Hotel Grand Budapest

Hotel Grand Budapest 2014


Smješten u okvire svijeta koji se dramatično mijenja između dva rata, film prepričava pustolovine Gustavea, legendarnoga konsijerža slavnog europskog hotela i Zeroa, hotelskoga potrčka koji mu postane najvjerniji prijatelj.


Portret djevojke u plamenu

Portret djevojke u plamenu 2019


Dirljiva povijesna drama Portret djevojke u plamenu radnjom je smještena u Bretanju, u Francusku 1760. godine, gdje slikarica Marianne dobiva zadatak naslikati vjenčani portret Héloïse, mlade žene koja je upravo napustila samostan i koja se protivi prisilnom braku. Marianne mora izvršiti zadatak bez Héloïseina znanja promatrajući je danju i tajno slikajući noću. Između njih se razvija duboka veza, prepuna intimnosti i privlačnosti, dok zajedno provode Héloïseine posljednje trenutke slobode. Portret djevojke u plamenu je priča o zabranjenoj ljubavi, razmišljanju o umjetnosti, slobodi i ograničenjima postavljenim ženama u to doba.


Bean... film vrhunske katastrofe

Bean... film vrhunske katastrofe 1997


Nespretni Mr. Bean poslan je u Los Angeles kako bi čuvao poznatu sliku, no s obzirom na to da mu ništa ne ide za rukom, sve se uskoro pretvori u urnebesnu katastrofu.


Istjerivači duhova 2

Istjerivači duhova 2 1989


Pet godina nakon bitke sa sljezovim kolačićem iz pakla, svijet se za istjerivače duhova pretvorio u neprivlačno mjesto. Nekolicina sudskih zabrana posve je ugušila njihovo djelovanje i učinila od njih zabavljače na dječjim rođendanima, ili voditelje emisija na kablovskoj televiziji.



Vrtoglavica 1958


Detektiv iz San Francisca, koji pati od straha od visine, istražuje čudno ponašanje supruge starog prijatelja, istodobno postajući sve više i više opsjednut njome.


Ovo je kraj

Ovo je kraj 2013


OVO JE KRAJ prati šestoricu prijatelja koji zaglave u kući nakon što niz čudnih i katastrofalnih događaja razori Los Angeles.



1408 2007


U ovom trileru Stephena Kinga pisac koji raskrinkava paranormalne pojave odlučan je objasniti razlog navodnih pojava duhova u sobi 1408 u hotelu Dolphin.


Ja ću budan sanjati

Ja ću budan sanjati 1998


Srodne duše Chris (Robin Williams) i Annie (Annabella Sciorra) ne mogu biti sretniji nego što jesu. Žive u idiličnom su braku i imaju dvoje predivne djece. Nažalost, nakon nekog vremena zadesi ih teška tragedija. Oboje njihovo djece izgube živote u prometnoj nesreći. Shrvani time, nekako se oporave, no nedugo zatim Chris pogiba u drugoj prometnoj nesreći. Chris se budi u Raju te shvaća da je Raj nešto što nikada nije mogao ni zamisliti. Kao svog osobnog vodiča, Chris dobiva Alberta (Cuba Gooding Jr.), prvog doktora s kojim je radio. Albert mu pomogne da ponovno vidi svoju djecu te tako usreći Chrisa. No, u svakodnevnom životu, njegova supruga Annie je očajna. Izgubivši dvoje djece i supruga, Annie posegne za očajničkim potezom te si oduzme život. Nažalost, tim činom ona ne odlazi u Raj. Sada Chris, koji ne može pronaći sreću bez svoje supruge, odlazi s Albertom u Pakao, kako bi spasio svoju ženu od prokletstva, dok ona nije svjesna što joj prijeti.



Progonjeni 1999


Otkad je sagrađena prije 130 godina, Casa de La Colina, zgrada gotička kao i sjenka, stajala je sama i okružena mnogim legendama i glasinama o tragičnim smrću. Zaintrigiran prošlošću vile, dr. David Marlow udružio se s još troje: Theo, bujnim biseksualcem, Nell, osjetljivom ženom koja je upravo izbjegla obiteljsku kontrolu i Luke Sannerson, cinikom skupine, da odu u nenaseljenu kuću i provedu je studija o prirodi straha. A kuća će se pobrinuti da probudi strah svojih stanara ...


Dorian Gray

Dorian Gray 2009


Mladi i naivni Dorian Gray stiže u London, gdje ga pod utjecajem hedonističkog lorda Henryja Wottona opsjedne ideja o vječnoj mladosti. Dorian sklapa pakt s đavlom, žrtvujući svoju dušu za besmrtnost. Njegov portret, naslikan od strane prijatelja Basila Hallwarda, postaje zrcalo njegove duše, starajući se i nagrđujući dok Dorian ostaje vječno mlad. Dorian se prepušta razvratu i porocima, ostavljajući iza sebe niz uništenih života i slomljenih srca. Dok se portret pretvara u grotesknu karikaturu, Dorian se suočava s posljedicama svojih izbora i mračnom istinom o svojoj duši.



Češljugar 2019


Theodore „Theo“ Decker imao je 13 godina kada je njegova majka poginula u bombaškom napadu u Muzeju umjetnosti Metropolitan. Tragedija mijenja tijek njegova života šaljući ga na uzbudljivu odiseju tuge i krivnje, pronalaženja i iskupljenja, pa čak i ljubavi. Kroza sve to drži se jedne opipljive nade iz tog strašnog dana... Slike malene ptice okovane za svoju granu. Češljugara.


Watercolour Challenge

Watercolour Challenge 1998


Three amateur artists are given four hours to paint, in watercolour, the same scene or landscape, often with widely different interpretations. At the end of the four hours, the guest professional artist for the week judged the paintings and selected the winner, who would then appear in a regional final, and if successful would compete in the end of series final.


The Joy of Painting

The Joy of Painting 1983


The Joy of Painting was an American television show hosted by painter Bob Ross that taught its viewers techniques for landscape oil painting. Although Ross could complete a painting in half an hour, the intent of the show was not to teach viewers "speed painting". Rather, he intended for viewers to learn certain techniques within the time that the show was allotted. The show began on January 11, 1983, and lasted until May 17, 1994, a year before Ross' death.


Living Art

Living Art 2020


Our citizen space accommodates a large number of artistic manifestations that account for the way in which their authors interpret the context in which they are immersed. Living Art is a series of 10 chapters that seeks to be the reflection of the views of those who through art pay new ways of interpreting the world but above all to share their interests, their passions as well as their likes and dislikes which are a fundamental part of his inspiration, thus focusing on his human side.



Palettes 1995


An educational French TV documentary series which goes into depth during each episode into the analysis of a single painting.


IRODUKU: The World in Colors

IRODUKU: The World in Colors 2018


Set in the city of Nagasaki, the story takes place in a world where a miniscule amount of magic remains in everyday life. Hitomi Tsukishiro is a 17-year-old descendant of a witch family who grew up with stale emotions, as she lost her sense of color at a very young age. Feeling sorry for her granddaughter's future, Kohaku, a great witch, sends Hitomi to past, the year 2018. Through exchanges with her 17-year-old grandmother and her club members, the story follows Hitomi's growth as a person.


Man in an Orange Shirt

Man in an Orange Shirt 2017


A love story in two films charts the very different challenges to happiness for Michael and Thomas in the aftermath of World War 2, and to Adam and Steve in the present day.


The Big Painting Challenge

The Big Painting Challenge 2017


Passionate amateur artists undertake an intensive, six-week, artistic boot camp in a bid to perfect their skills and be crowned the overall champion.


Vile Bodies

Vile Bodies 1998


Documentary miniseries about contemporary artists who create challenging views of the human body. One of a 3-part series exploring how contemporary photography is challenging some of our deepest-held taboos about the human body. "American photographer Joel-Peter Witkin discusses his dark visions of human bodies.


Tinted With You

Tinted With You 2021


In Korea’s feudal past, the deposed Crown Prince Lee Heon has been forced into a lonely exile by his cruel older brother, who has usurped the throne. Lee Heon fears for his life at every moment, as his brother plans to secure his place on the royal seat by killing him. Assassins and other schemes are a constant threat for Lee Heon, whose only true ally is his faithful and kind-hearted bodyguard Geum. Meanwhile, in modern times, a high school student named Eun Ho loves paintings. In fact, art is his whole world. And when he is tasked with completing a mysterious painting, he is unexpectedly drawn back into the distant past, where he meets Lee Heon. The duo starts to form a close, romantic, and tender bond. But as the acting king grows restless, hoping to kill the exiled Crown Prince as soon as possible, Eun Ho begins to understand that he may be Lee Heon’s best – or perhaps only – chance of survival...


Painting With John

Painting With John 2021


Part meditative tutorial, part fireside chat, each episode finds artist John Lurie ensconced at his worktable, where he hones his intricate watercolor techniques and shares his reflections on what he’s learned about life.


Magnolia Workshops

Magnolia Workshops 2022


Move from inspiration into action with hand-picked experts in home, kitchen, garden and the arts. Whether you're looking to style a room, start a garden or cook a new dish, each class is designed for anyone to roll up their sleeves and try something new.


Art of the Western World

Art of the Western World 1970


First broadcast on October 2, 1989, these 18 original 30-minute episodes provide a panorama of 2000 years of architecture, painting and sculpture, and studies the art masterpieces as reflections of the Western culture that produced them.


Great Art Explained

Great Art Explained 2020


Great Art Explained is a video series that focuses on one piece of art per episode, breaking it down, using clear and concise language free of 'art-speak'.