Bob Dylan: Potpuni neznanac

Bob Dylan: Potpuni neznanac 2024


New York, ranih 1960-ih. Na margini vibrantne glazbene scene i burnih kulturnih previranja, zagonetni 19-godišnjak iz Minnesote stiže u West Village s gitarom i revolucionarnim talentom, predodređen da promijeni tijek američke glazbe. Dok kreće prema vrhuncu karijere, postaje nemiran zbog folk pokreta te, odbijajući biti definiran, donosi kontroverznu odluku koja odjekuje diljem svijeta.


Coco i velika tajna

Coco i velika tajna 2017


Unatoč zapanjujućoj obiteljskoj zabrani glazbe, koja traje već generacijama, Miguel sanja o tome da postane vrstan glazbenik kao njegov idol Ernesto de la Cruz. U očajničkom pokušaju da dokaže svoj talent, Miguel se nađe u fantastičnoj, šarenoj Zemlji mrtvih slijedeći tajanstven lanac događaja. Usput upoznaje šarmantnog prevaranta Hectora i oni zajedno kreću na veličanstveno putovanje otkrivanja prave priče o povijesti Miguelove obitelji.


Ritam ludila

Ritam ludila 2014


Pod vodstvom nemilosrdnog instruktora, nadareni mladi bubnjar počinje težiti savršenstvu pod svaku cijenu.



Duša 2020


U središtu priče je Joe, učitelj glazbenog u osnovnoj školi, koji sanja postati jazz glazbenik. Uoči velikog nastupa koji bi mu mogao donijeti željenu karijeru Joe doživi nesreću zbog koje mu se duša odvoji od tijela. Joeova se duša želi i treba vratiti u svoj život, a na tom putu će mu pomoći tajanstveni lik "22".


Bohemian Rhapsody

Bohemian Rhapsody 2018


Priča o ljubavi, boli, prihvaćanju i da, sjajnoj glazbi. Slavljenje Freddijeva talenta i legendarnog rock benda, koji je svojom glazbom i osjećajem za avanturu i specifičnim nastupima prekršio sva pravila tadašnje scene.


Rock-n-roll škola

Rock-n-roll škola 2003


Nakon što ga izbace iz benda i u očajničkoj potrazi za novcem, gitarist se pretvara da je učitelj koji predaje učenicima koji sviraju u školskom bendu.


Neki to vole vruće

Neki to vole vruće 1959


Chicago 1929. Gangsteri, ulične pucnjave, ilegalne točionice. U jednoj takvoj točionici sviraju dvojica vječito siromašnih glazbenika, Joe i Jerry. Joe svira saksofon, Jerry kontrabas. Vlasnik je mafijaš Spats Colombo. Nakon racije u točionici, Jerry i Joe jedva pobjegnu, brže-bolje odu u glazbenu agenciju kako bi našli novi posao. Ali traže se samo dvije glazbenice za ženski orkestar koji putuje na Floridu. Razočarani izlete na snježnu vijavicu i sklone se u jednu garažu. Tamo sjede gangsteri koji su izdali Colomba prošle večeri. Colombo i njegovi ljudi ulete i pobiju sve prisutne, osim dvojice glazbenika koji uspiju pobjeći baš u trenutku kad ih je Colombo htio likvidirati. Joe dođe na ideju da se preodjenu u žene i prijave u ženski orkestar. Jerry se sad zove Daphne, a Joe je Josephine. Joe se odmah zagleda u prekrasnu pjevačicu u orkestru, Sugar Kane, ali ne smije joj pokazati da su muškarci.



Mama 2013


Nakon što im umre majka, dvije djevojčice pronađu utočište u ujakovu domu. Međutim, ubrzo se otkrije da onamo nisu stigle same.


To je Rock'n'Roll

To je Rock'n'Roll 2010


Aaron Greenberg (Hill) ambiciozan je 23-godišnji mladić koji je upravo dobio zadatak iz snova koji bi mu mogao omogućiti veliku karijeru: otići u London, upoznati se s rock zvijezdom Aldousom Snowom (Brand) i otpratiti ga iz Londona do L.A. - prvog grada njegove velike rock turneje. Međutim, stvari nikako neće ići tako glatko, jer je Aldous, osim što je veliki rocker, ujedno i veliki zavodnik. I tako će mladi Aaron morati prokrijumčariti drogu iz Londona, preživjeti opijanje u New Yorku, smiriti situaciju s plesačicama u Vegasu, varati, lagati i partijati s Aldousom kako bi ga doveo do kazališta Greek Hoće li uspjeti?



TÁR 2022


Smješten u međunarodni svijet klasične glazbe, film se fokusira na Lydiu Tár, koja se smatra jednom od najvećih živućih skladateljica-dirigenata i prvom ženskom glavnom dirigenticom velikog njemačkog orkestra.


If I Stay

If I Stay 2014


Sedamnaestogodišnja Mia (Moretz) imala je sve u životu: divnu obitelj, dečka koji ju obožava i perspektivnu budućnost. Dok razmišlja o izboru koji mora učiniti, važući između školovanja na Julliardu koje uključuje napuštanje obitelji i dečka, jednog snježnog jutra sve će se promijeniti. Mia i njezina obitelj sjest će u automobil nakon čega ništa više neće biti isto.


You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook

You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook 2009


You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook is a Korean pop music program that is both a talk show and live music show. The host of this program is You Hee-yeol, also known as Toy, a one-man project band. This program has aired since April 24, 2009.


Nodame Cantabile

Nodame Cantabile 2007


Shinichi Chiaki is a first class musician whose dream is to play among the elites in Europe. Coming from a distinguished family, he is an infamous perfectionist; not only is he highly critical of himself, but of others as well. The only thing stopping Chiaki from leaving for Europe is his fear of flying. As a result, he's grounded in Japan. During his 4th year at Japan's top music university, Chiaki happens to meet Noda Megumi—or as she refers to herself, Nodame. On the surface, she seems to be an unkempt girl with no direction in life. However, when Chiaki hears Nodame play the piano for the first time, he is in awe at the kind of music she plays. To Chiaki's dismay, Nodame moves into the apartment next to his and finds out that she is head-over-heels in love with him.


Nobody's Boy: Remi

Nobody's Boy: Remi 1977


Orphaned Remi gets hired out to a traveling street entertainer Vitalis when her foster parents fall on hard times.


The Voice Kids

The Voice Kids 2013


The Voice Kids is a German music casting show for children between the ages of 7 and 14 based on the concept of the show The Voice of Germany.



Monstar 2013


"Monstar" depicts the lives of ordinary teens who are injured psychologically and heal themselves through the power of music. Yoon Sul-Chan is the vocalist for the group "Man in Black". He carries deep wounds within his mind, but doesn't express his feelings. Because of his hot temper, he causes trouble. His management company then orders him to carry himself as an ideal student. He joins a music band at school, while facing unexpected events.


I Believe in Love

I Believe in Love 2011


The story of Vice-Principal Kim and his wife, and the trials and tribulations they face in order to create a warm and happy family.


Nodame Cantabile

Nodame Cantabile 2006


When a classically trained young conductor meets a free-spirited pianist at music school, their romance and their music have a hard time harmonizing.


My Guide to Becoming a Rock Star

My Guide to Becoming a Rock Star 2002


My Guide to Becoming a Rock Star is an American comedy television series starring Oliver Hudson. The series premiered March 14, 2002 on The WB Television Network. It is based on the UK series The Young Person's Guide to Becoming a Rock Star.


The Charlie Puth Show

The Charlie Puth Show 2024


Charlie Puth attempts to scale the zeitgeist by going beyond pop stardom to become a multi-hyphenate talent after being told it's no longer enough to just be a musician. Featuring artists, comedians, and icons from every area of the pop matrix, the famous faces that populate the show help Charlie to navigate his heightened reality, where his career neurosis and musical perfectionism often get in the way of peace and sanity, ultimately parodying the very zeitgeist he's trying to conquer.


Still the King

Still the King 2016


Vernon Brownmule, aka "Burnin' Vernon," is a scandal-ridden, washed-up, one-hit-wonder who was kicked out of country music, only to emerge 20 years later as the second best Elvis impersonator around. After crashing into an old country church sign during a drunken bender, he is arrested and sentenced to return and serve as the church's handyman as part of his parole. Along the way, he pretends to be the congregation's new minister and reconnects with a former one-night-stand, when he learns he has a 15-year-old daughter he's never met.


Sound Candy

Sound Candy 2023


A group of young individuals with different backgrounds come together at a pension located in Jeju. They rediscover their love and friendship through the mystery of "Sound Candy."



NANA 2006


Nana Osaki is a guarded and ambitious young woman with a strong will and a rough past. She is the vocalist for a punk band called Black Stones and she desires fame and recognition more than anything else. Nana Komatsu is an outgoing and flighty young woman with a weak will and a stable past. Her life revolves around her desire to find love and marriage. The two meet for the first time while traveling to Tokyo - in pursuit of their respective dreams - and they later decide to be roommates. Although drastically different people, the two become very close and together they find out if their biggest dreams have room for their best friend.





Part-timer Carole meets rich girl Tuesday, and each realizes they've found the musical partner they need. Together, they just might make it.


The Crow: Stairway to Heaven

The Crow: Stairway to Heaven 1998


The Crow: Stairway to Heaven was a 1998 Canadian television series created by Bryce Zabel spun off from the The Crow film series starring Mark Dacascos in the lead role as Eric Draven, reprising the role originally played by Brandon Lee in the 1994 film The Crow.



Gravitation 2000


All Shuichi ever dreamed about was following in the footsteps of his pop idol, Ryuichi Sakuma and the band Nittle Grasper. Together with his best friend Hiro, Shuichi's formed a band called Bad Luck and they've even managed to get signed to a major recording label! Unfortunately, the studio deadlines are looming and Shuichi still hasn't finished the lyrics for any of the songs. What he needs is a little inspiration... but he's been running a little low in that department lately. While Hiro recommends finding a girlfriend, fate has other things in store for him...


The Voice Teens

The Voice Teens 2017


The biggest singing-reality show in the country and in the whole world is back! A first in Asia, The Voice Teens, aims to find the freshest young breed of teen artists ages 13 to 17 years old.


Castaway Diva

Castaway Diva 2023


Fifteen years after being stranded on a remote island, an aspiring singer reenters society — stopping at nothing to pursue her dream of becoming a diva.