Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa 2006


Sad, kad je slava došla i prošla, i Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), nekadašnji Talijanski Pastuh, svoje večeri provodi pričajući stare priče gostima svoje restorana Adrian's, nazvanog po njegovoj pokojnoj ženi koju u tišini oplakuje. Njegov sin (Milo Ventimiglia) ne želi provoditi vrijeme s njim; zauzet je vlastitim životom. Vrijeme i udarci ponizili su Rockyja, deformirali mu šake, pogrbili ramena i oduzeli mu sve osim priča, no u srcu je još onaj stari. U srcu je još borac. Mason “The Line” Dixon okrunjeni je prvak u teškoj kategoriji poznat jedino po lakoći kojom je došao do titule. Kako se nikad nije dokazao, nikad suočio s dostojnim protivnikom, obožavatelji ga smatraju tehničarem bez srca, bez prave budućnosti u tom sportu... Sve dok ga računalna simulacija ne dovede u ring s Rockyjem Balboom u najboljim danima.


Rocky III

Rocky III 1982


Nakon što je pobijedio Apolla Creeda (Carl Weathers), Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) sa suprugom (Talia Shire) I sinom živi kao kralj I međunarodna zvijezda. Ignorirajući savjete trenera Mickeyja (Burgess Meredith), Rocky se pristane boriti s Clubberom Langom (Mr. T). No Lang ga pretuče I Mickey doživi infarkt. Rockyju ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da se obrati jedinom čovjeku koji mu može pomoći da vrati krunu: Apollu Creedu.


Ujak Drew

Ujak Drew 2018


Nesretnom prodavaču tenisica Daxu hitno je potreban novac te angažira lokalnu legendu i svoju staru košarkašku ekipu kako bi pobijedio na turniru ulične košarke.


Duša surfera

Duša surfera 2011


Nakon događaja koji joj je promijenio život i u kojemu je izgubila ruku, Bethanyna odlučnost i čvrsta uvjerenja pomažu joj u pustolovnom povratku, a svoj gubitak uspijeva pretvoriti u dar drugima.


Stari dečki dobro praše

Stari dečki dobro praše 1998


Stephen Rea glumi u filmu „Stari dečki dobro praše“, o padu i uskrsnuću fikcijskoga britanskog benda 1970-ih, „Strange Fruit“, dok se pokušava vratiti na scenu 20 godina poslije nakon teškoga i medijski popraćenoga raskida. Bez novca i očajan, pokušavajući se vratiti na svoje noge, Tony (Rea), klavijaturist, smisli plan da privoli članove benda na zajednički koncert na legendarnom rock-festivalu u Wisbechu. Uz pomoć Karen (Juliet Aubrey), asistentice benda, a sada tridesetogodišnje rastavljene majke kćeri tinejdžerice Clare (Rachael Stirling), oni uspiju uvjeriti dečke da čarolija nije nestala. Ali hoće li „Strange Fruit“ ponoviti iste pogreške ili će zaboraviti svoje taštine i iskoristiti drugu priliku? I mogu li se uopće okupiti na vrijeme za koncert?



G-Spot 2005


G-Spot is a Canadian adult comedy television series. The show debuted on The Movie Network and Movie Central on April 25, 2005 and ran for two seasons until April 3, 2006, and is also seen on the Showcase and E! network. The show is executive produced by, written by and stars Brigitte Bako. A third season began airing in 2009 with eight new episodes.


Eastbound & Down

Eastbound & Down 2009


Years after he turned his back on his hometown, a burned-out major league ballplayer returns to teach phys ed at his old middle school.


The Comeback

The Comeback 2005


For Valerie Cherish, no price is too high to pay for clinging to the spotlight. Desperate to revive her career, she agrees to star in a reality TV series, allowing cameras to follow her every move as she lands a part on a new network sitcom.


Hoff the Record

Hoff the Record 2015


Shot like a documentary, the semi-improvised comedy Hoff The Record follows TV legend David Hasselhoff - playing a highly fictionalized version of himself - as he arrives in the UK in an attempt to reignite his flagging career. It's been thirty years since he rose to worldwide fame in Baywatch and Knight Rider and things have since gone a little stale for The Hoff. Will a move across the Atlantic change his luck?


The Comeback

The Comeback 2019


Annbritt, a once-promising badminton player, has been going downhill ever since 1983, attributing her defeat in the Swedish championship final to an erroneous referee call. Almost 40 years later, Annbritt has hit rock bottom and can only look upwards. Determined to gain what was unjustly stolen from her, she sets out to achieve an unthinkable comeback. A tragicomic story of rebirth that applauds a troubled soul’s struggle to regain self-respect.


Kitchen Confidential

Kitchen Confidential 2005


Jack Bourdain had it all but messed it up going wild. Four years later, he ends up with a crappy job in Pizza Chain. Then, he gets an offer to get back in the game as the chef of a famous restaurant.



Lindsay 2014


Lindsay Lohan returns to New York City and reunites with friends and family. As Lindsay works to stay on track amid the demands (and pitfalls) of fame, she opens up as never before.


James Brown: Say It Loud

James Brown: Say It Loud 2024


Traces the incredible trajectory of Brown’s life and career from a 7th grade drop-out arrested and jailed at the age of 16 for breaking into a car in the Jim Crow-era South, to an entertainment legend whose groundbreaking talent and unique perspective catapulted him to become a cultural force.


The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox

The Comeback: 2004 Boston Red Sox 2024


This definitive docuseries chronicles the Red Sox's journey to their first World Series title in 86 years via interviews with star players and personnel.


ComeBLACK – im Schatten des Triumphs

ComeBLACK – im Schatten des Triumphs 2024


The multi-part TV documentary accompanies Marco Schwarz on his way back to the Ski World Cup. The 28-year-old all-rounder from Carinthia provides uncensored insights into the inner life of an exceptional athlete in exclusive film sequences. These insights show why Black is what he is: Austria's greatest hope for the 2025 home World Cup in Saalbach.