Princeza Mononoke

Princeza Mononoke 1997


Princ pod smrtonosnom kletvom krene u potragu za lijekom i nađe se usred borbe između rudarskog gradića i šumskih životinja.


Knjiga o džungli

Knjiga o džungli 1967


Ostavljenog u šumi nakon nesreće, petogodišnjeg Mowglija usvojili su i odgojili vukovi. Kako dječak odrasta, pantera Bagheera shvaća da Mowgli mora biti vraćen među ljude. No njihov prijatelj medvjed Baloo misli da bi dječak trebao ostati među svojim prijateljima u džungli, koja im pruža sve što požele. Mudra Bagheera zna da je Mowgli u opasnosti od tigra Sherea Khana, koji mrzi sve ljude. Jednoga dana Mowgli pobjegne dublje u džunglu te doživi neugodne susrete sa zmijom Kaaom i tigrom Khanom, ali ga spasi djevojčica Kitty, koja ga odvede u obližnje selo.


Knjiga o džungli

Knjiga o džungli 2016


Mowgli je maleni dječak iz džungle kojeg je odgojila obitelj vukova. No, kada opaki tigar Shere Khan obećaje riješiti ga se, jer ga smatnja prijetnjom, Mowgli shvati da više nije dobrodošao u džunglu. On napušta svoj dom i kreće u avanturu samootkrivenja sa svojim mentorom – panterom Bagheerom, te luckastim medvjedom zvanim Baloo. Na svom putu Mowgli će upoznati životinje koje mu ne žele sve najbolje, poput zlokobne zmije Kaa i kralja majmuna Louieja, koji želi da mu Mowgli otkrije tajnu smrtonosnog crvenog cvijeta – vatre.


Legenda o Tarzanu

Legenda o Tarzanu 2016


Prošlo je mnogo godina otkad je čovjek zvani Tarzan napustio afričku džunglu i zamjenio ju civiliziranim životom u kojem se naziva John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, te kojeg živi zajedno sa svojom ženom Jane. No, sada, on biva pozvan natrag u Kongo kako bi služio kao trgovački ambasador Parlamenta, nesvjesan činjenice da je on samo pijun u smrtonosnoj igri pohlepe i osvete, koju dirigira belgijski kapetan Leon Rom. No, Leon nije nimalo svjestan što će njegov zlokobni plan pobuditi u Johnu.


Pobješnjeli Max 2: Cestovni ratnik

Pobješnjeli Max 2: Cestovni ratnik 1981


Nakon atomskog rata koji je poharao Zemlju ostala su golema prostranstva kojima besciljno lutaju skupine dezorijentiranih ljudi. Život je teško vratiti u normalu, a najgore su okrutne bande koje teroriziraju i zlostavljaju svakoga na koga naiđu. Jedna od bandi ugrožava miroljubive proizvođače benzina, pa će Max Rockatansky ponovno uzeti pravdu u svoje ruke...



Mama 2013


Nakon što im umre majka, dvije djevojčice pronađu utočište u ujakovu domu. Međutim, ubrzo se otkrije da onamo nisu stigle same.


Pete i zmaj

Pete i zmaj 2016


Godinama stari drvorezac g. Meacham oduševljava lokalnu djecu svojim pričama o ljutom zmaju koji boravi duboko u šumama američkog sjeverozapada. Za njegovu kćer Grace koja radi kao šumska rendžerica te priče su samo obične izmišljotine... sve dok ne sretne Petea. Pete je tajanstveni desetogodišnjak bez obitelji i doma koji tvrdi da živi u šumi s divovskim zelenim zmajem koji se zove Elliott. Prema Peteovom opisu Elliott se čini zadivljujuće sličan zmaju iz priča g. Meachama. Uz pomoć Natalie, jedanaestogodišnje djevojčice čiji je otac Jack vlasnik lokalne pilane, Grace kreće otkriti odakle Pete dolazi, gdje pripada te ima li ikakve istine u toj priči o zmaju.


Knjiga o džungli 2

Knjiga o džungli 2 2003


Mowgli živi u selu zajedno s djevojčicom Shanti, njezinim bratom Ranjanom i njihovim roditeljima. No živahni dječak sanja vratiti se u divljinu i zabavi kakvu samo džungla može ponuditi. U međuvremenu, Shere Khan vraća se u džunglu i želi se osvetiti Mowgliju, a Baloo stiže u selo s namjerom da nagovori Mowglija da pođe s njim. I dok prijatelji odlaze, Shere Khan ušulja se u selo, ali ga stanovnici uspiju otjerati. U kaosu koji je uslijedio, Shanti i Ranjan primijete da nema Mowglija te kreću u džunglu spasiti ga, vjerujući da ga je oteo Baloo.


Knjiga o džungli

Knjiga o džungli 1994


Mowglija koji je ostao sam u džungli nakon što mu je oca napao i ubio tigar odgaja obitelj vukova. Odrastajući sa mladuncima vuka duboko u opasnim džunglama Indije, Mowgli izrasta u dječaka spremnog da se uhvati u koštac sa svim opasnostima koje vrebaju u džungli.



Nell 1994



The Legend of Tarzan

The Legend of Tarzan 2001


The Legend of Tarzan picks up where the 1999 feature film left off, with the title character adjusting to his new role as leader of the apes following Kerchak's death, and Jane adjusting to life in the jungle. Rounding out the cast are Jane's father, Professor Archimedes Porter; Tantor, the germophobic elephant; and Terk, a wisecracking female gorilla and Tarzan's old wrestling buddy.


The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book 2010


The Jungle Book is a 2010 3D CGI animated TV series. This series is based on the original book by Rudyard Kipling. Starting in June 2012, the first season of the series will be seen in the U.S. on Disney XD. It currently airs on TVO Kids in Canada. The Jungle Book: TV Movie is announced to be premiere on Disney Channel Asia.



Tarzan 1966


Tarzan is a series that aired on NBC from 1966 – 1968. The series portrayed Tarzan as a well-educated character, one who, tired of civilization, had returned to the jungle where he had been raised. The show retained many of the trappings of the classic movie series, including Cheeta, while excluding other elements, such as Jane, as part of the "new look" for the fabled apeman that producer Sy Weintraub had introduced in previous motion pictures starring Gordon Scott, Jock Mahoney, and Mike Henry. CBS aired repeat episodes the program during the summer of 1969.


Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle

Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle 1976


Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle is an animated series created by the Filmation studio for CBS. There are a total of 36 episodes produced over the first four seasons. The series does not appear in the Entertainment Rights library, and the rights most likely rest with the estate of Edgar Rice Burroughs. However, Warner Home Video has released one episode on DVD, "Tarzan and the Colossus of Zome," on Saturday Morning Cartoons: 1970s Volume 1; Warner Bros.' rights to the series may originate from their ownership of international TV distribution rights in the 1970s and 1980s.



Sheena 2000


Sheena's parents were archaeologists who died in the jungle when she was about six years old, leaving their daughter Shirley Hamilton. She was taken in by Kali, a local Shamaness of a tribe who brought her up, and five years ago she was taught how to morph into animals and birds, acquiring their abilities, even flight. Further, she became a mythical creature called "The Darachna" who relies on people' fear of the unknown. For this she covers herself in a dark liquid mud which allows her to be largely unseen in the low light of the jungle, and with more than normal strength, agility and speed, and armed with a pair of gloves with bone claws, she is a formidable one woman fighting force. She does kill sometimes.



Tarzan 2003


From the day two decades ago that young John Clayton's parents died and left him alone in the African jungle, he was raised by apes and has emerged as the fearless Tarzan. Captured by his billionaire uncle, Richard Clayton, the CEO of powerful Greystoke Industries, Tarzan is returned, against his will, to his family's home in New York City. Resisting captivity, he escapes into the concrete jungle of New York City where he encounters the strong-willed NYPD detective Jane Porter. Jane's perfectly ordered life is turned upside-down by Tarzan's dangerous yet profoundly untainted morality. Romantically involved with another member of the force, Detective Michael Foster, Jane is left to choose between reason and instinct, civilization and pure humanity, her head and her heart.



Lucan 1977


Lucan is a TV Drama which aired on ABC from 1977 to 1978, starring Kevin Brophy, John Randolph, and Don Gordon. A 20-year old man who spent the first 10 years of his life running wild in the forest after being raised by wolves, Lucan is taken to a research institute and taught the ways of human society. He is befriended by a kind research doctor whom he bonded with during his journey to civilization. Lucan's continued freedom at the research center is put in peril once his doctor friend and mentor is hurt. Unable to insure Lucan's well being at the institute, his friend encourages him to strike out on his own in search of his identity. The short-lived TV series chronicled the encounters, challenges, and intrigues Lucan faced interacting with people using his new learned social graces and old Wolfen instincts. Lucan did have special Wolfen skills that were invoked when he was made very angry. When upset to the point of violence his eyes glowed amber. He also had heightened senses of smell and hearing. In a few episodes he was able to call on his old wolf family/pack for help. This series was based on a 1977 made-for-TV movie of the same name directed by David Greene.


Mowgli's Brothers

Mowgli's Brothers 1970


Mowgli's Brothers is a 1976 television animated special created by legendary animator Chuck Jones. It is based from the first chapter of Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book of the same name. The special was narrated by Roddy McDowall who does all the male characters in the film. It originally aired on CBS on February 11, 1976. The special was released on VHS by Family Home Entertainment in 1985 and in 1999 and released on DVD by Lionsgate.