Gospodar prstenova: Prstenova družina

Gospodar prstenova: Prstenova družina 2001


Mračni gospodar Sauron traži Jedinstveni Prsten kojim će pokoriti Međuzemlje. Prsten se našao u rukama mladog hobita Froda Bagginsa, koji ga mora uništiti kako bi porazio Saurona i njegove snage. Sudbina Međuzemlja ovisi o Frodu i osam njegovih prijatelja iz Prstenove družine.


Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja

Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja 2003


Kako Sauron započinje posljednju fazu pokoravanja Međuzemlja, čarobnjak Gandalf i Kralj Theoden od Rohana udružuju snage kako bi zaštitili glavni grad Gondora, Minas Tirith od ove prijetnje. Aragorn konačno mora preuzeti kraljevski tron Gondora pa okuplja vojsku duhova kako bi porazio Saurona. Na kraju, iako pod punom spremom, shvaćaju da ne mogu pobijediti; sve spada na hobite Froda i Sama koji se sami moraju suočiti s težinom Prstena i Gollumovom izdajom, kako bi uništili Prsten u Mordoru.


Harry Potter i Odaja tajni

Harry Potter i Odaja tajni 2002


Harry se vraća na svoju drugu godinu u Hogwartsu, ali otkriva da se loše događaju jer je Slytherin nasljednik otvorio mjesto pod nazivom Komora tajni i učinit će da se Mugglesova djeca, nečista, očigledno očiste monstruozne životinje.


Hobit: Bitka pet vojski

Hobit: Bitka pet vojski 2014


Nakon što Smaug napusti Usamljenu planinu, ljudi Lake-towna osjećaju veliku prijetnju. Orci, patuljci, vilenjaci i ljudi pripremaju se za rat. Bilbo vidi da Thorin počinje ludjeti te mu pokuša pomoći. U međuvremenu, Gandalf biva spašen iz zatvora Necromancera, a njegovi spasitelji ubrzo shvate tko je zapravo bio Necromancer.


Gospodar prstenova: Dvije kule

Gospodar prstenova: Dvije kule 2002


Drugi dio ove fantastične sage govori o Frodu Baginsu i Samu koji uz pomoć čudnovatog bića Goluma idu da unište prsten. Istovremeno Aragorn, Legolas i njihovi saveznici idu da space Pipina i Merija. Čarobnjak Gandalf se vraća da pomogne u borbi protiv Saurona i Sarumana (čarobnjaka koji je prešao na zlu stranu).


Hobit: Neočekivano putovanje

Hobit: Neočekivano putovanje 2012


Mladi Bilbo Baggins uz pomoć čarobnjaka Gandalfa Sivog i čak trinaestorice neustrašivih patuljaka mora pronaći izgubljeno kraljevstvo Erebor, nad čijim zidinama bdije zastrašujući zmaj Smaug. Na svom putu susrest će se sa goblinima, trolovima, vilenjacima, a Bilbo Baggins će upoznati stvorenje koje će mu zauvijek promijeniti život – Golluma.


Hobit: Smaugova pustoš

Hobit: Smaugova pustoš 2013


Nakon što uspijevaju preživjeti početak neočekivanog putovanja, članovi Družine nastavljaju prema istoku, a na putu će sresti Mjenjolika Beorna i Velike paukove u zloglasnoj i opasnoj šumi Mrkodol. Nakon što pobjegnu Šumskim vilenjacima, hrabri junaci kreću prema Jezergradu i naposljetku stižu do Pustogore, gdje će se suočiti s najvećom opasnošću, bićem strašnijem od bilo kojeg živućeg stvora koje će testirati ne samo njihovu hrabrost već i snagu njihova prijateljstva te koliko je uopće bilo mudro poći na ovakvo putovanje - zmajem Smaugom.


Warcraft: Početak

Warcraft: Početak 2016


Mjesto radnje je zemlja Azeroth, a odvija se u vrijeme kad su se ljudi i orkovi prvi put sreli te prikazuje obje strane tijekom sukoba. U filmu će se pojaviti likovi poput Durotana, Anduina Lothara, Llanea Wrynna, Variana Wrynna, Medivha, Orgrima Doomhammera, Gul’dana, Grommasha Hellscreama i Khadgara – iskusnim obožavateljima poznata radnja i likovi. U borbi dva različita svijeta naći će se dva junaka koja će odlučiti o sudbini svojih ljudi, obitelji i svoga doma.



Naprijed 2020


Smješten u predgrađu izmišljenog svijeta, Disneyev i Pixarov “Naprijed” predstavlja dvojicu tinejdžera vilenjaka koji se upuštaju u uzbudljivu misiju otkrivanja postoji li u svijetu još uvijek bar malo čarolije. Originalni film studija Pixar režirao je Dan Scanlon, a producirala Kori Rae – ovo je ujedno i duo koji nam je donio hit „Čudovišta iz ormara“.



Vilenjak 2003


Jednog Badnjaka prije mnogo, mnogo godina, jedna se beba uvukla u torbu Djeda Mraza punu poklona i igračaka, a da on to uopće nije primijetio. Odgajan kao vilenjak, Buddy (Will Ferrell) naposljetku ipak odrasta u čovjeka tri puta većeg i od najvećeg vilenjaka te uviđa kako se nikada neće uklopiti u život na Sjevernom polu. Ove godine Buddy odluči pronaći svoje pravo mjesto u svijetu, točnije - New Yorku. On uspije pronaći svoga pravog oca, Waltera (James Caan), koji se nalazi na listi zločestih Djeda Mraza, i desetogodišnjeg brata koji uopće ne vjeruje u djedicu s poklonima i vilenjake! Buddy shvaća kako je njegov zadatak spasiti Božić za svoju obitelj.


Gospodar prstenova

Gospodar prstenova 1978


Na raskošnoj zabavi proslave svog 111. rođendana u njihovom selu u pokrajini Shire, hobit Bilbo Baggins (glas N. Birda) svom nećaku Frodu (glas C. Guarda) povjeri prsten te napusti mjesto. Zbunjenom Frodu mudri čarobnjak Gandalf (glas W. Squirea) ubrzo otkrije da je riječ o izuzetno vrijednom ali i opasnom prstenu izrađenom u davno vrijeme. Prsten posjeduje iznimnu snagu koja iz ljudi izvlači najgore osobine, koja može poslužiti samo u zle svrhe te koja onog tko posjeduje prsten pretvara u pohlepnog egoista i zločinca. Preostala dva prstena u vlasništvu su vladara tame Saurona koji stoluje u Mordoru i koji se uz pomoć svog ortaka, Gandalfova kolege Sarumana (glas F. Kerra), želi domoći i trećeg prstena i tako zavladati Međuzemljem. Stoga Frodo, Gandalf i Frodova hobitska družina odluče krenuti na dug put te u planinama Mordora uništiti prsten.


Arthur Božić

Arthur Božić 2011


Radnja ovog božićnog filma vrti se oko Djeda Božićnjaka i njegovog zadatka da u jednoj noći obiđe svu djecu svijeta i ostavi im poklone ispod bora prije božićnog jutra...


Božićne kronike 2

Božićne kronike 2 2020


Kate je sada tinejdžerka i ne sviđa joj se mamina nova veza, pa bježi od kuće. Završi na Sjevernom polu, gdje zločesti vilenjak planira uništiti Božić.


Zločesti Djed Mraz

Zločesti Djed Mraz 2003


Razdražljivi Willie T. Stokes i njegov partner svake godine glume Djeda Mraza i vilenjaka kako bi pljačkali trgovačke centre, sve dok neočekivano prijateljstvo kod Willieja ne probudi tračak nade.


Dječak zvan Božić

Dječak zvan Božić 2021


Čvrsto naumivši pronaći svojeg oca i kući donijeti dar nade, mladi Nikolas suoči se sa svojom sudbinom u čarobnoj zemlji nastanjenoj vilenjacima.


Fred Mraz

Fred Mraz 2007


Fred Claus (Vince Vaughn) proživio je čitav život u bratovoj velikoj sjeni. Fred je pokušavao, ali nije uspijevao slijediti primjer koji je davao mlađi Nicholas (Paul Gimatti) koji je bio savršen... Svetac. I tako je Nicholas postao primjer davanja dok je Fred postao njegova potpuna suprotnost: prepredeni ovrhovoditelj koji je ostao bez sreće i novca. Unatoč protivljenju gđe Mraz, Nicholas pristaje pomoći svojem bratu pod jednim uvjetom: da dođe na Sjeverni pol i zasluži novac koji treba radeći u Djedovoj radionici. Problem je što Fred nije baš materijal za vilenjaka, a kako je Božić sve bliže, Fred bi mogao ugroziti najsretniji blagdan godine.


The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 2022


Beginning in a time of relative peace, we follow an ensemble cast of characters as they confront the re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 2023


After the party of heroes defeated the Demon King, they restored peace to the land and returned to lives of solitude. Generations pass, and the elven mage Frieren comes face to face with humanity’s mortality. She takes on a new apprentice and promises to fulfill old friends’ dying wishes. Can an elven mind make peace with the nature of life and death? Frieren embarks on her quest to find out.


Even Given the Worthless

Even Given the Worthless "Appraiser" Class, I'm Actually the Strongest 2025


In a world where heroes are born, not made, Ein’s god-given gift is the weakest: the power to appraise things. Treated cruelly by his peers, Ein spends his days in self-abasement—until he meets Yuri, the spirit of the World Tree. Yuri and her protector, Ursula, bless Ein with the Spirit Eye, unlocking new strength. As his abilities grow, Ein embarks on a journey to uncover his true purpose.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 2018


37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.



Nightwatch 2015


Meet Keelin, Vladimir and Wilko, also known as The Nightwatch, a secret covenant with only one purpose: fight the evil from the underworld.


Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer 2018


"I'm not saving the world. I just kill goblins." Rumor has it that, in a certain guild in the middle of nowhere, there is an extraordinary man who has climbed all the way to the Silver rank just by killing goblins. At the same guild, a priestess who's just become a new adventurer has formed her first party... and the man who ends up rescuing that party when they get into trouble is none other than the Goblin Slayer.


Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat Is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster!

Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat Is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster! 2025


After dying in a fight against the forces of evil, a knight found himself reincarnated as one of the most powerful monsters in the world: a behemoth! Problem is, he has to grow up before he can really strut his stuff, and a baby behemoth looks an awful lot like…a housecat?! And when an elf adventurer decides to take him in, she may need his help as much as he needs hers!



Hilda 2018


Fearless, free-spirited Hilda finds new friends, adventure and magical creatures when she leaves her enchanted forest home and journeys to the city.



Gate 2015


Off-duty Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) officer and otaku, Youji Itami, is on his way to attend a doujin convention in Ginza, Tokyo when a mysterious portal in the shape of a large gate suddenly appears. From this gate, supernatural creatures and warriors clad in medieval armor emerge, charging through the city, killing and destroying everything in their path. With swift actions, Youji saves as many lives as he can while the rest of the JSDF direct their efforts towards stopping the invasion. Three months after the attack, Youji has been tasked with leading a special recon team, as part of a JSDF task force, that will be sent to the world beyond the gate—now being referred to as the "Special Region." They must travel into this unknown world in order to learn more about what they are dealing with and attempt to befriend the locals in hopes of creating peaceful ties with the ruling empire.


The Dragon Prince

The Dragon Prince 2018


An extraordinary discovery inspires two human princes and an elven assassin to team up on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.



Disenchantment 2018


Set in a ruined medieval city called Dreamland, Disenchantment follows the grubby adventures of a hard-drinking princess, her feisty elf companion and her personal demon.


Übel Blatt

Übel Blatt 2025


Fourteen warriors set out to prevent an invasion, but only seven return. Three died along the way, and four were slain for betraying the empire. In truth, it is the Seven Heroes who turned on their allies so they could take all the glory. Ascheriit was their victim, but now, 20 years later, he is back to get revenge.



Yonderland 2013


A bored young mum steps through a portal and discovers a world of incompetent knights, monks who are incapable of lying, and a race of people intent on firing the cleverest amongst them into the sun.


Interspecies Reviewers

Interspecies Reviewers 2020


In a world bursting at the seams with moe monsters and humanoids of the horned sort, which brave heroes will take it upon themselves to review the beastly babes of the red-light district? Can only one be crowned the ultimate title of best girl? Behold the most tantalizing of trials.


Headhunted to Another World: From Salaryman to Big Four!

Headhunted to Another World: From Salaryman to Big Four! 2025


In an alternate fantasy world, the Demon King reigns with a formidable army led by his Four Heavenly Kings. One happens to be Uchimura Denosuke, a normal salaryman unexpectedly plucked from his mundane life by the Demon King himself. But even in this new realm, Uchimura is bestowed no particular powers. Can he survive treacherous missions with only the knowledge of an office worker?


The Shannara Chronicles

The Shannara Chronicles 2016


A young Healer armed with an unpredictable magic guides a runaway Elf in her perilous quest to save the peoples of the Four Lands from an age-old Demon scourge.


No Game No Life

No Game No Life 2014


Online gamer siblings are thrust into a new realm where they must play to take over the world.


Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash 2016


Fear, survival, instinct. Thrown into a foreign land with nothing but hazy memories and the knowledge of their name, they can feel only these three emotions resonating deep within their souls. A group of strangers is given no other choice than to accept the only paying job in this game-like world—the role of a soldier in the Reserve Army—and eliminate anything that threatens the peace in their new world, Grimgar. When all of the stronger candidates join together, those left behind must create a party together to survive: Manato, a charismatic leader and priest; Haruhiro, a nervous thief; Yume, a cheerful hunter; Shihoru, a shy mage; Mogzo, a kind warrior; and Ranta, a rowdy dark knight. Despite its resemblance to one, this is no game—there are no redos or respawns; it is kill or be killed. It is now up to this ragtag group of unlikely fighters to survive together in a world where life and death are separated only by a fine line.