Shree Ganesh

Shree Ganesh 1962


After giving birth to Bhagwan Shri Kartiyeke, Devi Maa Parvati forms a child-human image from clay, adopts him, and asks him to guard the house and not let anyone in while she bathes. The child refuses to let anyone in, including Bhagwan Shivji himself, who beheads him. When a tearful Parvatiji pleads, Shivji brings the child back to life with the head of an elephant, and names him Gajanand, and assures him that no one will make fun of him.


Char Dervesh

Char Dervesh 1964


Khamer Bhakt is a handsome young man, who lives with only motive in mind - trouble. And he does negatively effect lives of his two brothers, Karim and Rahim, as well as others in the community. One day he ventures into the private chambers of the Shehzadi Nargis Banu, and incurs the wrath of the palace king and his guards. and fulfill her every wish, or else he will be cursed for life. The palace and it's people are overjoyed to see Hamida back, and arrangements are made for Nargis to get married to Khamer. Khamer now realizes that if he marries Nargis, he will be cursed; and if he marries Hamida, then he will break his vow to Nargis, and so the ultimate choice is on Khamer, as he has to decide what is best for him.