
Nosferatu 2024


Gotička priča o opsjednutosti između uklete mlade žene u Njemačkoj iz 19. stoljeća i drevnog transilvanijskog vampira koji je uhodi, donoseći sa sobom neizreciv užas.



Sumrak 2008


Kada majka Belle Swan (Kristen Stewart) ode na put s njezinim novim suprugom, ona napušta svoj dom u Phoenixu i vraća se živjeti s ocem u gradic Forks, u državi Washington. Nakon beskrajnih sunčanih dana u Arizoni, maglovita klima gradića Forks Belli je prilično egzotična - kao i nove kolege iz razreda, iz obitelji Cullen. Nevjerojatno privlačni i iznimno tajnoviti, oni nisu kao ljudi koje je dosada poznavala - i to na načine koje ona ne može ni zamisliti. Cullenovi su obitelj besmrtnih krvopija. Desetljećima – a neki i stoljećima - discipliniraju sami sebe kako bi konzumirali samo životinjsku krv, vodeći vampirsku inačicu „vegetarijanskog“ stila života. Skrivaju se ispod oblačnog neba Olimpijskog poluotoka, živeći što je moguće normalniji život i štiteći svoju tajnu. Bella postaje posebno očarana Edwardom Cullenom ( Robert Pattinson ), ali njezin je novi kolega drži na distanci.



Queer 2024


Godina je 1950. William Lee, američki je iseljenik koji živi u Mexico Cityju te koji dane provodi u gotovo potpunoj samoći, osim s tek nekolicinom drugih članova male američke zajednice. Međutim, njegov susret s Eugeneom Allertonom, iseljenikom i bivšim vojnikom, koji je upravo pristigao u grad, po prvi puta će mu pokazati da je možda konačno moguće ostvariti intimnu povezanost s drugim ljudskim bićem.



Q 2011



Male žene

Male žene 1994


Dok im se otac bori u Američkom građanskom ratu, sestre Jo, Meg, Amy i Beth kod kuće su sa svojom majkom, vrlo odvažnom ženom za svoje vrijeme. Priča govori o tome kako sestre odrastaju, pronalaze ljubav i svoje mjesto u svijetu.


Tri tisuće godina čežnje

Tri tisuće godina čežnje 2022


Uspješna, ali usamljena akademkinja, dr. Alithea Binnie zadovoljna je svojim životom i stvorenje je razuma. Na konferenciji u Istanbulu susreće Djina koji joj nudi tri želje u zamjenu za svoju slobodu. Ovo predstavlja dva problema. Prvo, doktorica sumnja da je on uopće stvaran, a drugo, budući da je znanstvenica, zna vrlo dobro sve priče o ‘pogrešnim’ željama. Djin je pak nastoji uvjeriti u suprotno pričajući joj fantastične priče o svojoj prošlosti. U konačnici doktorica zaželi želju koja ih oboje iznenadi.


Majstor lošeg filma

Majstor lošeg filma 2017


Glumac Greg Sestero sprijatelji se s ekscentričnim Tommyjem Wiseauom. Njih dvojica odu u L. A, a kad ih Hollywood odbije, Tommy odluči režirati i producirati vlastiti film, SOBU, „najbolji loši film ikada snimljen“, te glumiti u njemu.



Sarazanmai 2019


After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...


Money Flower

Money Flower 2017


The story of people driven by greed. Kang Pil-Joo grew up at an orphanage, but he now works as a managing director of a legal team at a corporation. He is acknowledged for his intelligence and his exemplary job performance. Some of those that work around him are jealous of him. Na Mo-Hyun is an environmental activist and a science teacher at a middle school. She is a good listener and laughs a lot. She dreams of a love driven by fate.


Kamen Rider Geats

Kamen Rider Geats 2022


The "Desire Grand Prix" is a game to protect the peace of the city from the threat of the mysterious enemy "Jamato", whose origin and purpose are unknown. Each participant transforms into a Kamen Rider and competes to win the game by defeating enemies and saving people. The winner of the Desire Grand Prix will be rewarded with "the right to bring an ideal world to life" as a prize. In other words, only the true heroes who win the competition will be able to realize the world they have wished for.


Kamen Rider OOO

Kamen Rider OOO 2010


Eiji Hino is a wanderer who has no place to call home and a tragic past. When metallic creatures known as the Greeed awaken after their 800-year slumber to attack humans and feed off of their desires, the disembodied arm of the Greeed named Ankh gives Eiji a belt and three Medals to fight the other Greeed as Kamen Rider OOO. The mysterious Kougami Foundation approaches Eiji and begins assisting him in his fight against the Greeed, though their true motives are not clear. As Eiji fights the Greeed and their Yummy monsters, learning more about the Greeed and Ankh, he starts to find a purpose beyond his journey.


Dream About America

Dream About America 2017


FAME, MONEY, POWER, SEX!! Yes!!! This is the dream of America! Las Vegas, New York, Miami, Los Angeles. How do Latvians live in America? Follow Intars Rešetins on his wild trip to find out!