Straight Outta Compton 2015
Rap grupa N.W.A. sredinom 1980-ih svojom sirovom i provokativnom autentičnošću uzdiže se s ulica Comptona i iz temelja mijenja hip-hop kulturu.
Rap grupa N.W.A. sredinom 1980-ih svojom sirovom i provokativnom autentičnošću uzdiže se s ulica Comptona i iz temelja mijenja hip-hop kulturu.
Još od vremena kad je Mike Wazowski bio malo čudovište, sanjao je o tome da postane veliki zastrašivač - i upravo je on taj koji zna da najbolji Zastrašivači dolaze iz Sveučilišta za čudovišta Međutim, tijekom svog prvog semestra na Sveučilištu, Mikeovi planovi padaju u vodu nakon što upozna Jamesa P. Sullivana. „Sullye“ je rođeni Zastrašivač. Zbog njihovog pretjerano natjecateljskog duha koji izmakne svakoj kontroli obojica budu izbačeni iz elitnog programa za prave Zastrašivače. Da stvari budu gore, obojica shvate da će morati raditi zajedno, skupa s ogromnom grupom ostalih „običnih“ čudovišta, kako bi pokušali ispraviti ono što su skoro uništili.
Ova adaptacija brodvejske predstave otvara se zračnom perspektivom Manhattana. Upoznajemo dvije suparničke ulične bande: Jetse, drugu generaciju američkih tinejdžera i Sharkse, portorikanske imigrante. Kad rat između Jetsa i Sharksa dosegne vrhunac, vođa Jetsa, Riff (Russ Tamblyn), odlučuje izazvati Sharkse na posljednju borbu. Pristaje se sastati sa vođom Sharksa, Bernardom (George Chakiris), na ratnom vijeću koje će se održati na školskom plesu. Kako bi bio uvjerljiviji, Riff sa sobom dovodi svog starog prijatelja Tonyja (Richard Beymer). No Tony se zaljubio u Barnardovu sestru Mariju (Natalie Wood). Njihova će ljubavna priča, poput one Romea i Julije, završiti tragično.
U Cloverdaleu u Massachusettsu živi optometrist Steve Finch (MATTHEW BRODERICK), koji smatra da nema tog doba u godini koje se može usporediti s božićnim. Mnogo je godina provodio niz toplih i lijepih tradicija koje njegov obitelj - njegova žena Kelly (KRISTIN DAVIS), kći Madison (ALIA SHAWKAT) i sin Carter (DYLAN BLUE) – više ne mogu podnijeti. Unatoč prosvjedima iscrpljene obitelji, sjajno organizirani Steve popunio je kalendar u prosincu davežom - od godišnjega fotografiranja do rituala „ubiranja plodova“ pa sve do pjevanja božićnih pjesama. Odredio je i vrijeme za kupnju, „razmišljanje“ i zimski karneval, koji Steve veselo nadgleda. Ali Steveov Božić najednom je uništen kada se ljigavi prodavač automobila Buddy Hall (DANNY DeVITO) useli u susjednu kuću i Steve se počne natjecati s njime. Buddy uskoro počinje minirati Stevea i njegova reputacija "Kralja Božića" slabi kada Buddy odluči osvijetliti svoju novu kuću s toliko svjetala da bude vidljiva s ceste.
Anthology series of famous feuds with the first season based on the legendary rivalry between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford which began early on their careers, climaxed on the set of "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" and evolved into an Oscar vendetta.
It’s the true American story of a legendary family feud—one that spanned decades and nearly launched a war between Kentucky and West Virginia. The Hatfield-McCoy saga begins with Devil Anse Hatfield and Randall McCoy.. Close friends and comrades until near the end of the Civil War, they return to their neighboring homes—Hatfield in West Virginia, McCoy just across the Tug River border in Kentucky—to increasing tensions, misunderstandings and resentments that soon explode into all-out warfare between their families. As hostilities grow, friends, neighbors and outside forces join the fight, bringing the two states to the brink of another civil war.
Meet George Jetson and his quirky family: wife Jane, son Elroy and daughter Judy. Living in the automated, push-button world of the future hasn't made life any easier for the harried husband and father, who gets into one comical misadventure after another!
Starting on the day a long, dormant feud between two local families is brutally reignited, this continuing drama is based around a busy Dublin Garda station. On one side, the Hennessys, a local dynasty, whose name is above half the businesses in town. On the other side, the Kielys, who have turned petty crime into a cottage industry. Charting the life and dramas of a community about to be enveloped by a feud, through the eyes of those who police it, each episode will be a mix of 'crime of the week' stories and on-going serial arcs, following principle characters in both their professional and personal lives. A powerful and moving drama, Red Rock is a contemporary western, set in the shadow of Ireland's 'gold rush'.
Fun adventures await in the forest named Porong Porong Village where Pororo and friends live. New friends show up in the village and many exciting things happen in the forest. Our playful little gentoo penguin Pororo, naughty spinosaurus Crong, sweet and lovely American beaver Loopy, cheerful and sporty Adélie penguin girl Petty, clever fennec fox Eddy, strong minikaniko Rody, trustworthy polar bear Poby, happy-go-lucky hummingbird Harry, magical dragon wizard Tong-Tong, and a red sedan car Tu-Tu live in this snow-covered wonderland.
An Elvis impersonator's conspiracy theory sets off a feud that spirals into an attempted presidential assassination.
Never the Twain is a British sitcom that ran for eleven series from 7 September 1981 to 9 October 1991. It was created by Johnnie Mortimer, and was the only sitcom he ever created without his usual writing partner, Brian Cooke. Mortimer wrote the entirety of the first two series and four episodes out of six of the eighth, with the rest being mainly written by Vince Powell and John Kane. It starred Windsor Davies and Donald Sinden as rival antique dealers, and also starred Derek Deadman, Zara Nutley, Robin Kermode, Tacy Kneale, Julia Watson, Honor Blackman, Teddy Turner and Maria Charles. The title is taken from the Rudyard Kipling poem; The Ballad of East and West.
Sicily 1812: the first liberal constitution shall put an end to the privileges of the feudal lords. Luca Corbara, sent by the Minister of Finance to control the landed properties, begins to suspect that the current Carini feud is made up of lands usurped more than two centuries before by the lover of the killed Baroness.