Rogue Shark 2021
A series of shark attacks that happened in the same patch of ocean, the remote islands of the Whitsunday in Australia.
A series of shark attacks that happened in the same patch of ocean, the remote islands of the Whitsunday in Australia.
There is a beach in Costa Rica that challenges what we think we know about big cats. Americas largest cat, the jaguar, is hunting an unusual prey; sea turtles.
Hippos and crocs have lived side by side for millennia, but are they cozy bedfellows or arch-enemies? One is a hefty herbivore, the other is the most successful freshwater predator on the planet, so how do they manage to survive together in the same habitat? They each have a unique arsenal of attributes honed by centuries of evolution; muscle power, bite force and ferocious dentition give them the edge in their environment. But once a year, their peaceful semi-aquatic existence turns into a battle for survival.
Previous attempts to find the giant squid have largely failed. Armed with state-of-the-art cameras and some new theories, a scientific team encounter some of the most unbelievable scenes nature has to offer and finally shine a light on this elusive creature.
Enter the harsh and unforgiving Kalahari and follow a lion pride attempt to save their threatened bloodline.
The saltwater crocodile , the largest reptile there dominates the rivers and estuaries of northern Australia . It is an example of adaptability and strength, success and longevity. Year after year adapting to their harsh environment and he faces every challenge reaffirming his reign in its territory.
In 2009, the underwater world around the Central Polynesian Sporades in the eastern Pacific was intact. But a few years later, the corals died massively. Now they have recovered.
David Attenborough narrates the intimate story of a leopard mother and her two cubs. This very special family must survive in the wilds of Botswana alongside some less-than-friendly neighbours: lions, wild dogs and hyenas. The competition for food is tough, and if they are going to make it they must learn a new skill - they must learn to fish. This is an epic family drama. With them every step of the way is local cameraman Brad Bestelink. Brad's 18-month journey following the lives of these secretive big cats offers a rare glimpse into an otherwise hidden world
Most people in the world who know a domestic cat understand the wild look in their pet's eye. This film looks at those thinly veiled behaviors between domestic cats and their wild cousins and ancestors, specifically to draw those parallels and to explain to 'owners' what they are seeing when they watch their cat. There are scenes of cats leaping, landing, running up trees like leopards and all the behaviors we are used to seeing in domestic cats, but drawn exactly from their wild equivalent
Big-cat expert Boone Smith tracks pumas in Patagonia, but the tables are turned when a big cat starts to stalk him.
Iran's Wild Side offers a rare look into Iran 's wondrous wildlife and nature. This documentary features the marvels of this little-known land, nested in the Middle East . From the hot arid deserts and their shifting sands, to the breath-taking snow-capped mountains and their unique inhabitants, and to the lush greenery of mangroves and their unusual creatures, Iran is a land cloaked in mystery and extremes
In the far reaches of the North, wolf and bear come head to head. Winter has been long. The melting ice reveal scattered carcasses in the Swamp: a feast worth fighting for. The bears must fatten up before Winter comes again, the wolves must strengthen their pack. The Swamp has been their battleground for decades, who will rule the North?
Rare cats of prey such as the manul, the black panther or the snow leopard have unique abilities and adaptations that ensure their survival in a wide variety of environments.