Smokey i Bandit

Smokey i Bandit 1977


Big Enos Burdette, ambiciozni političar iz Georgije, organizira reli u vlastitu čast, za koji su mu potrebne goleme količine piva s američke zapadne obale. Kako je doprema piva istočno od Mississippija ilegalna, Burdette angažira Boa Darvillea zvanog Bandit da prokrijumčari pivo iz Teksasa u Georgiju. Uz pomoć prijatelja Cledusa Snowa zvanog Snjegović, vlasnika velikog kamiona i simpatičnog psa, Bandit se zaputi u Teksas. Tamo ukrcaju ilegalni tovar i krenu nazad u Georgiju. Kako bi izbjegli policijske patrole, Bandit u svom terenskom automobilu vozi kilometrima ispred Snjegovića kontrolirajući stanje na cesti, a u kontaktu su radio-vezom. No stvari se kompliciraju kad Bandit poveze odbjeglu nevjestu Carrie zvanu Žabica.



1 2013




Turbo 2013


Turbo je običan puž koji se usuđuje sanjati velike i brze snove. Nakon neobične nesreće on čudom dobiva moć super brzine. On zatim svoja sanjarenja ubacuje u petu brzinu i upušta se u izuzetan pothvat kako bi postigao naizgled nemoguće: pobjedu nad čuvenim vozačem Gasom Daskićem..


Brzi i žestoki 7

Brzi i žestoki 7 2015


Nakon pobjede nad Owenom Shawom i njegovom ekipom Dominic Toretto i njegova banda uličnih trkača vraća se u SAD da napokon žive normalan život... Ili su barem tako mislili. Nisu ni slutili da Owenov stariji brat traži osvetu... Nastavljajući globalne podvige serijala građenog na brzini, Vin Diesel predvodi povratničku glumačku postavu „Brzih i žestokih 7“. Nakon pobjede nad Owenom Shawom i njegovom ekipom Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) i ostatak ekipe vraćaju se u Sjedinjene Države da napokon žive normalan život... Ili su barem tako mislili. Nisu ni slutili da Owenov stariji brat Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham ) traži osvetu za smrt svog brata ponovno ugrožavajući Dominica i cijelu ekipu. U međuvremenu, ekipa kreće u potragu za čovjekom koji je ubio Hana prije nego što ih on prvi pronađe.


Rekvijem za snove

Rekvijem za snove 2000


Nade i snovi četvero ambicioznih ljudi uništeni su kada njihova ovisnost o drogama počne izmicati kontroli. Pogled u ovisnost i kako ona vlada nad umom i tijelom.


Brzi i žestoki 9

Brzi i žestoki 9 2021


Dom Toretto mirno živi sa svojom ženom Letty i sinom, malim Brianom, ali je svjestan da opasnost vreba. Ovog puta, opasnost će natjerati Doma da se suoči sa svojom prošlosti ako želi spasiti najbliže. Dom još jednom mora okupiti Brze i žestoke kako bi se obranili od nove opasnosti u obliku profesionalnog ubojice Jacoba koji je ujedno i Domov brat. Napeta akcijska avantura odvija se od Londona preko Središnje Amerike do Edinburgha.


Formula 1: Drive to Survive

Formula 1: Drive to Survive 2019


Drivers, managers and team owners live life in the fast lane - both on and off the track - during one cutthroat season of Formula 1 racing.


The Flash

The Flash 2014


After being struck by lightning, CSI investigator Barry Allen awakens from a nine-month coma to discover he has been granted the gift of super speed. Teaming up with S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry takes on the persona of The Flash, the Fastest Man Alive, to protect his city.


Wacky Races

Wacky Races 2017


Wacky Races (2017) is a reboot of the classic 1968 Hanna-Barbera animated series, bringing a fresh, modern take on the original premise while retaining much of the core essence that made the original show so beloved. The 2017 version, created by Warner Bros. Animation, aired on the Boomerang network and introduced a new generation to the zany, high-speed races of the characters. In this updated series, the characters from the original Wacky Races return, but with a more contemporary style and new backstories. The vehicles are also revamped with more advanced technology and a few new additions to the roster, though the classic ones like Dick Dastardly’s Mean Machine and Penelope Pitstop’s Compact Pussycat are still present.


Pedal to the Metal

Pedal to the Metal 2016


Each week, we follow our three drivers in their routine on and off track before they take part in an important amateur racing event.



Automania 2021


The two-part documentary “Automania” unfolds the history of the automobile as a relationship between man and machine. The car: drug, technical wonder, object of desire. Like hardly any other machine, the car is more than that. It is loved, cherished and cared for, protected and used for self-expression. At the same time, it is a sign of economic prosperity: whoever drives a (certain) car has made something of himself. And what applies individually also applies to societies: The car creates jobs and prosperity. But the dream relationship that lasted for 100 years has fallen into crisis. The films tell in an entertaining, moody and emotional way about the rise of the car to become an icon of the West and suggest future prospects. The films combine factual informations with nostalgically colourful memories of eyewitnesses. In addition, there are statements by experts as well as politicians and business representatives.


High-Speed Parahero Gandeen

High-Speed Parahero Gandeen 2021


Daishi Morimiya is a high school student whose dream is to become a wheelchair, track-and-field athlete. In addition to that, Miyako Fukai, a former wheelchair athlete, becomes Daishi’s coach. One day, a handsome alien falls from the sky when Daishi was practicing with Miyako, surrounded by his friends and father (who is employed at an old factory). The handsome alien named Goo, after escaping a mass genocide somewhere in Earth’s binary star, warns Daishi and his friends that Earth is in danger. Then, a giant lizard-like monster who is after Goo, attacks Daishi’s household. That’s when Goo’s Mode Shifter begins to emit light, radiating Daishi. His body is completely transformed by a special protector. The transformed Daishi charges at the monster while still in his wheelchair.



Speed 2019


Investigating mankind's insatiable necessity to move faster and further; for pleasure, for work, to explore, to survive.


Building the World's Fastest Car

Building the World's Fastest Car 2020


Documentary following the Bloodhound team, a group of British engineers who are trying to build the fastest car on Earth: a car that can go at supersonic speeds and get into the record books