
Uljezi 2001


Film o misteriji i sumnji koji govori o Grace (Nicole Kidman), koja sama u izoliranoj viktorijanskoj kući odgaja svoju djecu u skladu sa strogim vjerskim pravilima. Djeca pate od čudne bolesti: ne mogu izravno primiti svjetlo dana. Tri nova sluge koja se pridružuju obiteljskom životu moraju naučiti jedno vitalno pravilo: kuća će uvijek biti u tami; nikada se neće otvoriti vrata osim ako su prethodna zatvorena. Strogi poredak koji je Grace do tada nametnula bit će osporavan. Grace, djeca i oni oko njih učinit će neočekivani i konačni korak.



Supergirl 1984


Nakon što moćan izvor energije za zajednicu preživjelih s planeta Kriptona slučajno završi na Zemlji, Kara-El, Supermanova rođakinja i Jor-Elova nećakinja, odlučuje otići na Zemlju kako bi ju povratila. Kada stigne na Zemlju postaje jednako snažna kao svoj rođak no nailazi na opasne bitke i neočekivane prepreke kada zla žena koja se bavi okultnim, prisvoji njihov izvor energije te ga odluči iskoristiti za uništavanje i vladanje ljudima.


Mr Bloom's Nursery

Mr Bloom's Nursery 2011


Mr Bloom's Nursery is a children's television program on BBC's brand CBeebies. Mr Bloom, played by Ben Faulks, is a gardener who helps children to get involved and inspired by nature. Each episode sees a small group of children visiting his allotment, feeding his "Compostarium" compost bin and interacting with puppet vegetables.


George And The Dragon

George And The Dragon 1966


George and the Dragon is a British situation comedy made by ATV for the ITV network which was transmitted in four series comprising 26 episodes between 19 November 1966 and 31 October 1968. The regular cast is Sid James, Peggy Mount, John Le Mesurier and Keith Marsh and was written by Harry Driver and Vince Powell. Shaun O'Riordan was the director, while Alan Tarrant was the main producer.


Under the Black Moonlight

Under the Black Moonlight 2016


Kang Woo is a talented college student who is studying the fine arts. Strange things begin to happen when his girlfriend, Wol Ha, and a few friends come to visit him at his family's mountain cabin.


The Ornamental Kitchen Garden

The Ornamental Kitchen Garden 1970


The Ornamental Kitchen Garden is an engaging series giving practical advice on constructing a modern kitchen garden, without compromising its looks. The Ornamental Kitchen Garden provides essential insight on plant selection and locations, planting schedules, harvesting times, soil type, drainage, crop rotation and composting.


Ireland's Garden Heroes

Ireland's Garden Heroes 2021


This new series for RTÉ One reveals the hard work and imagination ordinary people have put into their gardens across the island. We’ve sought out the best amateur gardeners to celebrate the joy of transforming your own space. Each week three contestants will open their gates to our experts horticulturalist Jimi Blake, garden designer Niall Maxwell and landscape designer Ingrid Swan. The experts will take the tour, examining every leaf and sniff every flower, to evaluate the gardens. How the garden is laid out, how the planting has been done, and what features have been added, are all investigated. But we also want to know what the garden means to the owner. Maybe it’s a place of adventure for kids, perhaps it’s a special space for relaxation, or maybe it’s a fully functional extension of your home, for entertaining and dining. How the garden fits into and enhances your life is an important factor too.