Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049 2017


Trideset godina nakon događaja iz prvog filma, novi istrebljivač, losanđeleski policajac K pronalazi dugo skrivenu tajnu koja ima potencijala ono malo ljudskog društva što je preostalo baciti u potpuni kaos. Njegovo otkriće odvest će ga u potragu za Rickom Deckardom, bivšim istrebljivačem koji je nestao prije trideset godina…


Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda IV - Nova nada

Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda IV - Nova nada 1977


Nekoć davno, u veoma dalekoj galaksiji… Princeza Leia biva oteta od strane zlih imperijskih sila koje žele ugasiti pobunjenički pokret protiv Galaktičkog carstva. Farmer Luke Skywalker i kapetan Han Solo moraju se udružiti, zajedno sa simpatičnim robotima R2-D2 i C-3PO, kako bi spasili lijepu princezu i vratili pravdu u galaksiju.



Chappie 2015


Svako rođeno dijete dolazi na svijet prepuno obećanja, a takva je situacija i s Chappiejem: on je nadaren, poseban, pravo čudo. Poput svakog djeteta, Chappie će ubrzo doći pod utjecaj okoline koja ga okružuje – dobre i loše – te će se morati osloniti na svoje srce i dušu kako bi pronašao svoje mjesto u svijetu i postao samostalan.



Istrebljivač 1982


Tvrtka Tyrell koja proizvodi replikante suočena je s problemom. Roboti koji se ni u čemu ne razlikuju od ljudi, "samo" nemaju emocija, pobunili su se i njih nekoliko se vraća na Zemlju. Tamo ih čekaju posebni policajci, "istrebljivači" osposobljeni za njihovu likvidaciju. Tvrtka je čak iz mirovine pozvala u pomoć najboljeg od njih, Deckarda.


Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda VII - Sila se budi

Ratovi zvijezda: Epizoda VII - Sila se budi 2015


Tri desetljeća nakon poraza Darth Vadera i Carstva, javlja se nova prijetnja. Prvi red uskrsnuo je iz pepela Galaktičkog Carstva, a njemu su se suprotstavili generalica Leia Organa i Pokret otpora koji nastoje pronaći nestalog jedi-učitelja Lukea Skywalkera. Usred potrage pojavljuju se novi junaci u obliku Rey, skupljačice otpada s planeta Jakkua koja osjeća Silu; Finna, jurišnika koji je prebjegao iz Prvog reda; te Poea Damerona, najboljeg pilota u Pokretu otpora. Han Solo pomaže im u potrazi za Skywalkerom i u misiji da unište novo superoružje Prvog reda, bazu Starkiller kojoj je cilj uništiti Novu Republiku i Pokret otpora. Suprotstavljaju im se zlikovci poput Kyla Rena, mračnog ratnika tajanstvene prošlosti, i generala Huxa, zapovjednika baze Starkiller.



Vice 2015



Alien 2

Alien 2 1986


Pedeset i sedam godina nakon stravičnog sukoba s krvoločnim izvanzemaljcem, brod Ellen Ripley pronađen je, a ona probuđena iz sna i suočena s novom noćnom morom. Djelatnici zloglasne "Weyland-Yutani" korporacije nalažu joj da mora krenuti u ekspediciju zajedno sa skupinom komandosa, kako bi provjerila zbog čega je izgubljen kontakt s planetom na kojem je pronađeno čudovište. Iako Ripley pokušava upozoriti nadležne, novi sukob sa smrtonosnim bićem čini se neizbježnim.


Alien: Osmi putnik

Alien: Osmi putnik 1979


Sedmeročlana posada trgovačkog svemirskog teretnjaka The Nostromo, natovarenog s dvadeset milijuna tona mineralnih ruda, vraća se na Zemlju. Članovi posade na čelu s kapetanom Dallasom (T. Skerritt) bude se iz kriogenog sna uvjereni da će im tvrtka u čijem je vlasništvu brod isplatiti poveće sume zbog dobro obavljenog posla. I premda se činilo da je njihov povratak kući rutinska stvar, iznenadni poziv u pomoć s obližnjeg planeta natjera kapetana da postupi prema pravilima i odmah izvidi o čemu je riječ. Sletjevši, posada otkrije napušteni svemirski brod u kojem Kanea napadne primitivni stvor i zalijepi mu se za lice. Unatoč protivljenju časnice Ripley, ostali članovi odluče vratiti Kanea na brod nesvjesni da je biće koje ga je napalo samo početna životna forma inteligentnog i krvoločnog čudovišta.


Alien 3

Alien 3 1992


Ellen Ripley jedina je preživjela članica posade broda Sulaco. Brod pronalaze stanovnici planeta Fiorina 161, zatvoreničke kolonije. Dugotrajno zatočeni u teškim, neljudskim uvjetima, zločinci su izluđeni zbog ženske pojave, a ispade nasilja kontrolira jedino njihov predvodnik, religiozni Dillon. Ripley se pokušava snaći u zatvoreničkom okruženju, potpomognuta prijateljskim riječima liječnika Clemensa, no zlo koje je prati godinama, došlo je za njom i na planet Fiorina. Nakon prvog ubojstva, Ripley posumnja na izvanzemaljčevu prisutnost...


Alien: Uskrsnuće

Alien: Uskrsnuće 1997


Dvjesto godina nakon što je umrla, poručnica Ellen Ripley ponovno otvara oči, ali ovaj put kao - klon. Skupina znanstvenika odlučila je proučiti izvanzemaljsko stvorenje koje je izgubilo život istovremeno kad i Ripley te klonirati poručnicu zajedno s čudovištem. Osmi pokušaj znanstvenika uspijeva, no Ripley, osim vanjskog izgleda, ima malo dodirnih točaka sa starom poručnicom. Njezin DNK pomiješao se sa stanicama izvanzemaljca i stvorio posve novu Ellen Ripley - zapanjujuće snage i okretnosti te krvi koja ima svojstva sumporne kiseline.


Duh u oklopu

Duh u oklopu 1995


Godina je 2029. i nakon III. i IV. svjetskog rata Azijski blok dominira svijetom. Taj savez azijskih država, predvođenih Japanom, održava svoju moć zahvaljujući elitnim kibernetičkim agentima koji mogu "downloadati" svoju svijest u druge mašine. Motoko Kusanagai jedna od tih specijalnih agenta i pred njom je najvažnija misija njene karijere.


Alien: Savez

Alien: Savez 2017


Posada broda Covenant, na putu je prema drugoj strani galaktike, gdje otkrivaju ono za što misle da je nepoznati raj, ali je to zapravo mračan i opasan svijet. Međutim, kada otkriju mračnu tajnu koju skriva nepoznati svijet, morat će isplanirati put za bijeg.



Prometej 2012


Ekipa znanstvenika i istraživača na Prometeju nalazi se ni više ni manje nego na putu da otkrije odgovore na najdublja životna pitanja. Ekspediciju vode dva briljantna mlada znanstvenika, Shaw (Noomi Rapace) i Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) sa suprotnim motivima. Shaw je vjernica: želi upoznati te “bogove” kako bi se približila svojim tradicionalnim vjerskim pogledima, dok Holloway želi razotkriti tu vrstu duhovnosti. U svojem radu kao arheolozi otkrili su tragove na špiljskim piktogramima iz starih civilizacija diljem svijeta, pri čemu svi ukazuju na isto mjesto u dalekom svemiru, i uvjerili su korporaciju Weyland Industries da financira misiju. Nitko od znanstvenika nije bio pripremljen za nezamislive terore na koje će naići.


Ex Machina

Ex Machina 2015


Mladi programer Caleb veseli se što je upravo on, od svih zaposlenika, dobio priliku provesti nekoliko danas s glavnim direktorom svoje tvrtke. No, ono što se čini kao poziv na neobavezno druženje, u stvari je početak eksperimentq u kojem će Caleb iskušati granice svoje ljudskosti nakon što upozna umjetno stvoreno biće u prelijepom ženskom tijelu.


Umjetna inteligencija

Umjetna inteligencija 2001


U budućnosti u kojoj znanstveni napredak omogućuje postojanje, ljudi će sve aspekte svog života povjeriti sofisticiranim robotima koji se nazivaju Meccas. Emocija je posljednja granica u evoluciji strojeva. Ali kada se napredno robotsko dijete po imenu David programira na ljubav, ljudi nisu spremni za posljedice.


Austin Powers: Tajanstveni tajni agent

Austin Powers: Tajanstveni tajni agent 1997


Špijunska komedija o britanskom tajnom agentu Austinu Powersu iz 1960-ih koji se nakon zamrzavanja budi u 1997.-oj kako bi uhvatio opasnog zlikovca. Okolica Las Vegasa, 1967. Manijakalni milijarder dr. Zloćko dovršava novi zločinački plan protiv svjetskog mira, ali mu na putu stoji najbolji britanski tajni agent Austin Powers. Dr. Zloćko stoga angažira svog najboljeg čovjeka Mustafu da ubije Austina, ali spretni špijun izbjegne zamku i zamalo uhvati dr. Zloćka koji u posljednji trenutak pobjegne kriogenom kapsulom u orbitu. Stoga vlada zamrzne i Austina kako bi u budućnosti pronašao dr. Zloćka i zauvijek ga strpao iza rešetaka. Odmrzavanje otpočne 1997. kada dr. Zloćko ponovno ucjenjuje svijet ukradenim nuklarnim oružjem. Uz pomoć svog šefa Basila i lijepe agentice Vanesse, Austin krene u akciju ne shvaćajući da je duh slobodarskih 60-ih odavno prošlost...


Austin Powers: Špijun koji me hvatao

Austin Powers: Špijun koji me hvatao 1999


Vječiti protivnik Austina Powersa, ludi znanstvenik dr. Zlo, putuje vremenskim strojem u prošlost kako bi pronašao način na koji će onesposobiti tajnog agenta. Osjetivši kako više nije u naponu moći, Austin prati svog neprijatelja natrag u šezdesete. Uz pomoć seksipilne CIA-ine agentice, Felicity Shagwell, Austin se suočava s novim suludim Zlovovim planom. Smrtonosni laser, smješten na Mjesecu, usmjeren je na Washington, a katastrofu je moguće izbjeći jedino plaćanjem bilijunskog iznosa...


Vodič za autostopere kroz galaksiju

Vodič za autostopere kroz galaksiju 2005


Avantura glavnog junaka Arthura Denta (Martin Freeman) počinje kada otkrije da je njegov prijatelj Ford zapravo vanzemaljac. Pošto mu Ford priopći kako će uskoro biti propast svijeta, te da se život može bez problema nastaviti i izvan Zemlje, Arthur se ukrcava na prvu svemirsku letjelicu. Za sretan put dobije knjigu koja će mu biti od velike pomoći na intergalaktičkom putovanju.


Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z 1989


The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.



Westworld 2016


A dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin. Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, it explores a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged.


The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits 1995


Anthology series of composed of distinct story episodes, sometimes with a plot twist at the end, with occasional recurring story elements that were often tied together during season-finale clip shows.


Raised by Wolves

Raised by Wolves 2020


After Earth is ravaged by a great religious war, an atheistic android architect sends two of his creations, Mother and Father, to start a peaceful, godless colony on the planet Kepler-22b. Their treacherous task is jeopardized by the arrival of the Mithraic, a deeply devout religious order of surviving humans.


Dark Matter

Dark Matter 2015


The six-person crew of a derelict spaceship awakens from stasis in the farthest reaches of space. Their memories wiped clean, they have no recollection of who they are or how they got on board. The only clue to their identities is a cargo bay full of weaponry and a destination: a remote mining colony that is about to become a war zone. With no idea whose side they are on, they face a deadly decision. Will these amnesiacs turn their backs on history, or will their pasts catch up with them?


NieR:Automata Ver1.1a

NieR:Automata Ver1.1a 2023


The distant future, 5012. The sudden aerial invasion of Earth by <Aliens> and their creations <Machine Lifeforms> led mankind to the brink of extinction. The surviving number of humans who took refuge on the moon to organize a counterattack using <android> soldiers to recapture Earth. However, the war reaches a stalemate as the <Machine Lifeforms> continue to multiply infinitely. In turn, humanity deploys anew unit of android soldiers as an ultimate weapon: <YoRHa> Newly dispatched to Earth <2B> joins <9S>, the analyst currently stationed there, where amid their mission, they encounter a myriad of mysterious phenomena... This is the story of these lifeless <androids> and their endless fight for the sake of mankind.


Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss 2017


Located in the center of a remote island, the Abyss is the last unexplored region, a huge and treacherous fathomless hole inhabited by strange creatures where only the bravest adventurers descend in search of ancient relics. In the upper levels of the Abyss, Riko, a girl who dreams of becoming an explorer, stumbles upon a mysterious little boy.



Lexx 1997


A Time Prophet predicted that Kai would be the one to destroy the divine order in the league of the 20,000 planets, someday that will happen, but not today. Today a cowardly security guard, an undead assassin, a female with a body designed for sex and a robot head madly in love with her all make up the crew of the spaceship Lexx, the most powerful weapon in the two universes.


Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon 2007


A terrible and mysterious enemy attacks the small village of Shu and his friend Kluke. The great warrior Zola, followed by Jiro, will help them discover the ability to evoke shadows.


Dragon Ball Z Kai

Dragon Ball Z Kai 2009


Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?


Small Wonder

Small Wonder 1985


When genius cybernetics engineer Ted Lawson brings home his top-secret invention, a Voice Input Child Identicant or V.I.C.I., life becomes anything but mechanical for the Lawson Family. With his boss and his nosy family living next door, Ted, his wife Joan and their son Jamie must pass Vicki off as a real child. It is easy for Joan, who cannot help doting on her like a daughter, but harder for precocious Jamie, who uses Vicki to do his homework and to ward off Harriet, the annoying redheaded girl next door.


The Peripheral

The Peripheral 2022


Stuck in a small Appalachian town, a young woman’s only escape from the daily grind is playing advanced video games. She is such a good player that a company sends her a new video game system to test…but it has a surprise in store. It unlocks all of her dreams of finding a purpose, romance, and glamour in what seems like a game…but it also puts her and her family in real danger.



Extant 2014


An astronaut returns home from a year long solo mission in space. She tries to reconnect with her husband and son in their everyday life. Her experiences in space and home lead to events that ultimately will change the course of human history.



Chobits 2002


Tokyo is abuzz with persocoms – humanoid computers that are virtually perfect. The socially and technologically inept Hideki is dying to get his hands on one. When he finds Chii abandoned in the trash, she’s cuter than any current model he’s ever seen before. But when he gets her home and turns her on, she has no data and only a single learning program installed. While Hideki puts his whole heart into teaching Chii the ins and outs of humanity, a mystery unfolds as a dark secret within her awakens.



PLUTO 2023


When the world's seven most advanced robots and their human allies are murdered one by one, Inspector Gesicht soon discovers that he's also in danger.


Plastic Memories

Plastic Memories 2015


After failing his college entrance exams, 18 year-old Tsukasa Mizugaki is offered a position at the renowned SAI Corporation, known for its production and management of Giftia, androids that possess human emotions. Tsukasa’s position is in the terminal service department where the main job is to recover Giftias that are close to their expiration, a graveyard department in every sense. To make matters worse, Tsukasa is ordered to work with Isla, a female Giftia who is never given any responsibility other than serving tea to co-workers.


Ergo Proxy

Ergo Proxy 2006


In a futuristic world almost barren of life, mankind is confined to mechanized domed cities where A.I.’s control all aspects of life. In this world, humans are no longer born, they are manufactured in a production line; and alongside them live androids known as autoreivs. Within one of these domed sanctuaries named Romdeau lives Re-l Mayer, one of a few citizens who aren’t entirely prevented from thinking. Her grandfather's prominent position and the affection of the scientist Daedalus have left her more free will than is normally allowed, but Re-l has started to question the sanctity of the city and the citizens' perfect way of life. With mysterious beings known as proxies causing havoc and a man named Vincent causing great influence on her life, Re-l must travel outside of the city to find the answers she seeks and discover the mystery behind "the awakening".


Dimension W

Dimension W 2016


Humanity has found a way to achieve infinite energy by using coils to draw it from the fourth plane: dimension "W". With the production of coils having been monopolized by the New Tesla energy company, freelance collectors are hired to find and remove any illegal, unofficial coils. This is the story of collector Kyōma, who also happens to have a huge hatred towards coils. During one of his missions he stumbles upon a female android that perceives herself as being human, leading the two to enter an unlikely partnership.


Almost Human

Almost Human 2013


The year is 2048. By mandate, every cop must partner with a robot. Detective John Kennex returns to work after waking up from a 17-month coma. As he adjusts to working with his new partner, Dorian, a discontinued android with unexpected emotional responses, John also must learn to get along with his new colleagues.


Astro Boy

Astro Boy 1963


In the year 2000, Dr. Boyton creates a super-robot in his deceased son's image. He calls the robot Astro Boy. Astro Boy can swim oceans, leap over mountains, even fly into space on his own power. However, Astro Boy can't replace his son. Dr. Boyton becomes dissatisfied with the boy robot and disowns him. Astro Boy is befriended by Dr. Packadermus J. Elefun of the Institute of Science, who guides him through his adventures. Endowed with super strength, rocket-powered flight, a selfless heart and a kind demeanor, Astro Boy fights a never-ending crusade against the forces of evil!