje bi im mogle uništiti šanse za izbor. Kako šokantne istine izlaze na vidjelo, a političke igre preuzimaju kontrolu, Lawrence se suočava sa sve većim sumnjama u svoju vjeru i svrhu. Kada otkrije da je i pokojni papa skrivao mračne tajne, suočava se s nezamislivim otkrićem koje će promijeniti sve.


Let iznad kukavičjeg gnijezda

Let iznad kukavičjeg gnijezda 1975


Osuđen zbog silovanja, McMurphy (J. Nicholson) je prebačen u psihijatrijsku bolnicu, gdje grupna terapija bolničarke Ratched (L. Fletcher) i velike doze lijekova, prvenstveno umirujućih sredstava, oduzimaju pacijentima individualnost i svaku želju da išta promijene. McMurphy se s time ne miri i pokušava povesti pobunu protiv strogih često i besmislenih normi, no time dolazi u sukob s Ratched i sustavom koji ona predstavlja...


Bostonski davitelj

Bostonski davitelj 2023


Temeljeno na istinitoj priči o bostonskom manijaku koji je ranih šezdesetih oduzeo živote više desetina žena. Reporterka Loretta McLaughlin pokreće istragu zajedno sa koleginicom Jean Cole, ali se dvojac nađe u zastoju zbog raširenog seksizma tog doba. Ipak, McLaughlin i Cole hrabro nastavljaju priču uz veliki rizik, stavljajući svoje živote na kocku u potrazi za istinom. Ubojica je harao godinu i pol, a onda je policija uhitila i optužila čovjeka po imenu Albert DeSalvo. No, i dalje postoje ozbiljne sumnje u njegovu krivnju.



Fresh 2022


Noa upoznaje zavodljivog Stevea u trgovini i, s obzirom na njezino nezadovoljstvo aplikacijama za upoznavanje, riskira ostavljajući mu svoj broj. Nakon njihovog prvog spoja, Noa je fascinirana i prihvaća Steveov poziv za romantični vikend, no otkriva da njezin novi ljubavnik krije neobične apetite.


Zvjezdane staze IV: Putovanje kući

Zvjezdane staze IV: Putovanje kući 1986


23. je stoljeće i tajnovita izvanzemaljska sila prijeti Zemlji isparavajući oceane i uništavajući atmosferu. U mahnitom pokušaju da spase čovječanstvo, Kirk i njegova posada moraju se vratiti u 1986. godinu u San Francisco gdje pronalaze svijet punka, pizze i autobusa na kojima morate imate točan iznos za plaćanje, što im je jednako strano kao bilo što s čime su se susreli u dalekim prostranstvima galaksije.


Marley i ja

Marley i ja 2008


Nakon što su se vjenčali, John (Owen Wilson) i Jennifer Grogan (Jennifer Aniston) sele na Floridu s namjerom da tamo osnuju obitelj. Kako bi na neko vrijeme odgodio rođenje djece, John pokloni Jennifer štene labradora, koje izraste u velikog i nestašnog psa Marleya, koji Johu i Jennifer zadaje puno brige i posla. No njegove nepodopštine pruže Johnu gomilu materijala za novinsku kolumnu.


Christiane F. - Mi djeca s Kolodvora Zoo

Christiane F. - Mi djeca s Kolodvora Zoo 1981


Christiane je trinaestogodišnja djevojka koja živi s majkom i sestrom u jednome od betonskih nebodera berlinske četvrti Gropiusstadt, četvrti u kojoj uglavnom žive ljudi s ozbiljnim socijalnim problemima, nakon što ih je napustio otac nasilnik. Ne imajući moralnu obiteljsku potporu, ona se počinje družiti s mladima iz škole koji svi konzumiraju alkohol i lake droge te izlaze u obližnju popularnu diskoteku. Ovdje upozna mladića Detleva s kojim se odmah zbliži. On, također ne skrivajući svoje osjećaje prema njoj, uvede je u svoje društvo u kojemu su svi ovisnici o heroinu. Malo pomalo i Christiane će postati dio tog svijeta...



Shirley 2024


Shirley Chisholm kreće na povijesnu kampanju za demokratskog kandidata za predsjedničke izbore 1972. nakon što je postala prva Afroamerikanka izabrana za Kongres.


Notre Dame u plamenu

Notre Dame u plamenu 2022


Bilo je oko 18 sati 15. travnja 2019. godine, kada se dogodilo nešto nezamislivo, pred očima brojnih ljudi i kamera koje su pristigle iz cijelog svijeta. Parišku katedralu Notre Dame je zahvatio plamen. 400 vatrogasaca borilo se s vatrom kako bi izbjegli nestanak Notre Damea.



TMZ 2007


Based on the popular gossip website, this entertainment newsmagazine delivers daily updates on Hollywood's rich, beautiful and screwed-up. The program often shows highlights of the day's staff meeting during which reporters pitch ideas for stories to air that day.


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1999


In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman 2014


Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the '90s , 20 years later. He's a curmudgeon with a heart of...not quite gold...but something like gold. Copper?


48 Hours

48 Hours 1988


This newsmagazine series investigates intriguing crime and justice cases that touch on all aspects of the human experience. Over its long run, the show has helped exonerate wrongly convicted people, driven the reopening — and resolution — of cold cases, and changed numerous lives. CBS News correspondents offer an in-depth look into each story, with the emphasis on solving the mystery at its heart.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2008


Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu and other Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists.


The Graham Norton Show

The Graham Norton Show 2007


Each week celebrity guests join Irish comedian Graham Norton to discuss what's being going on around the world that week. The guests poke fun and share their opinions on the main news stories. Graham is often joined by a band or artist to play the show out.


The Curse of Oak Island

The Curse of Oak Island 2014


Follow brothers Marty and Rick Lagina through their effort to find the speculated - and as of yet undiscovered - buried treasure believed to have been concealed through extraordinary means on Oak Island.



NOVA 1974


PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages explore the science behind the headlines. Along the way, NOVA demystifies science and technology, and highlights the people involved in scientific pursuits.


Burn Notice

Burn Notice 2007


A formerly blacklisted spy uses his unique skills and training to help people in desperate situations.


Fellow Travelers

Fellow Travelers 2023


A chronicle of a decades-long volatile romance between two men — from their first meeting during the height of the 1950s Lavender Scare to the AIDS crises of the 1980s.


Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide

Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide 2004


The whacky adventures of Ned Bigby and his best pals Moze and Cookie at James K. Polk Middle School, as "every-kid" Ned shatters the fourth wall to share tips and tricks on navigating middle school or junior high hurdles. Ned's not super cool, and he has no superpowers. He is, however, witty, well-groomed, upbeat and self-aware. Moreover, with more than a little help from his two best friends, he's equipped to conquer middle school minefields. From crushing bullies to crushes, from off- the-wall, mean and cool teachers to pop quizzes, elections and detentions, Ned knows that nothing, including the seventh grade, is as bad as it seems, and friendship matters most.



Outnumbered 2007


Partly-improvised sitcom looking at the trials and tribulations of bringing up three young children - a regal five-year-old girl with a talent for interrogation, a seven-year-old boy who could fib for Britain and an 11-year-old who is gearing up for his scary first day at secondary school.


Tales of the City

Tales of the City 2019


Mary Ann returns to present-day San Francisco and is reunited with her daughter and ex-husband, twenty years after leaving them behind to pursue her career. Fleeing the midlife crisis that her picture-perfect Connecticut life created, Mary Ann is quickly drawn back into the orbit of Anna Madrigal, her chosen family and a new generation of queer young residents living at 28 Barbary Lane.


Show Me a Hero

Show Me a Hero 2015


Mayor Nick Wasicsko took office in 1987 during Yonkers' worst crisis when federal courts ordered public housing to be built in the white, middle class side of town, dividing the city in a bitter battle fueled by fear, racism, murder and politics.


The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones 2002


The boyhood adventures of the greatest action hero of all time: Indiana Jones. Young Indy travels the world, meeting some of the greatest figures of the early 20th century, and participating in the events that helped shape history.


Ancient Apocalypse

Ancient Apocalypse 2022


Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious, lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age.


Still Up

Still Up 2023


Bonded by insomnia, best friends Lisa and Danny stay connected to each other late into the night and find their way through a world of wonderfully weird surprises as their relationship deepens.


Cash Cab

Cash Cab 2005


American version of the game show where unassuming people enter the “Cash Cab” as simple passengers taking a normal taxi ride, only to be shocked when they discover that they're instant contestants! Ben Bailey, the host and driver, then drives them to their destination asking general knowledge questions along the way.


Dead Talk Live

Dead Talk Live 2020


Film/TV Entertainment TV Talk Show Featuring Celebrity Guest Interviews.


Long Strange Trip

Long Strange Trip 2017


The long and unique tale of The Grateful Dead.The tale of the Grateful Dead is inspiring, complicated, and downright messy. A tribe of contrarians, they made art out of open-ended chaos and inadvertently achieved success on their own terms. Never-before-seen footage and interviews offer this unprecedented and unvarnished look at the life of the Dead.