Anna dai capelli rossi 1985
Anna dai capelli rossi è l'adattamento dell'omonimo romanzo per ragazzi della scrittrice canadese Lucy Maud Montgomery, che ha attinto a piene mani dai ricordi della propria infanzia per la stesura del libro.
Anna dai capelli rossi è l'adattamento dell'omonimo romanzo per ragazzi della scrittrice canadese Lucy Maud Montgomery, che ha attinto a piene mani dai ricordi della propria infanzia per la stesura del libro.
Flynn Carsen lavora come bibliotecario presso la New York Metropolitan Library quando un giorno viene in possesso di un'antica pergamena egiziana: la mappa segreta delle miniere di re Salomone, dove teneva le sue tante ricchezze. La pergamena gli viene rubata e per recuperarla si lancia in una pericolosissima avventura nelle pianure dell'Africa.
Alla vigilia del nuovo anno il Poseidon, la piú lussuosa nave da crociera mai realizzata, salpa alla volta di Atene con a bordo importantissimi uomini del mondo della politica e degli affari. Ma tra l'equipaggio si nasconde un pericoloso terrorista disposto a tutto pur di mandare il suo sanguinoso messaggio all'occidente. In una folle corsa verso il porto piú vicino l'ordigno esplode e la nave si ribalta lasciando i pochi supertesti in balia di mari tempestosi e sotto la guida del coraggioso padre Schmitt...
La storia riprende dal punto in cui era stata lasciata dal film Anna dai capelli rossi. Anne Shirley l'orfana che tanti anni prima era stata accolta a Green Gables dai due fratelli Cuthbert, è ormai cresciuta e a 18 anni, dopo la morte di Matthew, ha deciso di rimanere accanto a Marilla, la sua madre adottiva, rinunciando a proseguire gli studi. Ora Anne è l'insegnante presso la scuola di Avonlea e Gilbert Blythe, una volta suo rivale dopo una offesa subita, ora la corteggia molto discretamente.
Rinchiuso in carcere ingiustamente, Edmond Dantes riesce a evadere e mettersi alla caccia di quelli che lo hanno tradito.
La vita di Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, detto Carlos, un terrorista marxista e mercenario venezuelano, dai primi attentati nel 1973 fino al suo arresto nel 1994.
Il re Hamil e sua moglie non riescono ad avere figli ma, grazie alla magia di Gamesh, il mago bambino, riusciranno ad averne uno. Il grande stregone Epos, arrabbiato con l'apprendista, si intromette e quindi il re si ritrova ad essere padre di una bambina, Mirabella, che in realtà è figlia della contadina Sariba, mentre suo figlio viene fatto crescere nella casa dei due contadini con un altro fratello. Né Gamesh né Epos sanno però chi dei due bambini, Leonardo ed Ademarco, sia il vero figlio del re...
Il detective della Polizia di New York, Jennifer Riley, in seguito all'arresto della sorella Lauren, fa ritorno a Thornwood Heights, città in cui è cresciuta e in cui viene ancora considerata colpevole della scomparsa della sua amica di infanzia.
In un regno incantato vive Desideria, figlia del Re del Drago. Un giorno il padre porta al castello una bimba ancora in fasce, Selvaggia, che crescerà insieme alla sorella. Selvaggia è in realtà la figlia del Mago delle Tenebre, il quale, trasformato in lupo da un incantesimo della Fata del Lago, ha introdotto Selvaggia nella corte del Re per impadronirsi del prezioso anello del drago, che potrà restituire al mago sembianze umane....
When a 13-year-old is accused of the murder of a classmate, his family, therapist and the detective in charge are all left asking: what really happened?
BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!☆PICO, or simply GARUPA☆PICO, is a mini-anime series featuring the characters from the smartphone game Girls Band Party!
When a plague of unprecedented virulence sweeps the globe, the human race is all but wiped out. In the aftermath, as the great machine of civilization slowly and inexorably breaks down, only a few shattered survivors remain to struggle against the slide into extinction.
A Midwestern couple adopts who they believe to be a little girl with dwarfism but gradually started to believe she may not be who she said she was.
An anthology series based on the works of Stephen King.
A two-part documentary that aims to explore the many incarnations of Solo Leveling, from its creation to the worldwide premiere events for the anime adaptation.
Manami suddenly encounters mass murder at a pub on her 22nd birthday as she is hunted down by two warring vampire clans, the Draculas and the Corvins. Manami is a child of prophecy who is meant to help the Draculas overcome their Corvin enemies who have driven them underground. Meanwhile, droves of young men and women are gathered at the Hotel Requiem by a Corvin named Yamada who informs them that the world is about to end, with this hotel being the only refuge.
When Tony Stark branches his company into Japan, he is opposed by the nefarious Zodiac organization. It's up to Stark's Iron Man to defeat the Zodiac, and defend Japan.
Born in a distant future, MIRU, a weaponless robot, travels across time to support people from different eras. MIRU meets individuals from different times and places, people who, despite their struggles, live their lives with determination. Through their encounters with MIRU, people take small yet meaningful steps forward. These steps, like the "Butterfly Effect," create waves of change, moving toward a brighter future.
Jack the Ripper is a 1988 two-part television film/miniseries portraying a fictionalized account of the hunt for Jack the Ripper, the unidentified serial killer responsible for the Whitechapel murders of 1888. The series coincided with the 100th anniversary of the murders.
Daonuea had a crush on Khabkluen in high school and confessed his feelings on his last day at the school. However, he was gently rejected. Now starting University, Daonuea discovers that one of his dormmates is none other than Khabkluen. What will happen when you stop loving someone but they begin loving you?
As a championship game looms, eight characters are thrown a curveball in their off-the-field lives.
A former U.S. President is called out of retirement to find the source of a deadly cyberattack, only to discover a vast web of lies and conspiracies.
Follow six New Yorkers whose lives intersect amidst the AIDS crisis and the rapidly changing socio-political climate of 1985.
Spanning decades, a powerful Italian crime family battles internal strife when a ruthless grandson seeks control after a violent wedding sparks unintended chaos, testing loyalties as lines blur between family and criminal enterprise. Best selling author of Mario 'The Godfather' Puzo's blockbuster new novel comes to life in this epic saga of America's most powerful crime family.
The personal and political struggles, setbacks and triumphs of a diverse family of LGBT men and women who helped pioneer one of the last legs of the U.S. Civil Rights movement from its turbulent infancy in the 20th century to the once unfathomable successes of today. The period piece tells the history of the gay rights movement, starting with the Stonewall Riots in 1969.
Known for catching criminals, famed reporter Ema Garay faces a dilemma when the suspect in a teen's disappearance turns out to be someone close to her.
Follow the Dutton family as they embark on a journey west through the Great Plains toward the last bastion of untamed America. A stark retelling of Western expansion, and an intense study of one family fleeing poverty to seek a better future in America’s promised land — Montana.
With the city in peril following the seawall's collapse, Oswald "Oz" Cobb seeks to fill the power vacuum left by the death of Carmine Falcone and finally give his mother Francis the life he's always promised. But first, Oz must confront his enemies and his own demoralizing reputation as "the Penguin."
Melbourne 1996. The Golden Age of Australian swimming is beginning and a scholarship to an exclusive boys school brings 16-year-old Danny Kelly one step closer to his ultimate goal - winning Olympic gold. Initially, Danny struggles to find his place in the prestigious social circles of the private boys school. However under the charge of highly regarded coach Frank Torma and a friendship/rivalry with teammate Martin Taylor, Danny is soon on track to become Australia’s youngest swimming champion, the unstoppable 'Barracuda'.