Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 2007


Naizgled nepobjedivi Spider-Man suprotstavlja se potpuno novom urodu zlikovaca - uključujući Sandmanu koji može mijenjati oblik. Dok vanzemaljski organizam mijenja supermoći Spider-Mana, njegov se alter ego, Peter Parker, bavi drugim protivnikom Eddiejem Brockom i također se upliće u ljubavni trokut.


Za smrt nema vremena

Za smrt nema vremena 2021


Bond je napustio aktivnu službu, no njegova „penzija“ je kratkog vijeka. Dugogodišnji prijatelj iz CIA-e Felix Leiter od njega traži pomoć u borbi protiv misterioznog zločinca naoružanog opasnom novom tehnologijom.


Trepni dvaput

Trepni dvaput 2024


Kada Slater King upozna Fridu na svojoj dobrotvornoj gala večeri, zaiskre iskrice. Poziva je da mu se pridruži s prijateljima na putovanju iz snova na njegovom privatnom otoku. To je raj. Divlje noći prelaze u sunčane dane i svi se sjajno zabavljaju. Nitko ne želi da ovo putovanje završi, ali kako se počinju događati čudne stvari, Frida počinje preispitivati svoju stvarnost. Nešto nije u redu s ovim mjestom. Morat će otkriti istinu ako želi živa izaći s tog otoka.


Seks i grad

Seks i grad 2008


Faca i Carrie kupuju nevjerovatno lijep apartman za zajednički život u New Yorku i odlučuju se vjenčati. Enid Frick poziva Carrie da se slika za specijalno izdanje Voguea o vjenčanjima žena u 40-ima. Tijekom priprema Carrien popis gostiju sa 70 raste na 200, a jednostavna vjenčanica se pretvara u ogromnu kreaciju. Noć prije vjenčanja uznemirena Miranda kaže Faci kako brak sve uništi te uplašeni Faca otkazuje vjenčanje i ostavlja Carrie samu ispred oltara. Carrie se osjeća poniženo i depresivno i zajedno sa Mirandom, Samanthom i Charlotte otputuje u Meksiko u hotel gdje je trebao biti njen medeni mjesec.


Vrijeme ubijanja

Vrijeme ubijanja 1996


Mladi odvjetnik brani crnca optuženog za ubojstvo dvojice bijelaca koji su silovali njegovu 10-godišnju kćer, potaknuvši ponovno rođenje KKK-a.


Fatalni ishod

Fatalni ishod 2017


Tragična zrakoplovna nesreća zauvijek mijenja živote Romana i Jakea. Roman u nesreći izgubi ženu i kćer, dok Jake izgubi razum - budući da je on bio kontrolor zračnog prometa koji nije uspio odvratiti ovu nesreću. Bijes i osveta obuzimaju Romana, a Jake se zatrpa krivnjom i žaljenjem.



Mass 2021




Onanay 2018


Sisters Maila and Natalie have different approach to their mother, Onay who has Achondroplasia. Maila is a nice and attentive daughter, while Nataile is arrogant and disobedient. Besides their different upbringing, they have a different father as well.


Love is Drop By Drop

Love is Drop By Drop 2016


Eun Bang Wool falls in love with Park Woo Hyuk who received a heart transplant from her ex-boyfriend.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 2021


Following the events of “Avengers: Endgame”, the Falcon, Sam Wilson and the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities, and their patience.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


I Know This Much Is True

I Know This Much Is True 2020


The parallel lives of identical twin brothers Dominick and Thomas Birdsey in an epic story of betrayal, sacrifice and forgiveness set against the backdrop of 20th century America.


Les Misérables

Les Misérables 2018


France, 1815. Jean Valjean, a common thief, is released from prison after having lived a hell in life for 19 years, but a small mistake puts the law again on his trail. Ruthless Inspector Javert pursues him thorough years, driven by a twisted sense of justice, while Valjean reforms himself, thrives and dedicates his life to good deeds. In 1832, while the revolution ravages the streets of Paris, Valjean and Javert cross their paths for the last time.


Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge 2016


Pelin is left behind in her wedding. While trying to get over this bad experience, she comes across a fortuneteller who tells her that the only way she could get rid of her pain is by asking for forgiveness from the guy whose heart she has broken. She and her friends start to search for this guy.


Ex-Wife Stop

Ex-Wife Stop 2022


Cool CEO Sheng Nanfang is forced to marry an ordinary girl Su Shaoyan. He breaks her heart because of many misunderstandings. After the divorce, Sheng Nanfang realizes he has lost his true love.


The Memory About You

The Memory About You 2021


Yan Xiaochen’s life shifts when she works at a bar and meets wealthy Cheng Jinyuan, causing tension with her boyfriend, Shen Hou. After graduation, Xiaochen faces a betrayal and flees to America, where Jinyuan supports her. As she grows closer to him, Shen Hou reappears, bringing new complications.


Queen of the Ring

Queen of the Ring 2017


Nan Hee is an ugly girl and this has influenced her to become mean. One day, she receives a ring which holds a family secret. Se Gun is handsome, but he has a cold-blooded personality. Due to the magic of the ring, he declares Nan Hee as his ideal woman with a beautiful appearance.