Malcolm Arnold Deep Purple: Concerto for Group and Orchestra Malcolm Arnold at 70 Toward the Unknown Region: Malcolm Arnold - A Story of Survival Nine Hours to Rama Most na rijeci Kwai The Belles of St. Trinian's Coupe des Alpes: The Story of the 1958 Alpine Rally Trapeze Suddenly, Last Summer Wicked as They Come Stolen Face The Chalk Garden Your Witness The Angry Silence I Am a Camera The Sleeping Tiger The Roots of Heaven Four Sided Triangle Wings of Danger The Making of 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' David Copperfield Value for Money 36 Hours No Highway in the Sky The Constant Husband The Lion The Captain's Paradise Whistle Down the Wind The Bridge on the River Kwai: An Appreciation by Filmmaker John Milius The Rise and Fall of a Jungle Giant Hobson's Choice It Started in Paradise Britannia Mews Man of Africa Na milost i nemilost moru 1984 Devil on Horseback Tunes of Glory Dollars and Sense The Lion The Heroes of Telemark The Key The Deep Blue Sea The Holly and the Ivy The Ringer Home at Seven Divertimento The Reckoning A Prize of Gold The Thin Red Line Beautiful Stranger Queen o’ the Border The Inn of the Sixth Happiness The Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's Dunkirk Blue Murder at St. Trinian's Mining Review Mining Review The Sound Barrier Blind Date A Hill in Korea Curtain Up Island in the Sun Island in the Sun The Island Copenhagen: 'City of Towers' Solomon and Sheba The Inspector The Inspector The Night My Number Came Up The Boy and the Bridge The Boy and the Bridge Powered Flight: The Story of the Century Deep Purple: Concerto for Group and Orchestra On the Fiddle