Noć glupih mrtvaca

Noć glupih mrtvaca 2004


Iako bi njegova djevojka Liz željela malo ozbiljniju vezu, Shaun i dalje živi svojim "stilom". Stan dijeli s ambicioznim Peteom i lijenim Edom, nakon dosadnog posla slobodno vrijeme provodi u omiljenom pubu ispijajući pivo, a kod kuće s njim igra playstation. Uskoro mu se dogodi kap koja prelije čašu, zaboravi na večeru s Liz te ga ona ostavi. Nakon pijane noći Shaun shvati da mora vratiti Liz. Tumarajući mamuran londonskim ulicama u početku ne primjećuje da je grad pun zombija. Nakon što ih zombiji napadnu, Shaun i Ed naprave plan...


U tuđoj koži

U tuđoj koži 2011


Mitch i Dave su od djetinjstva najbolji prijatelji. Danas je Dave prezaposleni odvjetnik, pravi obiteljski čovjek i otac troje djece, a Mitch je sam i još uvijek dječački neodgovoran tip bez obaveza. Za Mitcha, Dave ima sve, suprugu, djecu koja ga obožavaju i odlično plaćen posao. Dave bi pak dao sve za malo mira i život bez stresa kakvog vodi Mitch. Nakon jednog izlaska i pijanke, momci se sljedeće jutro bude svaki u tuđoj koži… i otkrivaju da priželjkivani život onog drugog nije baš onakav kakvog su zamišljali.


Štakori iz trgovačkog centra

Štakori iz trgovačkog centra 1995


Nakon što djevojke prekinu s njima, najbolji prijatelji T. S. i Brodie odlaze u trgovački centar gdje sudjeluju u igri upoznavanja.


Kralj Staten Islanda

Kralj Staten Islanda 2020


Judd Apatow režira ovu komediju o mladiću koji, nakon smrti svog oca, izbjegava bilo kakvu odgovornost.


Luda braća

Luda braća 2008


U filmu "Luda braća", Ferrell glumi Brennana Huffa, povremeno zaposlenog 39-godišnjaka koji živi s majkom Nancy (Mary Steenburgern). Reilly glumi Dalea Dobacka, kronično nezaposlenog 40-godišnjaka koji živi s ocem Robertom (Richard Jenkins). Kad se Robert i Nancy vjenčaju te počnu živjeti zajedno, Brennan i Dale prisiljeni su živjeti jedan s drugim kao polubraća. Dok njihova narcisoidnost i puka agresivna lijenost prijete da će razoriti obitelj, ova dvojica sredovječnih, nezrelih dečki smislit će ludi, razrađeni plan da ponovno spoje svoje roditelje. Da bi im to uspjelo, moraju stvoriti malo vjerojatnu vezu koja će ih možda, ali samo možda, napokon izvući iz kuće.


Svakog gosta tri dana dosta

Svakog gosta tri dana dosta 2006


Najbolji prijatelj tek vjenčanog para, nezaposleni neženja, useli se kod njih, no ostane duže od očekivanog i ubrzo im počne ići na živce.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2005


Four egocentric friends run a neighborhood Irish pub in Philadelphia and try to find their way through the adult world of work and relationships. Unfortunately, their warped views and precarious judgments often lead them to trouble, creating a myriad of uncomfortable situations that usually only get worse before they get better.


Regular Show

Regular Show 2010


The surreal misadventures of two best friends - a blue jay and a raccoon - as they seek to liven up their mundane jobs as groundskeepers at the local park.



Girlboss 2017


Sophia is a rebellious, broke anarchist who refuses to grow up. She stumbles upon her passion of selling vintage clothes online and becomes an unlikely businesswoman. As she builds her retail fashion empire, she realizes the value and the difficulty of being the boss of her own life.


Peep Show

Peep Show 2003


Peep Show follows the lives of two men from their twenties to thirties, Mark Corrigan, who has steady employment for most of the series, and Jeremy "Jez" Usbourne, an unemployed would-be musician.



Impastor 2015


Buddy Dobbs, a slacker on the run from a loan shark, steals a man's identity and ends up posing as a small town's new gay pastor.



Wasted 2016


Four mates waste their twenties in a West Country village. Morpheus, a geeky conspiracy theorist runs a mystical souvenir shop with his unambitious sister, Sarah. His scrounger best friend Kent sleeps on their sofa rent-free, and his secret crush, Alison, runs a new age healing business at the back of the shop. Mixing the misadventures of twenty something life with visually surreal set pieces, it's about the very bad things that really good friends do to each other, when they've been living in each other's pockets since school. 


Dan for Mayor

Dan for Mayor 2010


Dan Phillips is a 30-something bartender who lives and works in the ordinary city of Wessex. Dan's had the same friends since grade school, his most prized possession is a vintage Ms. Pac-Man game and his last serious relationship was with a girl who is now engaged to someone else. His life seems to be firmly on the path to more of the same... until a chance comment suddenly puts him in the running for mayor of Wessex.



Kumbaya! 2015


After getting plastered with absinthe the two slackers Jacob and David find a pizza box on which they deliriously wrote a thesis for a new religion. On the internet solvent followers join their church and soon their Pay Pal account is bursting at the seams. Because of their intensive passion for video games, they hire Eva, who is supposed to manage the pastoral counseling. To make themselves seem reputable in front of the tax authorities and be able to circulate an actual offertory bag, a real church has to be built. Coincidentally Eva just met a carpenter. Seems to be a nice guy. His name is Jesús.