Eastern Promises

Eastern Promises 2007


Nakon što trudna adolescentica Tatiana (S.-J. Labrosse) premine u rodilištu, a liječnici spase njezino dijete, bolničarka Anna (N. Watts), ruskog podrijetla, pronađe među njezinim stvarima dnevnik koji je svakodnevno vodila. Anna odluči pronaći njezinu obitelj i dati im dijete, a dnevnik odnese kući moleći ujaka da joj ga prevede. Budući da on to odbija, ona krene zatražiti pomoć u ruskom restoranu kojega je ova spomenula u tekstu. Pronašavši vlasnika, koji se nakon što je čuo o čemu se radi počne čudno ponašati, ona shvati da je u cijeli događaj oko Tatiane umiješana i prositucija i kriminalci. Anna će im se, naravno, naći na putu, a događaji koji će uslijediti dovest će njezinu rodbinu u neugodne situacije...


Posljednja patrola

Posljednja patrola 2012


Jack Gyllenhall i Michael Pena u ulozi su dva mlada policijska službenika koji patroliraju najozloglašenijim ulicama South Central Los Angelesa. Radnja se u cijelosti odvija kroz HD snimke ručnih kamera policijskih službenika, članova bande i nadzornih kamera. Vjerno su portretirani najmračniji i najnasilniji dijelovi grada, policajci koji riskiraju svoje živote iz dana u dan i cijena koju su oni i njihova obitelj prisiljeni platiti.


Zvuk slobode

Zvuk slobode 2023


Priča o Timu Ballardu, bivšem agentu američke vlade koji daje otkaz kako bi svoj život posvetio spašavanju djece od seksualnog ropstva.



Rogue 2020


Megan Foks je O'Hara, vođa grupe plaćenika koja vodi svoje vojnike u misiju oslobađanja taoca u zabačenom dijelu Afrike.Međutim, misija se iskomplicira i O'Hara i njen tim usput moraju da se brutalno suoče sa pobunjenicima, kao i čoporom krvoločnih lavova koji ih neprestano prate.


Rambo: Do zadnje kapi krvi

Rambo: Do zadnje kapi krvi 2019


Nakon što se desetljećima borio sa svojim demonima, John Rambo sada u miru živi na svom obiteljskom ranču u Arizoni, ali njegov odmor se prekida kad Gabriela, unuka njegove domaćice Marie, nestane nakon što je prešla granicu u Meksiko kako bi upoznala svog biološkog oca. Rambo, koji je s godinama postao prava očinska figura za Gabrielu, kreće na očajnički i opasan put da je pronađe.



Transporter 2002


Bivši vojnik Frank Martin (Jason Statham) živi sam u Francuskoj, gdje vodi privatan biznis kao transporter, unajmljeni kriminalac čija je specijalnost prenositi pakete i putnike, bez postavljanja ikakvih pitanja. Odličan akcijski triler redatelja Louisa Leterriera i Coreyja Yuena, snimljen po scenariju u kojem je sudjelovao i slavni Luc Besson, pravi je primjer žanrovskog vrhunca i kvalitetne kino zabave. Glavno oružje filma izvrsni je Jason Statham u ulozi Franka Martina.


Sedmorica zatočenika

Sedmorica zatočenika 2021


Siromašan tinejdžer pokušava pobjeći iz kandži trgovca ljudima. Morat će balansirati između svojih moralnih načela i borbe za preživljavanje.



Eden 2013




Test 2018




Darc 2018



Brave Woman

Brave Woman 2012


A moving tale of courage and resilience in the struggle for freedom – this is the role that life has cast for headstrong Morena in Brave Woman. Raised in a poor neighborhood in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, this tough and humble woman will spare no effort to protect her family and gain her independence.


The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat

The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat 2021


The world's number one assassin has been reincarnated as the eldest son of a family of aristocrat assassins. In exchange for being reincarnated in another world, a goddess has imposed upon him one condition. "Kill the Hero who is prophesied to destroy the world." This was to be the mission in his new life. The synergistic effect of the vast knowledge and experience he gained that made all manner of assassinations possible in the modern world, and the secret techniques and magic of the fantasy world's most powerful family of assassins turn him into the greatest assassin of all time.


Too Old to Die Young

Too Old to Die Young 2019


Detective Martin Jones, who leads a double life as a killer for hire in Los Angeles' deadly underground, suffers an existential crisis which leads him deeper into a blood splattered world of violence.


Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich 2020


Stories from survivors fuel this docuseries examining how convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein used his wealth and power to carry out his abuses.


Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking 2005


The story of an American Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent going undercover to stop an organization from trafficking people, and the struggles of three trafficked women.



Runaway 2018


The tragic yet hopeful story of Fanny, a young teen from a good suburban home whose life spirals out of control when she falls for a manipulative and abusive man.



Baptiste 2019


Battered by life, detective Julien Baptiste will investigate to the brink of obsession. Whatever the cost. Whatever it takes.


The Border

The Border 2014


After a bombing attack at the Poland–Ukraine border which killed his friends from the Border Guard, Captain Wiktor Rebrow tries to unravel the mystery and figure out what happened and who is behind it all.


Under The Skin

Under The Skin 2022


Young artist Shen Yi's life changes when a commission leads to a police case gone wrong. Seven years later, he joins the Criminal Investigation Unit as a portraitist alongside Captain Du Cheng.


I Bought Boyfriend with Loan

I Bought Boyfriend with Loan 2018


Tae Ukishima works at the front desk for a company. Her dream is to marry a competent man and live as a housewife. Her boyfriend is Shunpei Shiraishi and he works at the same company. They have dated for the past year. To marry him, Tae Ukishima pretends to act like a naive and shy person in front of him. Her real personality though is to speak frankly and making sharp remarks. Tae Ukishima wants to relieve her stress and she decides to purchase Jun Setsuna as her boyfriend. To pay off his debt, Jun Setsuna becomes an obedient boyfriend to Tae Ukishima.


The Silence

The Silence 2021


Dramatic events unfold in Croatia and Ukraine. The first girl drowned, the second one died from a drug overdose. The main suspect in these deaths, however, soon turns out to be innocent - and dead too. While detective Vladimir and reporter Stribor struggle to solve these murders in Croatia, the niece of Olga, an Ukrainian philanthropist, goes missing in Kyiv.


Sex Traffic

Sex Traffic 2004


The wrenching plight of two Bosnian sisters and their descent into the dark world of enforced prostitution. Their journey is intersected by a British journalist struggling to uncover a conspiracy by American peacekeepers and the machinations of an international charity organization.


Red Light

Red Light 2020


Three women become entangled in the world of human trafficking and prostitution when Esther's husband suddenly disappears. From completely different worlds, the lives of these women become intertwined. They discover that they need each other to escape from the difficult situations they find themselves in.


Don't Forget the Driver

Don't Forget the Driver 2019


Coach driver and single dad Peter Green leads a life of ordinary routine until the discovery of a dead body on the docile Bognor shoreline and an unsettling meeting with a new arrival in town throws his life into chaos.



Flesh 2020


Flesh is the complex story of two completely different girls who survive the ordeal of being victims of the sex and human trafficking industry of India.



Pssica 1970


Three characters lives become intertwined when they meet on the Atlantic side of the Amazon — Janalice, a victim of human trafficking; Preá, who must make peace with his fate as the leader of a local criminal organization known as the "water rats"; and Mariangel, who is seeking to avenge the deaths of her family. All three of them must try to break the curse, or "pssica," that they believe has been cast on them.



Cargo 2021


The story of the international refugee crisis, depicting a world where greed, violence and exploitation compete with hopes and dreams amid a constant fight for survival.


Sex Slaves

Sex Slaves 1970


Sex Slaves is a 2005 documentary by Ric Esther Bienstock which was created in association with CBC, Channel 4 and Canal D. It provides a firsthand account of international human trafficking by going to the countries such as Moldova and Ukraine where girls are recruited, then following the trail to the various countries and locales where they end up. Interviews with traffickers, experts, police vice-squads and former sex slaves, along with undercover footage, provide a glimpse into the frightening reality and scope of the problem. One husband's journey is documented as he attempts to rescue his pregnant wife who was sold by a trafficker who befriended them, to a notoriously powerful and violent pimp in Turkey. Sex Slaves won numerous awards, including a 2007 Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism, the Edward R. Murrow Award from the Overseas Press Club of America, a Gracie Award from American Women in Radio and Television, a British Broadcast Award for Best Documentary and a Royal Television Society Award from the UK, among others.