Ključna riječ Sexual Abuse
Nickel Boys 2024
Bilo jednom u Americi 1984
Bivši gangster iz razdoblja zabrane alkohola vraća se na donju istočnu stranu Manhattana nakon trideset godina, gdje se ponovno mora suočiti s duhovima i pogreškama iz svog starog života.
Mistična rijeka 2003
U Bostonu prije 25 godina, 11-godišnji dječak Dave je otet. Kada se vrati četiri dana kasnije, potpuno je drugačiji te uništava svoje prijateljstvo sa Seanom i Jimmyjem. Sean je sada policajac, Jimmy je vlasnik trgovine sa zatvorskim zapisom i mafijaškim vezama, a Dave ne može pobjeći od svojih trauma. Ali, kad se dogodi ubojstvo Jimmyjeve kćeri, sva trojica se moraju suočiti s prošlošću koju nitko ne želi priznati. Kako istraga napreduje, odmotava se priča o prijateljstvu, obitelji i njihovim tajnama.
Crveni vrabac 2018
Temeljeno na bestseleru New York Timesa, radnja se odvija se u suvremenoj Rusiji, a prati život Dominike Egorove. Dominika je puno toga. Predana kći koja će zaštititi svoju majku pod svaku cijenu. Prima balerina koja je svoj um i tijelo dovela do apsolutnih granica. Stručnjakinja u zavođenju i manipulaciji. Kada zbog ozljede mora prestati sa svojom karijerom, Dominika i njena majka bivaju suočene s neizvjesnom i tamnom budućnošću. Protiv njezine volje naređeno joj je se prijavi u Sparrow School, tajnu obavještajnu službu koja obučava mlade ljude da koriste svoje tijelo i um kao oružje.
Dolce... calda Lisa 1980
Sleepers 1996
Barbar 2022
Dolaskom u novi grad na razgovor za posao, mlada žena otkriva da u kući koju je rezervirala već živi čudan muškarac. Ipak pristaje ostati prespavati, ali uskoro će otkriti tajna vrata u podrumu, a iza njih - tajne koje je bolje ne znati.
May December 2023
Joe i Gracie nekoć su bili učenici i učitelji, a sada odgajaju blizance. Odlučili su snimiti igrani film o svojoj priči. Glumica koja će glumiti Gracie dolazi im u posjet kako bi se što bolje pripremila za ulogu, no njezin dolazak dovodi obiteljsku sreću u opasnost.
Climax 2018
Le Consentement 2023
Wild Things 1998
Čudovište 2003
Čudovište je istinita priča o prostitutki Aileen Wuornos, koja je ubila sedmero ljudi tijekom 1989. Od malena seksualno zlostavljana, neobrazovana, jedini izvor prihoda našla je u prostitucija s kojom se počela baviti već kao dijete s 9 godina. Kada upozna Selby u koju se zaljubi i s kojom započne vezu, Aileen odluči krenuti drugim putem te započne bezuspješnu potragu za poslom. Na Selbyn nagovor Aileen se ponovno upusti u prostituciju no mučno silovanje koje doživi u njoj potakne jednu drugu stranu.
Manddom 2012
Hable con ella 2002
Marnie 1964
Okorjela kradljivica Marnie prijavi se za radno mjesto tajnice kod muškarca koji postane opsjednut njome i ucijeni je da se uda za njega.
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1999
In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.
13 Reasons Why 2017
After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.
Four Lives 2022
The true story of the courageous families of four young gay men who lost their lives to killer Stephen Port. Facing police failings, they fought for justice for their loved ones.
In Pursuit with John Walsh 2019
Victims' rights activist John Walsh and his son, Callahan, showcase time-sensitive, unsolved cases in desperate need of attention, mobilizing the public to engage in the pursuit of justice.
Baby 2018
Fed up with their families and classmates, two teen girls from a wealthy part of Rome are drawn to the city's underworld and start leading double lives.
Unbelievable 2019
A teenager is charged with lying about her rape allegation, but two determined investigative female detectives discover a far more sinister truth.
American Playboy: The Hugh Hefner Story 2017
A fascinating docuseries chronicling Playboy magazine’s charismatic founder, Hugh Hefner, and his impact on global culture. Told from his unique perspective with never-before-seen footage from his private archive, discover the captivating story about the man behind the bunny.
The Secrets of Hillsong 2023
With fresh reporting and analysis from journalists, historians and policymakers, go beyond the sensational headlines and behind the velvet rope to examine the church's long pattern of covering up misconduct to protect itself.
Before Dawn 2019
Aroonchai gets raped by her own father and the drama follows how this affects both her future relationships with men and her mother.
Top of the Lake 2013
A woman haunted by her past, Detective Robin Griffin, investigates complex and unsettling cases.
The Reckoning 2023
The life of Jimmy Savile, a man who, for decades, became one of the UK’s most influential celebrities, but in death has become one of the most reviled figures of modern history following revelations of extensive and horrific abuse.
Citizen Rose 2018
Rose McGowan, artist and activist, documents the work being done to spread her message of “bravery, art, joy and survival.”
Dark Money 2019
13 year old British film star Isaac Mensah was sexually abused by a producer on the set of a Hollywood film, the family decide to take action after learning the truth and Deal with US Lawyers who offer the family 3 million to stay silent.
Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar 2024
The scheming Mallikajaan rules over an elite house of courtesans — but a new rival threatens her reign as rebellion brews in British-ruled India.
Until I Kill You 2024
A extraordinary true story of Delia Balmer, who survived a near-fatal relationship with murderer John Sweeney. The series narrates the ordeal Delia suffered at the hands of John Sweeney, and her traumatic journey through the police and criminal justice system as they attempt to prosecute him for his crimes.
I Know My First Name Is Steven 1989
In 1973, 7-year-old Steven Stayner is kidnapped by pedophile Kenneth Parnell. Under the belief that Parnell has been given legal custody of him, and that his family has moved away, he stays with Parnell for seven years, enduring repetitive sexual abuse the entire time. Finally, in 1980, when Parnell kidnaps another young boy, Steven finds a way for them both to escape and return home.
Into the White Night 2006
What happens with two children commit two different muders in order to protect each other? Does salvation exist for them? In order to walk beneath the sun once more, Ryouji and Yukiho find themselves in a twisted web from which neither can escape without abandoning the other. Having no one but each other, this drama follows the events the follow that fateful day… 14 years ago.
Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets 2023
A limited docuseries exposing the truth beneath the wholesome Americana surface of reality tv’s favorite mega-family, The Duggars, and the radical organization behind them: The Institute in Basic Life Principles. As details of the family and their scandals unfold, we realize they’re part of an insidious, much larger threat already in motion, with democracy itself in peril.
The Ice Cream Girls 2013
In the summer of 1995, two vulnerable teenage girls are accused of murdering their schoolteacher. For seventeen years, the two girls go their separate ways, Poppy having been charged with the murder. Fast-forward to modern day. Happily married mother Serena is now back in the same seaside town for the first time as she cares for her dying mother Rachel. Poppy is living in quite different circumstances. Having served seventeen years for a crime she still insists she didn’t commit, she has only one thing on her mind… the truth. And if she didn’t kill Marcus, then who did?
Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich 2020
Stories from survivors fuel this docuseries examining how convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein used his wealth and power to carry out his abuses.