Liam Kiernan Science Friction Science Friction Science Friction Kȏd 8, Drugi dio Science Friction He's Out There Song of Granite Posljednji slučaj gospodina Monka Tajno društvo drugorođenih kraljeva Zoe Cijena straha Short Circuit 2 Perfect Witness The January Man The Mighty Sea of Love Povratak čovjeka od šest milijuna dolara i bioničke žene Divided Loyalties Renegades Mark Twain and Me Blown Away Devlin I Love a Man in Uniform Deceived Death Race Woo Đavolji odvjetnik Preboli me Dan poslije sutra Darkman II: The Return of Durant The Reagans X-Men The Fountain The Possession of Michael D. Trial by Jury Double Take U tuđoj koži Brooklyn Simon Birch Family of Cops Iron Eagle IV The Greatest Game Ever Played Vidimo se sljedećeg Božića Ono: Drugo poglavlje Land of the Dead Love, of Course